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Assembly Source File
1,129 lines
; OPT O+
; OPT O1+ ;Tells when a branch could be optimised to short
; OPT i+ ;Tells when '#' is probably missing
incdir "INCLUDE:"
include "exec/memory.i"
include "exec/exec_lib.i"
include "graphics/rastport.i"
include "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
include "intuition/intuition.i"
include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
include "libraries/dos.i"
include "libraries/dosextens.i"
include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
incdir "DF0:PFiler/"
include "PFiler.i"
* A few macro's
LoadBase MACRO
IFNC '\1','ExecBase'
movea.l FD_\1(A5),A6
IFC '\1','ExecBase'
movea.l 4.W,A6
jsr _LVO\1(A6)
bsr \1
move.l \1,-(SP)
move.l (SP)+,\1
movem.l \1,-(SP)
movem.l (SP)+,\1
dc.l \1
dc.w \2,\3,\4,\5,\6,\7,\8
dc.l \1,\2,\3,\4,\5
dc.w \6
dc.l \7
dc.w \1,\2
dc.b \3,\4,\5,\6
dc.l \7,\8
dc.w \1,\2,\3,\4,\5
dc.l \6
dc.b \7,\8
dc.l \9
dc.b \1,\2,\3,0
dc.w \4,\5
dc.l TxtAttr,\6,\7
* These are MY definitions.
;The possible Node-Types
DIRTYPE =-1 ;Node contains the name of a directory ('c','libs','med-res' etc.)
DEVTYPE =-2 ;Node contains the name of a device ('DF1:','DH0:' etc.)
VOLTYPE =-3 ;Node contains the name of a volume ('CLIDisk:','AmigaLibDisk294:' etc.)
ASNTYPE =-4 ;Node contains the name of a logical device ('LIBS:','S:','FONTS:' etc.)
;A Node containing the name of file is
;characterized by having a type >=0 (the size actually)
;Flags indicating what has to be done
NEWDIR =0 ;Start scanning a new directory and the Device-List
REFSTR =1 ;Refresh string-gadgets
ACTFSG =2 ;Activate the file-string-gadget
GETDEVS =3 ;Get names from Device-List instead of from disk
NOTDEVS =4 ;Don't show devices until the user clicks RMB
LETSWAIT =5 ;Be nice and wait for next message
DONTPOS =6 ;Just a trick to help saving a few bytes
KEEPTOP =7 ;Keep the display steady for a while no matter what arrives in the list
Select1ID =0 ;Gadget ID's
Select2ID =1
Select3ID =2
Select4ID =3
Select5ID =4
Select6ID =5
Select7ID =6
ParentID =7
UpID =8
DownID =9
SlideID =10
PathID =11
PosID =12
NegID =13
;STRUCTURE EntryNode (Variable size)
EntryNext =0 ;APTR EntryNext This is a single-linked list
EntryType =4 ;WORD EntryType
EntrySize =8 ;LONG EntrySize
EntryName =10 ;APTR EntryName
EntrySIZEOF =10 ;Size of EntryNode (Except for the string)
;STRUCTURE FileSelectData
FD_DosBase =0 ;APTR FD_DosBase
FD_GfxBase =4 ;APTR FD_GfxBase
FD_IntBase =8 ;APTR FD_IntBase
FD_Window =12 ;APTR FD_Window
FD_Rp =16 ;APTR FD_Rp ;Rastport
FD_Up =20 ;APTR FD_Up ;UserPort (for messages)
FD_FIB =24 ;APTR FD_FIB ;FileInfoBlock
FD_Lock =28 ;APTR FD_Lock ;Lock)
FD_SlideHeight =32 ;WORD FD_SlideHeight ;Height of slide-knob
FD_SlideVPos =34 ;WORD FD_SlideVPos ;Vertical position of slide-knob
FD_Class =36 ;WORD FD_Class ;\
FD_Code =40 ;WORD FD_Code ; \
FD_IAddress =42 ;WORD FD_IAddress ; > Copied from last IntuiMessage
FD_Seconds =46 ;LONG FD_Seconds ; /
FD_Micros =50 ;LONG FD_Micros ;/
FD_OSeconds =54 ;LONG FD_OSeconds ;\
FD_OMicros =58 ;LONG FD_OMicros ; > Used to check for double-clicks
FD_LastSelect =62 ;LONG FD_LastSelect ;/
FD_TxtBuf =66 ;APTR FD_TxtBuf
FD_DisplayList =70 ;APTR FD_DisplayList
FD_SIZEOF =76 ;(74) ;Size of FileSelectBlock ((FD_SIZEOF mod 4) MUST be 0)
DisplayCols =32 ;Length of TxtBuffer
DisplayRows =7 ;Lines on display
InternalMem =FD_SIZEOF+fib_SIZEOF+4*DisplayRows+DisplayCols+10
* Frees the memory for every node in FR_List
* Doesn't destroy registers
XDEF _FreeFileSelect
_FreeFileSelect Push D0-D7/A0-A6
movea.l 4*15+4(SP),FReq ;FSRequest always in A4
LoadBase ExecBase
lea FR_List(FReq),A1
move.l EntryNext(A1),D2 ;Save first node in list for later
clr.l EntryNext(A1)
FreeLoop tst.l D2 ;Any node ?
beq.S DoneFreeList
movea.l D2,A1
move.l EntryNext(A1),D2 ;Save next node in list for later
move.w EntrySize(A1),D0
ext.l D0
CallLib FreeMem ;Free this node
bra.S FreeLoop
DoneFreeList Pop D0-D7/A0-A6
*Register usage:
* A4: Used for base-relative access to user-supplied FileSelectRequest-structure (Never changed)
* A5: Used for base-relative access to internally used/allocated data (Never changed)
* A6: Only used for base-relative library-calls (Changes all the time)
* All internally called sub-routines (referenced by the macro CALL)
* preserves all registers (except A6), apart from some
* (MyStrLen, ExNextD), which returns something in D0
* Sort does not preserve registers at all
* FileSelect itself returns an error-code in D0
XDEF _FileSelect
* Here we enter the FileSelect
_FileSelect Push D1-D7/A0-A6
movea.l 4*14+4(SP),FReq ;FSRequest always in A4
move.l FR_PosTxt(FReq),D0 ;User-defined PosTxt ?
bne.S SetPosTxt
lea TxtPositiv(PC),A0 ;Set default PosTxt
move.l A0,D0
SetPosTxt lea ITxtPos(PC),A0
move.l D0,it_IText(A0) ;Put PosTxt into IntuiText
move.l FR_NegTxt(FReq),D0 ;User-defined NegTxt ?
bne.S SetNegTxt
lea TxtNegativ(PC),A0 ;Set default NegTxt
move.l A0,D0
SetNegTxt lea ITxtNeg(PC),A0
move.l D0,it_IText(A0) ;Put NegTxt into IntuiText
LoadBase ExecBase
move.l #InternalMem,D0
CallLib AllocMem ;Allocate local data block + FileInfoBlock
movea.l D0,FData ;Internal datablock always in A5
moveq #FSENoMem,D7
tst.l D0
beq Exit
lea FD_SIZEOF(FData),A0 ;fib MUST be longword-aligned
move.l A0,FD_FIB(FData) ;Use part of allocated memory as FileInfoBlock
lea fib_SIZEOF(A0),A0
move.l A0,FD_DisplayList(FData)
lea 4*DisplayRows(A0),A0
move.l A0,FD_TxtBuf(FData)
lea PathInfo(PC),A0 ;Put user-PathBuffer into StringInfo
move.w FR_PathChars(FReq),si_MaxChars(A0)
move.l FR_PathBuf(FReq),si_Buffer(A0)
lea FileInfo(PC),A0 ;Put user-FileBuffer into StringInfo
move.w FR_FileChars(FReq),si_MaxChars(A0)
move.l FR_FileBuf(FReq),si_Buffer(A0)
moveq #FSENoLib,D7
lea DosName(PC),A1
CallLib OldOpenLibrary ;Open dos
move.l D0,FD_DosBase(FData)
lea GfxName(PC),A1
CallLib OldOpenLibrary ;Open graphics
move.l D0,FD_GfxBase(FData)
lea IntuiName(PC),A1
CallLib OldOpenLibrary ;Open Intuition
move.l D0,FD_IntBase(FData)
lea FileNW(PC),A0
movem.w FR_LeftEdge(FReq),D0-D1
movem.w D0-D1,nw_LeftEdge(A0) ;Put coordinates into NewWindow-structure
move.l FR_Screen(FReq),nw_Screen(A0) ;Put screen-ptr or 0 into NewWindow-structure
beq.S SetScreenType
SetScreenType move.w D0,nw_Type(A0) ;Put CUSTOMSCREEN or WBENCHSCREEN into NewWindow-structure
LoadBase IntBase
CallLib OpenWindow ;Open the Window
moveq #FSENoWin,D7
move.l D0,FD_Window(FData)
beq.S Exit
movea.l D0,A1
move.l wd_RPort(A1),FD_Rp(FData) ;Get RastPort
move.l wd_UserPort(A1),FD_Up(FData) ;Get UserPort
lea TxtAttr(PC),A0
LoadBase GfxBase
CallLib OpenFont ;Open Topaz-80
movea.l D0,A0
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
CallLib SetFont ;Use Topaz-80
bra.S Main ;Lets begin
* Here we exits, D7 contains return-code
Exit btst #LETSWAIT,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;The completion of the list was interrupted ?
bne.S FreeLock
move.l FReq,-(SP)
Call _FreeFileSelect ;Free old list
addq.l #4,SP
FreeLock Call RemoveLock ;UnLock if not already done
FreeWindow LoadBase IntBase
move.l FD_Window(FData),D0
beq.S FreeInt
movea.l D0,A0
movem.w wd_LeftEdge(A0),D0-D1
movem.w D0-D1,FR_LeftEdge(FReq) ;Store window-position in FileSelectRequest structure
CallLib CloseWindow ;Close window if it was open
FreeInt LoadBase ExecBase
move.l FD_IntBase(FData),D0
beq.S FreeGfx
movea.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseLibrary ;Close intuition if it was open
FreeGfx move.l FD_GfxBase(FData),D0
beq.S FreeDos
movea.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseLibrary ;Close graphics if it was open
FreeDos move.l FD_DosBase(FData),D0
beq.S FreeFSMem
movea.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseLibrary ;Close dos if it was open
FreeFSMem move.l FData,D0
beq.S AllDone
movea.l D0,A1
move.l #InternalMem,D0
CallLib FreeMem ;Free allocated memory
AllDone move.l D7,D0 ;Set return-code
Pop D1-D7/A0-A6
rts ;Return to the caller
* Here we really begin
Main ori.b #(1<<REFSTR)!(1<<ACTFSG)!(1<<LETSWAIT),FR_ToDo(FReq)
tst.l FR_List(FReq) ;Called with a list ?. If so, use it
bne RefreshDisplay ;If not, lets start all over
move.b #(1<<REFSTR)!(1<<ACTFSG)!(1<<NEWDIR),FR_ToDo(FReq)
* This is the start of the event-loop
* See what happened since last time
GetNextMsg LoadBase IntBase
CheckRefresh bclr #REFSTR,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Clear RefreshBit
beq.S CheckActivate ;Refresh String-Gadgets if it was set
lea PathGad(PC),A0
movea.l FD_Window(FData),A1
suba.l A2,A2
moveq #2,D0
CallLib RefreshGList ;Refresh String-Gadgets
CheckActivate bclr #ACTFSG,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Clear activatebit
beq.S CheckNewDir ;Activate FileString-Gadget if it was set
lea FileGad(PC),A0
movea.l FD_Window(FData),A1
suba.l A2,A2
CallLib ActivateGadget ;Activate FileString-Gadget
CheckNewDir bclr #NEWDIR,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Clear NewDirBit
bne.S DoNewPath ;Get new directory if it was set
LoadBase ExecBase
btst #LETSWAIT,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Are we busy ?
beq.S NotWaiting
movea.l FD_Up(FData),A0
CallLib WaitPort ;We aren't busy, so we wait
NotWaiting movea.l FD_Up(FData),A0
CallLib GetMsg ;Get a message
tst.l D0
beq.S DoneWithMessage ;Did we get a message
DoMessage movea.l D0,A1 ;Yes, put message address to A1 and reply
move.l im_Class(A1),FD_Class(FData)
move.w im_Code(A1),FD_Code(FData)
move.l im_IAddress(A1),FD_IAddress(FData)
move.l im_Seconds(A1),FD_Seconds(FData)
move.l im_Micros(A1),FD_Micros(FData)
CallLib ReplyMsg ;Reply the message
move.l FD_Class(FData),D0
cmp.l D1,D0
beq DoButtons
moveq #GADGETUP,D1
cmp.l D1,D0
beq DoGadgets
cmpi.l #INTUITICKS,D0 ;It is time to see if we should scroll
beq CheckScroll
DoneWithMessage btst #LETSWAIT,FR_ToDo(FReq)
beq.S GetNextFile ;If we are busy then get next file/dir/Device, else goto sleep
* Start scanning a new directory and the Device-List
DoNewPath bset #NOTDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Lets get Devices first
bclr #KEEPTOP,FR_ToDo(FReq)
Call ResetKnob
Call ClearDisplay
move.l FReq,-(SP)
Call _FreeFileSelect ;Free old list
addq.l #4,SP
Call RemoveLock ;Free old lock
moveq #FR_ToDo-FR_TopView-1,D1
ResetLoop clr.b FR_TopView(FReq,D1.W) ;Clear FR_TopView and counters
dbf D1,ResetLoop
lea SelectTxt(PC),A1
tst.l FR_TitleTxt(FReq) ;Has the user supplied us with a title ?
beq.S SetWTitle
movea.l FR_TitleTxt(FReq),A1
SetWTitle movea.l FD_Window(FData),A0
suba.l A2,A2
LoadBase IntBase
CallLib SetWindowTitles ;Set window-title (User-supplied or default)
GetDevs bset #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Lets get Devices first
Call LockD ;Lock DeviceList
bra.S SignalDontWait
GetFiles LoadBase DosBase ;When that is done, we can get Files/Dirs
move.l FR_PathBuf(FReq),D1
CallLib Lock ;Lock new directory
move.l D0,FD_Lock(FData)
beq DirError
move.l D0,D1
move.l FD_FIB(FData),D2
CallLib Examine ;Examine new directory
tst.l D0
beq DirError
SignalDontWait bclr #LETSWAIT,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;We are busy, Can't wait
* Read next entry from directory or Device-list
GetNextFile btst #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
beq.S GettingFiles
GettingDevs Call ExNextD ;Try to get next device
bra.S DidWeGetOne
GettingFiles LoadBase DosBase
move.l FD_Lock(FData),D1 ;Try to get next file
move.l FD_FIB(FData),D2
CallLib ExNext
DidWeGetOne tst.l D0
beq NoMore ;Success, found something
movea.l FD_FIB(FData),A3
lea fib_FileName(A3),A0
Call MyStrLen
tst.l D0
beq GetNextMsg ;Could it happen ?
btst #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Is it a device ?
beq.S SpecFDs
SpecDevs move.l fib_DirEntryType(A3),D1
bne.S SpecDevs2
btst #FSB_NODRIVE,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
bra.S Trick ;This doesn't destroy cc
SpecDevs2 subq.l #1,D1
bne.S SpecDevs3
btst #FSB_NOASSIGN,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
bra.S Trick
SpecDevs3 btst #FSB_NOVOL,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
bra.S Trick
SpecFDs tst.l fib_DirEntryType(A3) ;Is it a directory ?
bmi.S SpecFiles
SpecDirs btst #FSB_NODIR,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
Trick bne GetNextMsg
bra.S DoneSpec
SpecFiles btst #FSB_NOFILE,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
bne GetNextMsg
btst #FSB_NOINFO,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
beq.S DoneSpec
cmpi.w #5,D0 ;Too short
blt.S DoneSpec
lea fib_FileName(A3),A0
lea -5(A0,D0.W),A0
lea InfoTxt(PC),A1
moveq #4,D1
InfoLoop cmpm.b (A1)+,(A0)+
bne.S DoneSpec
dbf D1,InfoLoop
bra GetNextMsg
DoneSpec addi.w #EntrySIZEOF+1,D0 ;Make room for null character
move.l D0,D6
LoadBase ExecBase
CallLib AllocMem ;AllocMem(EntryBaseSize+MyStrLen(Name)+1,MEM_CLEAR)
movea.l D0,A0
tst.l D0
beq MemError
move.w D6,EntrySize(A0) ;Store size of allocated blok in the block itself
btst #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Is it a device ?
beq.S IsItDirType
addq.w #1,FR_Devs(FReq) ;One more device
moveq #DEVTYPE,D0 ;The next few lines is here just for sorting reasons
move.l fib_DirEntryType(A3),D1
beq.S OneMoreOfThese ;DLT_DEVICE
moveq #ASNTYPE,D0
subq.l #1,D1
beq.S OneMoreOfThese ;DLT_DIRECTORY
moveq #VOLTYPE,D0
bra.S OneMoreOfThese ;DLT_VOLUME
IsItDirType tst.l fib_DirEntryType(A3) ;Is it a directory ?
bmi.S IsItFileType
addq.w #1,FR_Dirs(FReq) ;One more directory
moveq #DIRTYPE,D0
bra.S OneMoreOfThese
IsItFileType addq.w #1,FR_Files(FReq) ;One more file
move.l fib_Size(A3),D0 ;Store size instead of type
OneMoreOfThese move.l D0,EntryType(A0) ;D0=Type/Size
move.w FR_Files(FReq),D0
add.w FR_Dirs(FReq),D0
btst #NOTDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bne.S DontCountDevs
add.w FR_Devs(FReq),D0
DontCountDevs move.w D0,FR_Count(FReq)
lea fib_FileName(A3),A1
lea EntryName(A0),A2
StoreNameLoop move.b (A1)+,(A2)+ ;Copy name from FIB to EntryNode
bne.S StoreNameLoop
move.w SlideInfo+pi_VertPot(PC),FD_SlideVPos(FData) ;Necessary, otherwise the user couldn't drag the slider
Call SortFiles ;while a directory is being scanned
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D0
beq GetNextMsg ;Only devices so far ?
sub.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0
subq.w #DisplayRows,D0
bgt.S AdjustKnob ;Full display ?
Here move.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0
bra SeeThem
AdjustKnob Call SetKnobHeight ;Display is full
Call SetKnobPos
Call SetKnob ;slider while the directory/device-List is being scanned
bra GetNextMsg
MemError lea MemErrorTxt(PC),A1 ;Could not get memory for a node
bra.S ShowError
DirError lea DirErrorTxt(PC),A1 ;Could not Lock/Examine a directory
ShowError LoadBase IntBase
movea.l FD_Window(FData),A0
suba.l A2,A2
CallLib SetWindowTitles
NoMore Call RemoveLock ;Let's unlock
bclr #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bne GetFiles ;Were we getting Devices ?
WasFileLock bset #LETSWAIT,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;We are done getting Files/Dirs. We can wait now
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D0
beq.S Here
subq.w #DisplayRows,D0
bgt.S Here
clr.w FR_TopCount(FReq)
move.l FR_List(FReq),FR_TopView(FReq)
bra.S Here
* Have just recieved a MOUSEBUTTONS-message
DoButtons bset #ACTFSG,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Always activate FileString-gadget
cmpi.w #MENUDOWN,FD_Code(FData);Pressed the Menu-button
bne GetNextMsg
Call ClearDisplay
moveq #0,D0
bclr #NOTDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;yes
beq.S DontAddDevs
move.w FR_Devs(FReq),D1
add.w D1,FR_Count(FReq) ;Now devices can be shown
bra.S SeeDevs
DontAddDevs movea.l FR_TopView(FReq),A0
moveq #DIRTYPE,D1
cmp.l EntryType(A0),D1
bgt.S SeeFiles
bne.S SeeDirs
bra.S SeeDevs
SeeFiles tst.w FR_Files(FReq)
bne.S SeeThese
SeeDirs tst.w FR_Dirs(FReq)
bne.S SeeTrick
SeeDevs tst.w FR_Devs(FReq)
beq.S SeeFiles
add.w FR_Dirs(FReq),D0
SeeTrick add.w FR_Files(FReq),D0
SeeThese bset #KEEPTOP,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bra SeeThem ;Look at files
* Have just recieved a GADGETUP-message
DoGadgets bset #ACTFSG,FR_ToDo(FReq) ;Always activate FileString-gadget
movea.l FD_IAddress(FData),A1
move.w gg_GadgetID(A1),D0
lsl.w #1,D0
move.w GJ(PC,D0.W),D0
jmp GJ(PC,D0.W)
GJ dc.w DoSelect-GJ ;Gadget indirect jumptable
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoSelect-GJ
dc.w DoParent-GJ
dc.w GetNextMsg-GJ ;Up arrow
dc.w GetNextMsg-GJ ;Down arrow
dc.w SlideScroll-GJ ;Clicked in Slide-gadget box beside the knob
dc.w DoPathStr-GJ
dc.w DoPosExit-GJ
dc.w DoNegExit-GJ
* You clicked on one of the 7 gadgets on the display
DoSelect movea.l FD_IAddress(FData),A1
move.w gg_GadgetID(A1),D0
lsl.l #2,D0
movea.l FD_DisplayList(FData),A2
move.l 0(A2,D0.W),D0
beq.S DoneSelect
movea.l D0,A2 ;A2=EntryNode
tst.l EntryType(A2) ;Test type
bmi.S NewDir
NewFile cmpa.l FD_LastSelect(FData),A2 ;Same as last time ?
bne.S NoDouble
LoadBase IntBase ;Same as last time. Check time between clicks
movem.l FD_OSeconds(FData),D0-D1;Time of previous select
movem.l FD_Seconds(FData),D2-D3 ;Time of this select
CallLib DoubleClick
tst.l D0
bne DoPosExit ;Double-clicked on a file. Let's exit
NoDouble move.l A2,FD_LastSelect(FData) ;New last select
movem.l FD_Seconds(FData),D0-D1
movem.l D0-D1,FD_OSeconds(FData);Store time this select
movea.l FR_FileBuf(FReq),A0
move.w FR_FileChars(FReq),D1
ext.l D1
add.l A0,D1 ;This is the end of the FileBuffer
bra.S CopyFile
NewDir bset #NEWDIR,FR_ToDo(FReq)
movea.l FR_PathBuf(FReq),A0
move.w FR_PathChars(FReq),D1
subq.w #1,D1 ;Need room for '/' in the end
ext.l D1
add.l A0,D1 ;This is the end of the PathBuffer
cmpi.l #DEVTYPE,EntryType(A2)
ble.S CopyFile ;Clicked on something ending with a ':' ?
Call TackOn ;Clicked on a directory
CopyFile lea EntryName(A2),A1
subq.l #1,D1
FileCopyLoop cmpa.l D1,A0
beq.S BufOverflow
move.b (A1)+,(A0)+ ;Copy name to String-Gadget
bne.S FileCopyLoop
BufOverflow clr.b (A0) ;Just in case we overflowed
bset #REFSTR,FR_ToDo(FReq)
DoneSelect bra GetNextMsg
* The slide-knob is currently selected and you moved the mouse, or
* you clicked in the prop-gadget box beside the knob
SlideScroll move.w SlideInfo+pi_VertPot(PC),FD_SlideVPos(FData)
moveq #0,D0
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D2
subq.w #DisplayRows,D2 ;TopCount must not be greater than Count-DisplayRows
ble.S NoNewTop ;If less than DisplayRows files then TopIt
move.l #MAXPOT,D1
divu D2,D1 ;65535/(Count-DisplayRows)
move.w FD_SlideVPos(FData),D0
divu D1,D0 ;D0=Slide.vertpot/(65535/(Count-DisplayRows))
cmp.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0 ;Last line will cause a crash if Count-DisplayRows>65535
beq.S DoneScroll ;Don't scroll if knob hasn't moved enough
cmp.w D2,D0 ;If TopCount>D2 then
ble.S NoNewTop
move.w D2,D0 ;TopCount=D2
NoNewTop bset #DONTPOS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bclr #KEEPTOP,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bra.S SeeThem
* Have just recieved a INTUITICK-message, and are now going to examine
* whether the arrow-gadget are currently selected
CheckScroll btst #7,SlideGad+gg_Flags+1(PC) ;SlideGad Selected ?
bne.S SlideScroll
btst #7,UpGad+gg_Flags+1(PC) ;UpGad Selected ?
bne.S ScrollOneUp
btst #7,DownGad+gg_Flags+1(PC) ;DownGad Selected ?
beq.S DoneScroll
* The down-arrow is currently selected
ScrollOneDown move.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D1
subq.w #DisplayRows,D1
cmp.w D0,D1 ;If TopCount+DisplayRows>Count then dont scroll
ble.S DoneScroll
addq.w #1,D0
bra.S SeeThem
* The up-arrow is currently selected
ScrollOneUp move.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0
beq.S DoneScroll ;If TopCount=0 then dont scroll
subq.w #1,D0
* D0=count of node to display on top of the display
* Finds node and fills the display
SeeThem move.w D0,FR_TopCount(FReq) ;Show the list from the 'D0'th node
FindEntry lea FR_List(FReq),A0
movea.l EntryNext(A0),A0
EntryLoop subq.w #1,D0
bmi.S DoneFindEntry
movea.l EntryNext(A0),A0
bra.S EntryLoop
DoneFindEntry move.l A0,FR_TopView(FReq)
RefreshDisplay Call WriteDisplay
bclr #DONTPOS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bne.S DoneScroll ;If called from SlideScroll then
Call SetKnobHeight ;don't do any of these
Call SetKnobPos ;because intuition
Call SetKnob ;has already done it
DoneScroll bra GetNextMsg
* You clicked the 'Parent' button
DoParent ori.b #(1<<REFSTR)!(1<<NEWDIR),FR_ToDo(FReq)
movea.l FR_PathBuf(FReq),A0
Call MyStrLen ;Returns length excluding the null
subq.w #1,D0 ;Skip the last character
beq.S DoneParent2 ;One more than besides the null ?
bmi.S DoneParent3 ;Only the null was present ?
CutOffLoop subq.w #1,D0
bmi.S DoneParent1
move.b 0(A0,D0.W),D1
cmpi.b #'/',D1
beq.S DoneParent2 ;If '/' then clear this byte
cmpi.b #':',D1
bne.S CutOffLoop ;If ':' then clear next byte
DoneParent1 addq.w #1,D0
DoneParent2 clr.b 0(A0,D0.W)
DoneParent3 bra GetNextMsg
* You pressed return while the path-string-gadget was active
DoPathStr bset #NEWDIR,FR_ToDo(FReq)
bra GetNextMsg
* You clicked the 'Ok' button, or
* you pressed return while the file-string-gadget was active, or
* you double-clicked on a filename
DoPosExit movea.l FR_PathBuf(FReq),A0
Call TackOn ;Append a '/'
bra.S DoExit
* You clicked the 'Cancel' button
DoNegExit moveq #FSENeg,D7
DoExit bra Exit
* ----------------------- Misc sub-routines ----------------------------
* A0=String, returns i D0.L the length of string excluding the null character
* Destroys D0
MyStrLen PushS A0
moveq #-1,D0
MyStrLenLoop addq.l #1,D0
tst.b (A0)+
bne.S MyStrLenLoop
PopS A0
* A0=Buffer to extend with a '/' if the buffer is non-empty, and
* if it doesn't already end with a '/' or a ':'
* Destroys A0 which on return points to NULL-byte after ':' or '/'
TackOn PushS D0
Call MyStrLen
tst.w D0
adda.w D0,A0 ;End of the path-string
beq.S EndTackOn
cmpi.b #':',-1(A0) ;If path ends on anything else than
beq.S EndTackOn ;a ':'
moveq #'/',D0
cmp.b -1(A0),D0 ;or a '/'
beq.S EndTackOn
move.b D0,(A0)+ ;then add a '/'
EndTackOn clr.b (A0) ;and a NULL
PopS D0
* Sets the Slide-Knob vertical size according to FR_Count
* Doesn't destroys registers
SetKnobHeight Push D0-D2
move.l #MAXBODY,D0
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D1
moveq #DisplayRows,D2 ;Count<=DisplayRows means full-sized knob
cmp.w D2,D1
ble.S DoneSH
divu D1,D0 ;D0=65535/Count*DisplayRows
mulu D2,D0
DoneSH move.w D0,FD_SlideHeight(FData)
Pop D0-D2
* Sets the Slide-Knob vertical position according to FR_TopCount
* Doesn't destroys registers
SetKnobPos Push D0-D1
moveq #0,D0
move.w FR_Count(FReq),D1
subq.w #DisplayRows,D1
ble.S SetKnobToTop ;Count<=DisplayRows means top-placed knob
move.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D0
swap D0
divu D1,D0 ;(D0*65535)/(Count-DisplayRows)
bvc.S SetKnobToTop
moveq #-1,D0 ;move.l #MAXPOS,D0
SetKnobToTop move.w D0,FD_SlideVPos(FData)
Pop D0-D1
* Makes the Slide-Knob fill the entire Prop-Gadget
* Doesn't destroys registers
ResetKnob clr.w FD_SlideVPos(FData) ;Knob to the top
move.w #-1,FD_SlideHeight(FData);Full size
* Updates/refreshes the Prop-Gadget
* Doesn't destroys registers
SetKnob Push D0-D5/A0-A2
lea SlideGad(PC),A0
movea.l FD_Window(FData),A1
suba.l A2,A2
moveq #0,D1
move.w FD_SlideVPos(FData),D2
moveq #-1,D3 ;move.w #$FFFF,D3 (HorizBody)
move.w FD_SlideHeight(FData),D4
moveq #1,D5
LoadBase IntBase
CallLib NewModifyProp
Pop D0-D5/A0-A2
* Fills the display with color 0
* Doesn't destroys registers
ClearDisplay Push D0-D3/A0-A1
LoadBase GfxBase ;Clear display
moveq #0,D0
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
CallLib SetAPen
moveq #6,D0
moveq #12,D1
move.w #6+DisplayCols*8,D2
moveq #81,D3
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
CallLib RectFill
moveq #1,D0
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
CallLib SetAPen
Pop D0-D3/A0-A1 ;Fall through
* Clears then DisplayList-array
* Doesn't destroys registers
ClearDisplayArr Push D0/A0
movea.l FD_DisplayList(FData),A0
moveq #DisplayRows-1,D0
ClearArrLoop clr.l (A0)+
dbf D0,ClearArrLoop
Pop D0/A0
* Fills the display with filenames plus size/type
* Stores the address of the nodes containing the displayed filenames in DisplayRows
* This routine could be made faster (but its fast enough for now)
* Doesn't destroys registers
WriteDisplay Push D0-D4/A0-A3
Call ClearDisplayArr
LoadBase GfxBase
move.w FR_TopCount(FReq),D4
movea.l FR_TopView(FReq),A3
movea.l FD_DisplayList(FData),A2
moveq #19,D3
WriteLoop cmp.l #0,A3 ;This double-condition is necessary in order
beq DoneWriting ;to keep the devices from being shown
cmp.w FR_Count(FReq),D4 ;because FR_TopCount doesn't correspond to
bge DoneWriting ;FR_TopView while the list is being build
move.l A3,(A2)+ ;Save address of EntryNode
movea.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),A0
move.l EntryType(A3),D0 ;D0=Type or Size
bge.S CopyName
InsertType addq.w #1,D0 ;Find correct text to insert
mulu #-5,D0
lea TxtDirs(PC),A1
adda.w D0,A1 ;One more directory,device,volume or 'assign'
movea.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),A0
moveq #4,D0
InsertTypeLoop move.b (A1)+,(A0)+ ;Insert '(Dir)','<Dev>','<Vol>' or '<Asn>'
dbf D0,InsertTypeLoop
move.b #' ',(A0)+
CopyName lea EntryName(A3),A1
NameCopyLoop move.b (A1)+,(A0)+ ;Copy name to Txtbuffer
bne.S NameCopyLoop
subq.l #1,A0
move.l A0,D0
sub.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),D0
moveq #DisplayCols-1,D1
sub.w D0,D1
moveq #' ',D0
BuffClearLoop move.b D0,(A0)+ ;Clear rest of Txtbuffer
dbf D1,BuffClearLoop
move.l EntryType(A3),D0 ;D0=Type or Size
cmpi.l #DIRTYPE,D0
blt.S TxtInDevColor
beq.S TxtInDirColor
btst #FSB_NOFILESIZE,FR_Flags+1(FReq)
bne.S TxtInFileColor ;This doesn't destroy cc
InsertSize move.b #'0',-1(A0) ;This has to be done If D0=0
ConvertLoop tst.l D0 ;A0=end of Txtbuffer
ble.S TxtInFileColor
divu #10,D0
swap D0
addi.b #'0',D0
move.b D0,-(A0)
clr.w D0
swap D0
bra.S ConvertLoop
TxtInFileColor moveq #FILECOLOR,D0
bra.S WriteLine
TxtInDirColor moveq #DIRCOLOR,D0
bra.S WriteLine
TxtInDevColor moveq #DEVCOLOR,D0
WriteLine movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
cmp.b rp_FgPen(A1),D0
beq.S DontSetColor
CallLib SetAPen ;Shouldn't do this everytime
DontSetColor moveq #6,D0
move.w D3,D1
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
CallLib Move
moveq #DisplayCols,D0
movea.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),A0
movea.l FD_Rp(FData),A1
move.b #%00000011,rp_Mask(A1) ;Only write in bitplanes 0 and 1
CallLib Text
addq.w #1,D4
movea.l EntryNext(A3),A3
addi.w #10,D3 ;Add 10 to vertical Write-position
cmpi.w #19+(DisplayRows-1)*10,D3
ble WriteLoop
DoneWriting Pop D0-D4/A0-A3
* A0=Node to insert in list
* Sorts according to EntryType and EntryName
* Destroys D0-D4,A0-A3
SortFiles lea EntryName(A0),A2
movea.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),A3
UpperCaseLoop move.b (A2)+,D0 ;Convert name to uppercase
beq.S DoneUpperCase
cmpi.b #'a',D0
blt.S StoreUpperCase
cmpi.b #'z',D0
bgt.S StoreUpperCase
subi.b #32,D0
StoreUpperCase move.b D0,(A3)+
bra.S UpperCaseLoop
DoneUpperCase move.l EntryType(A0),D0
bmi.S TypeOk
moveq #1,D0 ;Type 1 is File
TypeOk lea FR_List(FReq),A1
move.l FR_TopView(FReq),D4
SortLoop cmp.l A1,D4
bne.S LowerThan
moveq #0,D4
LowerThan move.l A1,D3 ;D3 always entry to insert after
tst.l EntryNext(A1)
beq.S Insert ;End of list ?
movea.l EntryNext(A1),A1 ;We go further down
move.l EntryType(A1),D2
bmi.S TypeOk2
moveq #1,D2 ;Type 1 is File
TypeOk2 cmp.l D2,D0
blt.S SortLoop
bgt.S Insert
CmpStr movea.l FD_TxtBuf(FData),A2 ;Name to insert
lea EntryName(A1),A3 ;Name to compare to
CmpLoop move.b (A3)+,D1
beq.S SortLoop
cmpi.b #'a',D1
blt.S Compare
cmpi.b #'z',D1
bgt.S Compare
subi.b #32,D1
Compare cmp.b (A2)+,D1 ;Compare in uppercase
beq.S CmpLoop
blt.S SortLoop ;If name to insert>name in list then continue
Insert movea.l D3,A1
move.l EntryNext(A1),EntryNext(A0) ;A0 is entry to insert
move.l A0,EntryNext(A1)
tst.w D4
beq.S DoneSort
btst #KEEPTOP,FR_ToDo(FReq)
beq.S DoneSort
addq.w #1,FR_TopCount(FReq) ;Inserted the new entry before TopView
DoneSort rts
* UnLocks, whether FD_Lock is on a file or on the Device-list
* Doesn't destroy registers
RemoveLock Push D0-D1/A0-A1
move.l FD_Lock(FData),D1
beq.S DoneRemoveLock
btst #GETDEVS,FR_ToDo(FReq)
beq.S RemoveFileLock
RemoveDevLock Call UnLockD ;Unlock Device-List
bra.S DoneRemoveLock
RemoveFileLock LoadBase DosBase
CallLib UnLock
DoneRemoveLock clr.l FD_Lock(FData)
Pop D0-D1/A0-A1
* The next three sub-routines fakes a Lock/UnLock/ExNext (Not Examine) on the Device-List
* LockD disables multitasking to make sure the Device-List is not changed while doing ExNextD's
* UnLockD enables multitasking again
* Stores the Device-List in FD_Lock
* Doesn't destroys registers
LockD Push D0-D1/A0-A1
LoadBase ExecBase
CallLib Forbid
movea.l FD_DosBase(FData),A0
movea.l dl_Root(A0),A0 ;dl_Root
movea.l rn_Info(A0),A0 ;dl_Root->rn_Info
adda.l A0,A0
adda.l A0,A0
movea.l di_DevInfo(A0),A0 ;Dosbase->dl_Root->rn_Info->di_DevInfo
adda.l A0,A0
adda.l A0,A0
move.l A0,FD_Lock(FData)
Pop D0-D1/A0-A1
* Clears FD_Lock
* Doesn't destroys registers
UnLockD Push D0-D1/A0-A1
LoadBase ExecBase
CallLib Permit
clr.l FD_Lock(FData)
Pop D0-D1/A0-A1
* Fills the FileInfoBlock FD_FIB with name and type
* Returns 0 in D0 if no more entries on the Device-List and 1 otherwise
* Destroys D0
ExNextD Push D1-D2/A0-A3
FindNextDev movea.l FD_FIB(FData),A2 ;A2=FIB
movea.l FD_Lock(FData),A3 ;A3=(struct DeviceList *)Lock
moveq #0,D0 ;Return code
tst.l FD_Lock(FData) ;while not end of list
beq.S EndOfList
move.l dl_Next(A3),D0
asl.l #2,D0
move.l D0,FD_Lock(FData)
move.l dl_Type(A3),D1
moveq #DLT_VOLUME,D0
cmp.l D0,D1
beq.S GetTheDevice
cmp.l D0,D1
beq.S GetTheDevice
moveq #DLT_DEVICE,D0
cmp.l D0,D1
bne.S FindNextDev
tst.l dl_Task(A3) ;if(dn->dn_Task == 0 then skip it
beq.S FindNextDev
GetTheDevice movea.l dl_Name(A3),A1 ;A1=(BPTR)list->dl_Name
adda.l A1,A1
adda.l A1,A1
move.b (A1)+,D0 ;D0=Length of string, A0=string
ext.w D0
moveq #32,D2
cmp.w D2,D0 ;if(D0 > 32)
ble.S NameLengthIsOk
move.w D2,D0 ;D0 = 32;
NameLengthIsOk lea fib_FileName(A2),A0 ;A0=fib->fib_FileName
subq.w #1,D0
CopyLoop move.b (A1)+,(A0)+
dbf D0,CopyLoop
move.b #':',(A0)+ ;Append a ':'
clr.b (A0)+ ;and a NULL
move.l dl_Type(A3),fib_DirEntryType(A2) ;fib->fib_DirEntryType=list->dl_type
moveq #1,D0 ;return 1;
EndOfList Pop D1-D2/A0-A3
rts ;return 1 or return 0
DosName dc.b 'dos.library',0
GfxName dc.b 'graphics.library',0
IntuiName dc.b 'intuition.library',0
FileNW dc.w 111,58,299,126
dc.b 0,1
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0
ButBorder BORDER -2,-1,BUTCOLOR,0,RP_JAM2,17,ButVectors,0
ButVectors dc.w 2,0,BWIDTH+1,0,BWIDTH+3,2,BWIDTH+3,BHEIGHT-1,BWIDTH+1,BHEIGHT+1,2,BHEIGHT+1,0,BHEIGHT-1,0,2,2,0
StrBorder BORDER -4,-2,STRCOLOR,0,RP_JAM2,17,SVectors,0
SVectors dc.w 2,0,SWIDTH+1,0,SWIDTH+3,2,SWIDTH+3,SHEIGHT-1,SWIDTH+1,SHEIGHT+1,2,SHEIGHT+1,0,SHEIGHT-1,0,2,2,0
SlideBorder BORDER -2,-82,PROPCOLOR,0,RP_JAM2,17,PVectors,0
PVectors dc.w 2,0,PWIDTH+1,0,PWIDTH+3,2,PWIDTH+3,P2HEIGHT-1,PWIDTH+1,P2HEIGHT+1,2,P2HEIGHT+1,0,P2HEIGHT-1,0,2,2,0
ITxtParent INTUITEXT 1,0,RP_JAM2,13,2,TxtParent,0
ITxtPath INTUITEXT 1,0,RP_JAM2,-41,0,TxtPath,0
ITxtFile INTUITEXT 1,0,RP_JAM2,-41,0,TxtFile,0
ITxtPos INTUITEXT 1,0,RP_JAM2,5,2,TxtPositiv,0
ITxtNeg INTUITEXT 1,0,RP_JAM2,5,2,TxtNegativ,0
TxtAttr dc.l FontName
FontName dc.b 'topaz.font',0
MemErrorTxt dc.b 'Out of memory',0
DirErrorTxt dc.b 'Directory error',0
SelectTxt dc.b 'Select a file',0
InfoTxt dc.b '.info'
TxtDirs dc.b '(dir)' ;\
TxtDevs dc.b '<dev>' ; \The order and length of these strings is important to 'WriteDisplay'
TxtVols dc.b '<vol>' ; /
TxtAsns dc.b '<asn>' ;/
TxtParent dc.b 'Parent',0
TxtPath dc.b 'Path',0
TxtFile dc.b 'File',0
TxtNegativ dc.b ' Cancel',0
TxtPositiv dc.b ' Ok',0
SlideImage IMAGE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
ArrowsImage IMAGE 1,0,16,22,1,ArrowsData,%00000001,%00000000,0
PathInfo ds.b 36
FileInfo ds.b 36
SlideInfo dc.w AUTOKNOB!FREEVERT!PROPBORDERLESS,0,0,0,8700,0,0,0,0,0,0
Select1Gad GADGET Select2Gad,4,12,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select1ID,0
Select2Gad GADGET Select3Gad,4,22,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select2ID,0
Select3Gad GADGET Select4Gad,4,32,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select3ID,0
Select4Gad GADGET Select5Gad,4,42,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select4ID,0
Select5Gad GADGET Select6Gad,4,52,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select5ID,0
Select6Gad GADGET Select7Gad,4,62,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select6ID,0
Select7Gad GADGET ParentGad,4,72,DisplayCols*8+3,10,GADGHCOMP,RELVERIFY,BOOLGADGET
GADGET2 0,0,0,0,0,Select7ID,0
GADGET2 ButBorder,0,ITxtParent,0,0,ParentID,0
GADGET2 ArrowsImage,0,0,0,0,UpID,0
GADGET2 SlideBorder,0,0,0,0,DownID,0
GADGET2 SlideImage,0,0,0,SlideInfo,SlideID,0
GADGET2 StrBorder,0,ITxtPath,0,PathInfo,PathID,0
GADGET2 StrBorder,0,ITxtFile,0,FileInfo,PosID,0
GADGET2 ButBorder,0,ITxtPos,0,0,PosID,0
GADGET2 ButBorder,0,ITxtNeg,0,0,NegID,0
SECTION IMAGEDATA,DATA_C ;Image-data has to be in CHIP-RAM
ArrowsData dc.w %0000000110000000
dc.w %0000001111000000
dc.w %0000011001100000
dc.w %0000110000110000
dc.w %0001100000011000
dc.w %0011000000001100
dc.w %0110000000000110
dc.w %1100000000000011
dc.w %1100000000000011
dc.w %0110000000000110
dc.w %0011000000001100
dc.w %0011111111111100
dc.w %0110000000000110
dc.w %1100000000000011
dc.w %1100000000000011
dc.w %0110000000000110
dc.w %0011000000001100
dc.w %0001100000011000
dc.w %0000110000110000
dc.w %0000011001100000
dc.w %0000001111000000
dc.w %0000000110000000