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AmiGraph 2.1
"Electronic Graph Paper"
Written and Copyright (c) 1990
All Rights Reserved
By Thomas C. DeVeau
Special Thanks to:
Khalid Aldoseri for the use of his File Requester.
All the good folks on Compuserve's AmigaTech Forum for interesting
Sunday mornings.
And to Commodore for putting out a great computer.
************************ SHAREWARE NOTICE *************************
AmiGraph 2.1 IS Shareware. If you like and use AmiGraph 2.1, please
send a donation of $5.00 (U.S.) to the address below. When you send
me your shareware donation, you will then become a registered user.
As a registered user, you will be notified of any upgrades and very
reduced donations for the upgrade, BEFORE it is put out to the public.
What Is AmiGraph?
AmiGraph is a unique type of CAD program. It is unique because it
incoporates a number of tools specially created for the Do-It-Yourselfer,
the Fantasy Gamer, and anyone that needs graph paper for their design
needs. AmiGraph also offers users a large number of user definable grid
sizes for a variety of uses.
At this point in AmiGraph's history, it uses one drawing pen color
(i.e. Black). Future versions will hopefully have a better selection.
See section "What Lies Ahead:".
Starting AmiGraph:
To start AmiGraph from the CLI, enter (without quotes) "AmiGraph".
You will then be presented with a requester informing you that the
AmiGraph uses an interlaced screen and gives instructions for dealing
with the flicker.
Command line options:
The "-q" or "-Q" option when specified will bypass the
information requester. File Opening is also possible.
AmiGraph -q dungeon.pic
To start AmiGraph from the WorkBench, double click on its Icon.
Inside AmiGraph:
Inside AmiGraph you are presented with an 8 pixel by 8 pixel
grid on a 640x400 interlaced screen. This is your working area.
The title bar shows the program name, the Current Tool (Tool:),
Grid Snap status (GS:), Door Snap status (DS:), and the Fill status
AmiGraph Menus:
KEYS: [A] = Right Amiga, F = Function Key, KP = Numerical Key Pad.
NEW -> Clears the work area, redraws the grid, and
resets the default tool (LINE).
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] N.
OPEN -> Opens a file requester for filename input.
Restores a drawing for editing.
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] O.
SAVE -> Saves the current drawing under the current
filename. Default filename is "Untitled".
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] S.
SAVE AS -> Opens a file requester for filename input.
Saves current drawing under entered filename.
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] A.
PRINT -> Dumps current drawing to printer.
NOTE: See "Suggested Printer Setup" below.
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] P.
SAVE/EXIT -> Saves current drawing under current filename,
then exits the program.
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] E.
QUIT -> Quit program no questions asked.
Keyboard Shortcut: [A] Q.
ABOUT -> Copyright information.
Keyboard Shortcut: NONE.
UNDO -> Undo last mistake.
Keyboard Shortcut: U.
DRAW -> Allows freehand drawing.
Keyboard Shortcut: F1.
LINE -> Allows drawing of straight lines.
Keyboard Shortcut: F2.
BOX -> Allows drawing of rectangles.
Keyboard Shortcut: F3.
CIRCLE -> Allows drawing of circles.
Keyboard Shortcut: F4.
OVAL -> Allows drawing of Ellipses.
Keyboard Shortcut: F5.
NOTE: For triangles the first two letters describe the orientation.
(i.e. UL = Upper-Left. Right Angle points to upper-left of screen).
ULTRI -> Upper Left Triangle.
Keyboard Shortcut: F6.
LLTRI -> Lower Left Triangle.
Keyboard Shortcut: F7.
URTRI -> Upper Right Triangle.
Keyboard Shortcut: F8.
LRTRI -> Lower Right Triangle.
Keyboard Shortcut: F9.
FILL -> Toggles the fill option ON or OFF.
Keyboard Shortcut: F10.
TEXT -> This displays a requester for entering text.
After entering text hit RETURN twice for OKAY,
or select CANCEL. If CANCEL is selected, the
current tool will be reset to the default.
Keyboard Shortcut: T.
ERASER -> Allows erasure of variable sized areas.
Keyboard Shortcut: DEL.
PAINT -> Allows filling of odd shaped areas.
Keyboard Shortcut: F.
ZOOM -> Allow magnifying and area for fine editing.
Keyboard Shortcut: Z.
NOTE: Select Symbol Definitions from the Extras Menu for imagery.
STAIR -> Stair symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 0.
VD -> Vertical door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 1.
HD -> Horizontal door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 2.
LRUD -> Diagonal door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 3.
LRDD -> Diagonal door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 4.
VSD -> Vertical secret door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 5.
HSD -> Horizontal secret door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 6.
LRUSD -> Diagonal secret door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 7.
LRDSD -> Diagonal secret door symbol.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 8.
DOOR SNAP -> Toggle Door Snap ON or OFF.
Keyboard Shortcut: KP 9.
GRID SNAP -> Toggles Grid Snap ON or OFF.
Keyboard Shortcut: ESC.
GRID ON/OFF -> Toggles Grid ON or OFF.
Keyboard Shortcut: TAB.
PALETTE -> Opens Palette requester for modifying colors.
Keyboard Shortcut: P.
SYMBOL DEFINITIONS -> Opens Symbol Definition window for visual
Keyboard Shortcut: HELP.
MODIFY GRID -> Opens Modify Grid requester.
Keyboard Shortcut: CTRL.
Using AmiGraph:
General Tools:
For drawing Freehand, click the left mouse button and do your drawing.
When drawing is to your likeing, click the left mouse button again.
For drawing Lines, Boxes, Circles and Ovals, and Triangles,
click the left mouse button. When you are satisfied with the final
position, click the left mouse button again. If you are not satisfied,
click the right mouse button to abort the operation.
When using the OVAL and the CIRCLE tools, a cross-hair will appear
where the mouse is first clicked. This is a center point indicator.
Also, a box will be drawn when the mouse is moved. This shows the
x,y diameter of the oval or circle to be drawn.
Fantasy Tools:
For drawing Stairs, move the pointer to a grid intersection, and click
the left mouse button.
Drawing Doors with Door Snap ON:
This function puts a door on a grid intersection. Move the
pointer to a grid intersection and click the left mouse button
Drawing Doors with Door Snap OFF:
This function puts a door BETWEEN grid intersections on grid
If you have a horizontal wall that you wish to put a door on,
move the pointer to the immediate left grid intersection of
the desired door location, press the left mouse button, draw
a one (1) grid square length line toward the bottom of the
screen and release the mouse button.
If you have a vertical wall that you wish to put a door on,
move the pointer to the grid intersection immediately above
the desired door location, click the left mouse button, draw
a one (1) grid square length line toward the right of the
screen and click the mouse button again.
If you have a diagonal wall that you wish to put a door on,
click the left mouse button,draw a one (1) square box around
(moving the pointer toward the lower-right of the screen)
the desired door location and click the mouse button again.
These methods will work for both normal and secret doors.
Using The Zoom Function:
Select Zoom from the Tools screen. Position the box that is attached
to the pointer and click the left mouse button. Inside the Zoom window,
drawing will be allowed after the 'scanning phase'. The Zoom window
opens in 4x magnification. Current implemented magnification powers
are 4x, 8x, 16x. To change the power setting, click on the ZOOM gadget.
Scrolling is done using the cursor keys.
To select a new color, click the mouse Menu button. Note: This feature
is provided in case of mistakes.
When finished with the Zoom, click on the close window gadget.
Using The Palette Requester:
The palette requester that is used is unique, in that there are no
sliders. What I have used in thier place are simple boolean gadgets
(i.e. on or off). Modifying the palette to colors more to your liking
is easy. You are presented with a number of gadgets. The description
of the requester is as follows:
R -> Indicates current Red Intensity.
G -> Indicates current Green Intensity.
B -> Indicates current Blue Intensity.
The three "+" gadgets and the three "-" gadget are for increasing or
decreasing the color intensity by one (1). The intensity values are
displayed in Hexadecimal.
The long, thin block (at the top of the requester) of color is the
current color indicator.
On the right side of the requester, are the main color selection
gadgets. Click one of these to select the current color to be modified
(NOTE: These gadgets do not highlight in any way.).
OKAY! -> Means that you are happy with your choices.
RESET -> Resets the default colors.
CANCEL -> Resets the default colors and returns to the main
Using The Modify Grid Requester:
This is where you can change the grid size. All functions in this
requester can be accessed by either the mouse or keyboard.
Entry in the X or Y gadgets is in pixels.
The Gadgets include:
X -> For modifying the left-right size.
Y -> For modifying the up-down size.
MODIFY -> This puts your changes into effect,
and set the grid to the new values.
CANCEL -> This cancels whatever changes you have
made, and resets the grid.
The Keyboard Shortcuts are:
X -> Selects the X gadget.
Y -> Selects the Y gadget.
M -> Selcets the MODIFY gadget.
C -> Selects the CANCEL gadget.
Using The File Requester:
See the file "FileReq.doc".
File Format:
AmiGraph 2.1 generates two (2) file:
1: The first file created is the ".agp" file. This file is
a standard IFF bitmap. This means that they can be loaded
into paint program that uses this format.
2: The second file created is the ".dat" file. This file
contains the grid size information that was used when
saving the IFF drawing.
NOTE: AmiGraph 2.1 loads IFF pictures, yet it is suggested that you
do not use pictures from other paint programs, the results can
be unpredictable.
Suggested Printer Setup:
This printer configuation works well on "Narrow Tractor" printers (i.e.
OkiData MicroLine 292). For "Wide Tractor" printers some experimentation
may be required. Use version 1.3 Preferences or higher.
Graphic 1:
Aspect: Vertical
Shade.: Gray Scale
Image.: Positive
Graphic 2:
Smoothing: ON
Center...: ON
Density..: Use highest density for your printer.
Dithering: ORDERED
Scaling..: INTEGER
Width Limit.: 7.0
Height Limit: 0.0
Trouble Shooting:
PROBLEM.......: When opening a file all I get is garbage.
PROBABLE CAUSE: Too many programs running in the background.
This will happen on an Amiga with 512K memory.
AmiGraph 2.1 IS a memory hog.
SOLUTION......: Close all background tasks, try operation again.
NOTE: Amiga 1000 users, if a loaded file comes up
as garbage, you will mose probably have to
reset the machine instead of exiting AmiGraph.
Exiting AmiGraph the normally COULD crash
the machine down to the KickStart level.
PROBLEM.......: Undo function doesn't work.
CAUSE.........: The file "agud" is not in the same directory as
AmiGraph. This file is an IFF pic that is loaded when
AmiGraph starts. It MUST be in the same directory.
SOLUTION......: If the file "agud" is not available, it can be made by
starting AmiGraph, and saving the screen BEFORE any
drawing is done. Than exit and start AmiGraph again.
Technical Support #: 315-682-2805 at times listed below.
If you find any bugs or have any problems with AmiGraph 2.1, please call
at the following times (Eastern Time) Monday-Friday:
January, April, July, October.: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
February, May, August, November: 9:00am - 2:00pm
March, June, September, December: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Send Shareware Donation To: ( Check or Money Order: $5.00 (US) )
T. C. DeVeau
P.O. Box 594
Manlius, N.Y. 13104-0594