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* render.c
* from DKBTrace (c) 1990 David Buck
* This module implements the main raytracing loop.
* This software is freely distributable. The source and/or object code may be
* copied or uploaded to communications services so long as this notice remains
* at the top of each file. If any changes are made to the program, you must
* clearly indicate in the documentation and in the programs startup message
* who it was who made the changes. The documentation should also describe what
* those changes were. This software may not be included in whole or in
* part into any commercial package without the express written consent of the
* author. It may, however, be included in other public domain or freely
* distributed software so long as the proper credit for the software is given.
* This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty. Although
* the author has attempted to find and correct any bugs in the software, he
* is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the software. The
* author is under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades
* to this package.
* Despite all the legal stuff above, if you do find bugs, I would like to hear
* about them. Also, if you have any comments or questions, you may contact me
* at the following address:
* David Buck
* 22C Sonnet Cres.
* Nepean Ontario
* Canada, K2H 8W7
* I can also be reached on the following bulleton boards:
* ATX (613) 526-4141
* OMX (613) 731-3419
* Mystic (613) 731-0088 or (613) 731-6698
* Fidonet: 1:163/109.9
* Internet: David_Buck@Carleton.CA
* IBM Port by Aaron A. Collins. Aaron may be reached on the following BBS'es:
* Lattice BBS (708) 916-1200
* The Information Exchange BBS (708) 945-5575
* Stillwaters BBS (708) 403-2826
#include "frame.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "dkbproto.h"
extern FILE *bfp;
extern char Output_File_Name[30];
extern int File_Buffer_Size;
extern unsigned long Options;
extern int Quality;
volatile int Stop_Flag;
extern int First_Line, Last_Line;
extern long Number_Of_Pixels, Number_Of_Rays, Number_Of_Pixels_Supersampled;
extern short *hashTable;
extern unsigned short crctab[256];
#define rand3d(a,b) crctab[(int)(hashTable[(int)(hashTable[(int)((a)&0xfff)]^(b))&0xfff])&0xff]
FRAME Frame;
RAY *VP_Ray;
int Trace_Level;
void Create_Ray (ray, width, height, x, y)
RAY *ray;
int width, height;
DBL x, y;
register DBL X_Scalar, Y_Scalar;
VECTOR Temp_Vect_1, Temp_Vect_2;
/* Convert the X Coordinate to be a DBL from 0.0 to 1.0 */
X_Scalar = (x - (DBL) width / 2.0) / (DBL) width;
/* Convert the Y Coordinate to be a DBL from 0.0 to 1.0 */
Y_Scalar = (( (DBL)(Frame.Screen_Height - 1) - y) -
(DBL) height / 2.0) / (DBL) height;
VScale (Temp_Vect_1, Frame.View_Point.Up, Y_Scalar);
VScale (Temp_Vect_2, Frame.View_Point.Right, X_Scalar);
VAdd (ray->Direction, Temp_Vect_1, Temp_Vect_2);
VAdd (ray->Direction, ray->Direction, Frame.View_Point.Direction);
VNormalize (ray->Direction, ray->Direction);
Initialize_Ray_Containers (ray);
ray->Quadric_Constants_Cached = FALSE;
void Write_Line (Line, y)
int y;
char Red, Green, Blue, temp[2];
register int x;
if (!(Options & TARGA)) /* Write out line in DKB/QRT RAW format */
temp[0] = y % 256;
putc (temp[0], bfp);
temp[0] = y / 256;
putc (temp[0], bfp);
for (x = 0 ; x < Frame.Screen_Width ; x++) {
Red = (char) floor (Line[x].Red * 255.0);
putc (Red, bfp);
for (x = 0 ; x < Frame.Screen_Width ; x++) {
Green = (char) floor (Line[x].Green * 255.0);
putc (Green, bfp);
for (x = 0 ; x < Frame.Screen_Width ; x++) {
Blue = (char) floor (Line[x].Blue * 255.0);
putc (Blue, bfp);
else /* write out TrueVision Targa 24 format file */
for (x = 0; x < Frame.Screen_Width; x++) {
putc((char) floor (Line[x].Blue * 255.0), bfp);
putc((char) floor (Line[x].Green * 255.0), bfp);
putc((char) floor (Line[x].Red * 255.0), bfp);
if (File_Buffer_Size == 0) {
fflush(bfp); /* close and reopen file for */
bfp = freopen(Output_File_Name, "ab", bfp); /* integrity in case we crash*/
void Supersample (result, x, y, Width, Height)
COLOUR *result;
int x, y, Width, Height;
COLOUR colour;
register DBL dx, dy, Jitter_X, Jitter_Y;
dx = (DBL) x;
dy = (DBL) y;
Make_Colour (result, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height,
dx + Jitter_X, dy + Jitter_Y);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X - 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y - 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X - 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X - 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y + 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X,
dy + Jitter_Y - 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X,
dy + Jitter_Y + 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X + 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y - 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X + 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
Jitter_X = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Jitter_Y = (rand3d(x, y) & 0x7FFF) / 32768.0 * 0.33333333 - 0.16666666;
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Width, Height, dx + Jitter_X + 0.3333333,
dy + Jitter_Y + 0.3333333);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (VP_Ray, &colour);
Clip_Colour (&colour, &colour);
Scale_Colour (&colour, &colour, 0.11111111);
Add_Colour (result, result, &colour);
void Start_Tracing ()
COLOUR Colour;
RAY Ray;
register int x, y, i, SuperSampleCount;
char Red, Green, Blue, Antialias_Center_Flag;
COLOUR *Previous_Line, *Current_Line, *Temp_Colour_Ptr;
char *Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags, *Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags,
if (Options & VERBOSE) {
fflush (stdout);
VP_Ray = &Ray;
Previous_Line = (COLOUR *) malloc (sizeof (COLOUR)*(Frame.Screen_Width + 1));
Current_Line = (COLOUR *) malloc (sizeof (COLOUR)*(Frame.Screen_Width + 1));
for (i = 0 ; i <= Frame.Screen_Width ; i++) {
Previous_Line[i].Red = 0.0;
Previous_Line[i].Green = 0.0;
Previous_Line[i].Blue = 0.0;
Current_Line[i].Red = 0.0;
Current_Line[i].Green = 0.0;
Current_Line[i].Blue = 0.0;
if (Options & ANTIALIAS) {
Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags =
(char *) malloc (sizeof (char)*(Frame.Screen_Width + 1));
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags =
(char *) malloc (sizeof (char)*(Frame.Screen_Width + 1));
for (i = 0 ; i <= Frame.Screen_Width ; i++) {
Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags[i] = 0;
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags[i] = 0;
Ray.Initial = Frame.View_Point.Location;
for (y = (Options & ANTIALIAS)?First_Line-1:First_Line ; y<Last_Line ; y++) {
if (Options & VERBOSE)
printf ("Line %3d", y);
if (Options & ANTIALIAS)
SuperSampleCount = 0;
for (x = 0 ; x < Frame.Screen_Width ; x++) {
if (Stop_Flag) {
Create_Ray (VP_Ray, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height, (DBL) x, (DBL) y);
Trace_Level = 0;
Trace (&Ray, &Colour);
Clip_Colour (&Colour, &Colour);
Current_Line[x] = Colour;
if (Options & ANTIALIAS) {
Antialias_Center_Flag = 0;
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x] = 0;
if (x != 0) {
if (Colour_Distance (&Current_Line[x-1], &Current_Line[x])
>= Frame.Antialias_Threshold) {
Antialias_Center_Flag = 1;
if (!(Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x-1])) {
Supersample (&Current_Line[x-1],
x-1, y, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height);
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x-1] = 1;
if (y != First_Line-1) {
if (Colour_Distance (&Previous_Line[x], &Current_Line[x])
>= Frame.Antialias_Threshold) {
Antialias_Center_Flag = 1;
if (!(Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x])) {
Supersample (&Previous_Line[x],
x, y-1, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height);
Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x] = 1;
if (Antialias_Center_Flag) {
Supersample (&Current_Line[x],
x, y, Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height);
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags[x] = 1;
Colour = Current_Line[x];
if (y != First_Line-1) {
Red = (char) (Colour.Red * 255.0);
Green = (char) (Colour.Green * 255.0);
Blue = (char) (Colour.Blue * 255.0);
if (Options & DISPLAY)
display_plot (x, y, Red, Green, Blue);
if ((Options & DISKWRITE) || (Options & TARGA))
if (y > First_Line) {
Write_Line (Previous_Line, y-1);
if (Options & VERBOSE)
if (Options & ANTIALIAS)
printf (" supersampled %d times\n", SuperSampleCount);
putchar ('\n');
Temp_Colour_Ptr = Previous_Line;
Previous_Line = Current_Line;
Current_Line = Temp_Colour_Ptr;
Temp_Char_Ptr = Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags;
Previous_Line_Antialiased_Flags = Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags;
Current_Line_Antialiased_Flags = Temp_Char_Ptr;
if ((Options & DISKWRITE) || (Options & TARGA)) {
Write_Line (Previous_Line, Last_Line - 1);
void Trace (Ray, Colour)
RAY *Ray;
COLOUR *Colour;
COLOUR Temp_Colour, Surface_Colour;
OBJECT *Object;
VECTOR Surface_Normal;
INTERSECTION *Local_Intersection, *New_Intersection;
register int Intersection_Found;
DBL Normal_Direction;
if (Frame.Fog_Distance == 0.0) {
Make_Colour (&Temp_Colour, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Temp_Colour = Frame.Fog_Colour;
Intersection_Found = FALSE;
Local_Intersection = NULL;
if (Trace_Level > MAX_TRACE_LEVEL)
/* What objects does this ray intersect? */
for (Object = Frame.Objects ;
Object != NULL ;
Object = Object -> Next_Object) {
if (New_Intersection = Intersection (Object, Ray)) {
if (Intersection_Found) {
if (Local_Intersection -> Depth > New_Intersection -> Depth) {
free (Local_Intersection);
Local_Intersection = New_Intersection;
free (New_Intersection);
Local_Intersection = New_Intersection;
Intersection_Found = TRUE;
if (Intersection_Found) {
Make_Colour (&Temp_Colour, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Make_Colour (&Surface_Colour, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (Quality > 5)
Colour_At (&Surface_Colour, Local_Intersection->Object,
&Local_Intersection -> Point);
Surface_Colour = Local_Intersection->Object->Object_Colour;
if (Quality <= 1)
Temp_Colour = Surface_Colour;
else {
Normal (&Surface_Normal, (OBJECT *) Local_Intersection -> Shape,
&Local_Intersection -> Point);
VDot (Normal_Direction, Surface_Normal, Ray->Direction);
if (Normal_Direction > 0.0) {
VScale (Surface_Normal, Surface_Normal, -1.0);
Ambient (Local_Intersection -> Object, &Local_Intersection -> Point,
&Surface_Colour, &Temp_Colour);
Diffuse (Local_Intersection -> Object, &Local_Intersection -> Point, Ray,
&Surface_Normal, &Surface_Colour, &Temp_Colour);
if (Quality > 7) {
Transmit (Local_Intersection -> Object, &Local_Intersection -> Point, Ray,
&Surface_Normal, &Surface_Colour, &Temp_Colour);
Reflect (Local_Intersection -> Object, &Local_Intersection -> Point, Ray,
&Surface_Normal, &Temp_Colour);
Refract (Local_Intersection -> Object, &Local_Intersection -> Point, Ray,
&Surface_Normal, &Temp_Colour);
if (Frame.Fog_Distance != 0.0)
Fog (Local_Intersection->Depth, &Frame.Fog_Colour, Frame.Fog_Distance,
free (Local_Intersection);
*Colour = Temp_Colour;