Fish 'n' More 2
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Text File
301 lines
Power LOGO
Release 1.0
Copyright 1990
by Gary Teachout
This is a categorized list of the Power LOGO primitives. See the file
"LOGO-User-Guide" for more complete descriptions.
+ , sum Addition.
- , difference Subtraction.
* , product Multiplication.
/ , quotient division.
+- , negate Output -number.
> Output true if first number is more than all others.
< Output true if first number is less than all others.
>= Output true if first number is more than or equal.
<= Output true if first number is less than or equal.
=0 Output true if all numbers are equal to zero.
<0 Output true if all numbers are less than zero.
>0 Output true if all numbers are more than zero.
= , equalp Output true if objects are identical.
abs Output absolute value.
atan Output angle of tangent.
cos Output cosine of angle.
degrees Interpret angles as degrees.
frac Output fractional portion of number.
int Output integer portion of number.
log Output logarithm.
numberp Output true if object is a number.
power Exponentiation.
radians Interpret angles as radians.
rand Output random fraction from zero to less than one.
random Output random integer from zero to less than number.
remainder Output remander after devision.
round Output number rounded to nearest integer.
seedrand Reseed random number generator.
sin Output sine of angle.
sqrt Output square root of number.
tan Output tangent of angle.
Command window:
cleartext Blank the command window.
cursor Output position-list of command window text cursor.
linep Output true if line queue is not empty.
precision Sets or outputs precision used by print, etc.
pen Output the windows pen number.
print, pr Print object to command window.
printout, po Print names and their bindings to command window.
readlist, rl Output list typed at keybord.
setcursor Set command window text cursor position.
setdrmode Set draw mode.
setfont Set the text font.
setpen Set the pen to number.
setstyle Set the text render style.
show Print object to command window.
type Print object to command window.
getclose Output window-pointer to window to be closed.
getmenu Output menu event.
getmouse Output mouse event.
readchar, rc Output char-word typed at keybord.
whenchar Set demon to run when key stroke is detected.
whenclose Set demon to run when window-close is detected.
whenmenu Set demon to run when menu item is selected.
whenmouse Set demon to run when mouse-button is pressed.
asave Append names and their bindings to end of file.
close Close files.
filelist Output list of pointers to all open files.
filerequest Output file path name selected from file requester.
fprint Print object to file.
fprintout Print names and their bindings file.
freadlist Output list read from file.
fshow Print object to file.
ftype Print object to file.
load Load file.
open Create or open file to be written.
openold Open existing file to be read or written.
precision Sets or outputs precision used by print, etc.
save Save names and their bindings to file.
seekend Move to end of file.
seekstart Move to start of file.
Flow of control:
catch Set trap for errors or throw.
conditional, cond Execute run-list following first true predicate.
doscommand Run list as AmigaDOS command.
dowhile Execute run-list while predicate-list is true.
error Output error info list.
if If predicate is true, execute first run-list.
output, op Exit procedure return object.
poerror Print out error message.
quit Exit LOGO return to WorkBench or CLI.
repeat Execute run-list some number of times.
run Execute run-list.
sleep Wait for an event.
stop Exit procedure.
throw Escape to matching catch.
toplevel Exit program return to top level.
wait Pause for some number of seconds.
whenchar Set demon to run when key stroke is detected.
whenclose Set demon to run when window-close is detected.
whenmenu Set demon to run when menu item is selected.
whenmouse Set demon to run when mouse-button is pressed.
while While predicate-list is true execute run-list.
closescreen Close graphics screens.
closewindow Close graphics windows.
copyrect Copy a region from a window to a window.
draw Draw line.
floodol Flood fill to outline.
intuition Modify screens, windows, and menus.
loadimage Load a window from an IFF ILBM file.
move Move the graphics cursor.
openscreen Open custom graphics screen, output screen-pointer.
openwindow Open custom graphics window, output window-pointer.
pen Output the windows pen number.
readpixel Output pen number of pixel.
rectfill Fill rectangle.
rgb Output color list.
saveimage Save a window to an IFF ILBM file.
screenlist Output list of pointers to all open screens.
setafpt Set area fill pattern.
setdrmode Set draw mode.
setfont Set the text font.
setlinept Set line pattern.
setpen Set the pen to number.
setrgb Set a screens color register.
setstyle Set the text render style.
text Print text to a window.
windowlist Output list of pointers to all open windows.
writepixel Set to the pen color.
Input output:
asave Append names and their bindings to end of file.
cleartext Blank the command window.
close Close files.
cursor Output position-list of command window text cursor.
filelist Output list of pointers to all open files.
filerequest Output file path name selected from file requester.
fprint Print object to file.
fprintout Print names and their bindings file.
freadlist Output list read from file.
fshow Print object to file.
ftype Print object to file.
getclose Output window-pointer to window to be closed.
getmenu Output menu event.
getmouse Output mouse event.
load Load file.
mouse Output mouse status.
open Create or open file to be written.
openold Open existing file to be read or written.
precision Sets or outputs precision used by print, etc.
print, pr Print object to command window.
printout, po Print names and their bindings to command window.
readchar, rc Output char-word typed at keybord.
readlist, rl Output list typed at keybord.
save Save names and their bindings to file.
seekend Move to end of file.
seekstart Move to start of file.
setcursor Set command window text cursor position.
setmenu Attach a menu strip to the window.
show Print object to command window.
stick Output joystick status.
type Print object to command window.
and Output true if all inputs are true.
exor Output true if one input is true and one is false.
not Output true if input is false.
or Output true if any inputs are true.
doscommand Run list as AmigaDOS command.
peek Output contents of address.
poke Write number to address.
psum Output pointer sum of numbers and address
recycle Recycle memory and free any unused blocks.
seconds Output system time in seconds.
system Control memory, libraries, and demons.
> Output true if first number is more than all others.
< Output true if first number is less than all others.
>= Output true if first number is more than or equal.
<= Output true if first number is less than or equal.
=0 Output true if all numbers are equal to zero.
<0 Output true if all numbers are less than zero.
>0 Output true if all numbers are more than zero.
alphap Output true if words are in alphabetical order.
and Output true if all inputs are true.
buriedp Output true if word is a buried name.
closep Output true if window-close queue is not empty.
emptyp Output true if object is the empty list or word.
eqp Output true if all inputs refer to the same object.
equalp, = Output true if objects are identical.
exor Output true if one input is true and one is false.
keyp Output true if character queue is not empty.
linep Output true if line queue is not empty.
listp Output true if object is a list.
memberp Output true if second object contains first object.
menup Output true if menu queue is not empty.
mousep Output true if mouse-button queue is not empty.
namep Output true if word is a name with a value.
not Output true if input is false.
numberp Output true if object is a number.
or Output true if any inputs are true.
pointerp Output true if object is a pointer.
primitivep Output true if word is a primitive.
procedurep Output true if word is a procedure.
wordp Output true if object is a word.
getprop, gprop Output property of name.
putprop, pprop Assign object to property of name.
remprop Remove property from name.
Turtle Graphics:
activelist Output list of active turtles.
back, bk Move turtle backward.
clean Blank turtle windows.
closeturtle Close turtle.
dot Write pixel at turtles position.
downp Output true if turtles pen is down.
forward, fd Move turtle forward.
heading Output turtles heading.
home Move turtle to (0,0) set heading 0.
left, lt Rotate turtle left.
openturtle Open a turtle, output turtle-pointer.
pd Pen down.
pu Pen up.
right, rt Rotate turtle right.
seth Set heading.
settdm Set turtle draw mode.
settlp Set turtle line pattern.
settpn Set turtle pen number.
settpos Set turtle position.
tell Make these the active turtles.
toward Output heading to point turtle toward position.
tpen Output the turtles pen number.
tpos Output the turtles position.
turtlelist Output list of all open turtles.
turtleoff Deactivate turtles.
turtleon Activate turtles.
twpos Turtles window position.
window Allow turtle to cross edge of window.
wrap Make turtle wrap around at edge of window.
wtpos Windows turtle position.
buriedp Output true if word is a buried name.
bury Hide and protect names.
burylist Output list of names that are buried.
erase Remove bindings of names.
getprop, gprop Output property of name.
make Bind object to name.
namelist Output list of names in use.
namep Output true if word is a name with a value.
new Remove bindings of all names.
putprop, pprop Assign object to property of name.
primitivep Output true if word is a primitive.
procedurep Output true if word is a procedure.
remprop Remove property from name.
thing Output object bound to name.
unbury Make names accessable.
Words and lists:
alphap Output true if words are in alphabetical order.
ascii Output ASCII number of character.
butfirst, bf Output object with first item removed.
butlast, bl Output object with last item removed.
char Output word containing numbered ASCII character.
count Output number of items in object.
emptyp Output true if object is the empty list or word.
eqp Output true if all inputs refer to the same object.
equalp, = Output true if objects are identical.
first Output first item of object.
firstput, fput Add to front of object.
item Output numbered item from object.
items Output numbered items from object.
last Output last item of object.
list Output list made up of input objects.
listp Output true if object is a list.
lastput, lput Add to end of object.
memberp Output true if second object contains first object.
namep Output true if word is a name with a value.
numberp Output true if object is a number.
pointerp Output true if object is a pointer.
repitem Replace numbered item of list with object.
represt Replace rest of list after numbered item with object.
restof Output rest of object following numbered item.
sentence, se Output list of input objects.
word Output word made up of input words.
wordp Output true if object is a word.