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Postscript interpreter - README
Post V1.3 Copyright Adrian Aylward 1989, 1990
This distribution was released as the archive file "post13.lzh", 27-Oct-90
Files in this distribution:
README This file
Post.info Icon file
post User interface
post.doc Documentation file
postband Band printing driver
postband.doc Documentation file
postlj LaserJet printing driver
postlj.doc Documentation file
post.library Shared library for Amiga 500/1000/2000
post.library.2620 Shared library for Amiga 2500 etc. (68020/030, 68881/2)
init.ps Standard postscript startup file
icon.ps The postscript program that built the icon
Source files (user interface only), for programmers:
post.c User interface, C main program
postband.c Band printing driver, C main program
postlj.c LaserJet printing driver, C main program
postasm.a User interface, assembler support
postlib.h Library interface header
postlib.doc Documentation file
makefile Make file
You will also need:
arp.library Arp library, V39+
conman ConMan, V1.3+
You should find these on "All Good BBS's/disk libraries"
I have tested Post under WorkBench V1.3 only. If you have 2.0 it should
work, but you may need a more recent version of ConMan.
You will need at least a megabyte of memory. Even with a megabyte you
will have not be able to generate a full page in colour on the screen.
For high density printer output (A4 at 300 dpi.) you will need 2 megabytes! If memory is very tight, try running from the CLI, before workbench has
been loaded. N.B. the default memory size has increased from earlier
versions, so if you have a small machine you will have to do a little
more shoehorning.
Before using Post you will need to copy the library (post.library or
post.library.2620) into your libs: directory. If you have a 32 bit cpu
(68020/030/040) and a floating point unit (68881/68882 or 68040) you can
use the 2620 version of the library, which is compiled to use hardware
floating point instructions and runs about twice as fast. Otherwise you
must use the standard library - if you try the 2620 version it will
refuse to open.
The examples and demo programs are now being distributed separately. Look
out for the file "psdemos1.lzh". (If you have the prerelease "post02.lzh"
or one of the earlier releases there is no need to download them, as they
have not changed significantly).
The PostScript Language
If you don't know any PostScript I recomend obtaining a suitable tutorial
book. Try the "blue book" from Adobe:
"PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook"
Adobe Systems Incorporated,
Addison-Wesley 1985, ISBN 0-201-10179-3
If you want to learn PostScript, Post is a valuable learning tool, as you
run it interactively and view the output one the screen. Without some basic
knowledge you may find it difficult to understand what is happening if you
have problems getting started.
The startup file
The standard startup file "init.ps" should be run before most programs. You
should read it and the comments within it, as you may wish to customise it.
It defines useful operators to mimic a standard PostScript printer. It also
handles automatic font downloading (see below).
Getting started
Make sure that you have ConMan (V1.3+) and the ARP library installed.
Copy the file post.library into your libs: directory. If you have a
68020 or 68030 cpu and a 68881 or 6882 floating unit you can use the 2620
version of the library instead - copy it to libs:post.library.
From the CLI you can just type "post init.ps screen", assuming that all the
files are in the current directory. You should see a new screen with a big
requestor window appear. Click on "OK" and wait while Post executes the
startup file, then you are ready to go.
If it says that it can't get enough memory (if you have only 1 megabyte)
try selecting "Black and White" on the requestor window, and reducing the
amount of VM from 600000 to 200000-300000.
For a quick check of the graphics, pick File/Interactive on the menu. Then
type into the narrow window at the top:
200 200 150 0 360 arc stroke
The result should be a circle appearing in the lower window. When you
have finished playing, type "quit" or CTRL/backslash. Then "Project/Quit"
will return you to the CLI.
If you don't have any fonts yet all text output will just print as big dots.
(Read the section below on fonts). Make a "PSFonts:" directory and copy all
your PostScript fonts into it. (Don't confuse these with Amiga bitmapped
fonts - these will NOT work, nor will .AFM font metric files) Their names
should be the same as their PostScript names - e.g. "PSFonts:Times-Roman",
"PSFonts:Times-Bold". The files can either be ASCII text or in IBM
PostScript font format. If you have copied them from an IBM disk you will
have to change the names; since MSDOS can only handle 8 character names its
stores Times-Roman as "TI______.AFB" and Times-Bold as "TIB_____.AFB". Then
Post will load the fonts automatically as they are needed.
To use the workbench startup click on the icon. You will probably want to
set up the tooltypes to execute the startup file "init.ps"; for now you can
enter it in the requestor.
As there are no fonts built in to the interpreter, all fonts must be loaded
from the disk, as PostScript source. The standard startup file redefines
the findfont operator to automatically load fonts from the disk the first
time they are referenced. To use this, build a directory "PSFonts:"
containing your PostScript fonts. The file names should be the same as the
PostScript names, without the '/'. You can add an extension if you wish,
by editing the startup file. You can also make it search more than one
The startup file also defines a default font, which will be substituted if
the font your program requests cannot be found. The initial default font
as set up by the standard startup file is a dummy font that prints big dots,
but at least allows most text operations to proceed without producing errors.
This means that if you don't have the font loading set up properly the only
text output you will get is big dots. So if that is what you see when you
run Post it probably means that you don't have any fonts, rather than a
problem with Post itself.
Since a font is loaded into the vm just like any other PostScript code, it
will be discarded when the vm is restored. This means that in a multiple
page document the fonts will likely be reloaded on every page. To save time,
it is usually much better to preload the fonts you are going to need. You
can do this using the "load font" menu command, or you can write yourself
a little PostScript program to load your favourite fonts. (Exercise for
the user: write a driver to extract the font names from a conforming
PostScript program and preload them.) If you are using a large number of
different fonts at once you may need to increase the default vm size to
contain them.
There are a number of commercial sources for fonts. Both the Adobe type 1
(encrypted) fonts and type 3 (standard downloadable) fonts are supported.
Since type 1 fonts can contain special "hints" to improve the quality at
small point sizes on low or medium resolution devices they usually give
much higher quality results. You can get type 1 fonts from Adobe, or a
number of other vendors. A good source of the standard set of 35 fonts
as come on most PostScript printers is the Adobe Type Manager (13 fonts)
and its associated Plus Pack (22 fonts). The Mac version contains the
fonts, which can be converted to standard ASCII format by a utility
program. The IBM version will presumably contain the fonts too. Post can
read IBM format fonts directly, without converting the files.
If you have any of the additional CompuGraphic outline fonts supplied by
Gold Disk for use with their DTP programs you can generate type 3 fonts
from them using their conversion program. The quality is not as good as
the original Compugraphic fonts but is acceptable for proofing purposes.
There are some freely copyable fonts tht were originally distributed with
the GhostScript project (another freeware PostScript interpreter available
on Unix). The quality of these is not high, as they appear to have been
generated by tracing bitmap outlines, but they will serve to get you
started, and they are free.
There are also various shareware and PD fonts available. Many of these were
derived from the Mac or IBM. They may still be in a foreign file format.
The file should be converted to readable ASCII, with no strange control
characters. Some of the fonts have Mac encoding vectors. You won't notice
the difference for the standard ASCII characters, as they are the
same, but you may have to convert to the standard encoding to get
more unusual characters like the trademark sign to work. (Programs
like Adobe illustrator do their own font encoding anyway.) You
will need to know some PostScript to make this change. If you
see the sequence "/Helvetica findfont /Encoding get" or
"<dictionary> /MacVec get" try replacing it with "StandardEncoding".
You are recommended to ensure all your fonts have UniqueID's. This makes
the font caching code more efficient. Often all you have to do is uncomment
them in the source. Any number will do for the ID (up to 2**24 - 1), as long
as it is different for each of your fonts. Make it a multiple of 4, as Adobe
recommend adding 1 or 2 to the ID when modifying the font.
Each font should have a FontName entry. This isn't actually required by
Adobe, but certain programs such as Adobe Illustrator copy the font directory
when recoding the font. If the name is missing, you get a dictionary full
error after the name has been added.