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compiler/utilities compiler/utilities
compiler/UTILITIES compiler/UTILITIES
This is an overview of DICE utilities, please refer to individual
manual pages for more information
<wildcard> support exists for many commands. This is an unanchored
search and things like: fubar/#?/#? WILL WORK.
dobj objfile_or_library [-o outfile]
DOBJ disassembles object files and libraries. There are no limitations
to object or library file size.
cat <wildcard>
CAT types out one or more files as specified by the wildcard. Startup
is a bit slower than TYPE due to the directory scan.
expand <wildcard>
expand <fmt> <wildcard> ...
EXPAND generates a list of files, one per line, using the specified
<fmt> string (default "%s"). This allows you to generate repetetive
command sequences on a large number of files efficiently.
1> expand #?
1> expand "fubar %s" #?
If you wish to specify more than one wildcard you MUST supply a
format. For example:
1> expand %s #?.c ram:#?
libtos amiga.lib amigas.lib
LIBTOS converts a large-data-model AMIGA.LIB into a small-data-model
AMIGAS.LIB ... source is included in the LIB directory allowing
modification to convert other libraries.
A small-data model AMIGAS.LIB allows DICE to generate residentable
makeproto -o outfile file1 file2 ... fileN
MAKEPROTO is a cute utility to create a prototype file given a set
of source files in a clean fashion, without relying on crazy compiler
The idea is to create a DEFS.H file that all your source files include
with all the stuff you normally stick in such a file plus the following
#define Prototype extern
#define Local static /* or as nothing at all */
Each file prototypes functions declared in that file, for example:
Prototype int x;
Prototype void FuBar(int);
int x;
/* etc... */
You then create a PROTOS.H file by running MAKEPROTO on all source
files. This file should be #include'd by DEFS.H . MAKEPROTO simply
extracts all lines beginning with 'Prototype' into the specified
output file.
dsearch "string" <wildcard>
Searches for the specified string in the specified files. Quite fast.
Search is case insensitive.
head <wildcard>
Prints the first 10 lines of each specified file.
wc <wildcard>
counts characters, words, and lines in each specified file and
prints a total at the very end.
dupdate <files and options>
used to create distributions, in general copies some source tree
to some destination tree, but only necessary files to bring the
destination up to par. Has other features.
autorefs outfile <wildcard>
Used to generate DME.REFS files from .H files, AUTODOC files, and
other manual pages.
'outfile' is always appended to so if you are re-generating a
refs file you should first delete it. files in <wildcard> are
scanned, with .H recognized as header files and others as
document files.
du path
DU stands for DISK-USAGE, and reports the aproximate number of
blocks in a directory tree. It tries to figure out the number
of blocks files actually take up by adding a fudge factor for
side sectors, and it's pretty close, but not perfect.