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M2Du5.xx For old users - WHATS CHANGED
Added "TIMES" and "FLAGS" function to "SIZES/DATES" gadgets. TIMES shows
hh:mm:ss of creation date and FLAGS now shows all file flags. Also changed
logic to show "rwed" when permitted and "hpsa" when set. Made the "ShoFLG"
button work the same way. (slightly redundant now). Added the TIMES and
FLAGS to the Dump command (RMB on PAR:/PRT:).
New function. Interlaced screen on/off. If RIGHT mouse is clicked on the
"SIZES/DATES" gadget at the top of the window, it toggles on/off a custom
screen interlaced mode with 35 files per window. You can start up in this
mode by putting a #L command (for "L"ace). in the Du.hist file. Anything you
do on the workbench screen must be screen swapped to, but the window is one
pixel down so the screen front/back gadgets are accessible. When in
interlace, the shrink function does not work (no need to).
#L takes precedence over the #C (closed window) mode if both are in Du.hist.
WHOA! New look. In keeping with the times (and to keep everyone confused?),
I rearranged it again! This time to achieve the 3-d look. Lost a gadget
which no-one was really using (except probably me), CPYif. Had to hide
LZHall, unLZH, f->R, f->D, D<->R. Expanded width of 'recall' gadgets for S &
D to be the full width of the space between the window edge and the string
No internal function changes.
The R+ R- gadget is now a little +- box to the right of the Run string box.
Now the f->R and f->D gadgets are immediately left of the R and D string
boxes, respecively between the letter box and the string box. The RMB/LMB
action is still the same.
Also, in the cluster between the UPPER and LOWER push/swap stuff is the R-D
push/swap stuff. Under the > is the R->D. Under the <> is the R<>D.
Under the < is the D->R.
Finally the LZHall box is now a hidden gadget to the immediate left of
the CPYall gadget, the full width of that space and the unLZH gadget is a
hidden gadget exactly one row above that.
Recoded and rearranged some modules for better distribution internally.
Added some modifier "stuff" to the execute gadget routines. These may be
placed in the (R) history items to alter the normal construction of the
command strings to be sent to Execute().
{S} = (S)ource string |
{D} = (D)estination string | These ARE case sensitive.
{f} = (f)ilename |
{p} = (p)ath <variable> |
Read under the 'DO R+f' gadget explanation for how they work.
Added Right MOUSE to f->D and f->R. If activated with Right MOUSE, they
will work the same, but NOT unselect the file name moved.
Fixed the Workbench output window to open up the first time it is needed
and hang around until it is released or the program ends. You release it
by activating the window and pressing any key while it is active. It will
NOT close up until you return to the Directory Utility and do something,
but then it will close up and go away. It will then reappear the next
time it is needed and work the same way.
Changed the default Edit name back to "dme" and the default Run name to
"run". You can change them in the Du.hist file. I am using dme version
1.40 which again opens up full size and is s: configurable.
5/9/90 version - couple of internal changes to make it run better on
the A3000 under 2.0.
Removed WB window automatic opening. Replaced with a window which will
pop up only when needed.
Reworked name construction for LZHall and unLZH and COPYall/LZHall, so it
works from WB without trying to dump stuff in df0:.
Changed INSTALL requester to ask NON-BOOTING or BOOTING or QUIT. You can
now REMOVE a bootable bootblock by saying NON-BOOTING.
Changed ZOOall/ZOOif to LZHall/unLZH - Still probably not useful for most
people, but as lharc gets faster, I don't mind using it for my own backups.
unLZH WILL NOT unlharc normal files. You STILL need to use an 'R' item to
do that. It is ONLY for my backup/restore method.
Also the COPYall/LZHall now uses LHARC and the UNlharc (RIGHT mouse on the
lower <> gadget) and creates/extracts a file named DuFiles.lzh.
A few internal redundancies removed.
Recompiled with newly modified library.
Changed OldNew to simply examine the directory of the (D)estination window.
It runs quickly, but to be accurate, that window must be up-to-date.
Added 2 MORE gadgets (not visible, too). The extreme left border of the
(S)ource box and the extreme right border of the (D)estination box are
"REMEMBER ME" gadgets which work thus:
Hit the LEFT mouse on the gadget and the current visible string will
be "REMEMBERED" for later use. Hit the RIGHT mouse on the gadget and the
last "REMEMBERED" string will be swapped with the current visible string.
The RIGHT mouse is a SWAPPING toggle, and if you keep using it, it will
switch back and forth. Every time you use the LEFT mouse, the old (if any)
"REMEMBERED" string will be discarded and the current string will be
"REMEMBERED" for the future. This way, you can have 2 easily accessible
directory names for each window, and move back and forth quickly.
WOW! Fixed big bug introduced in 5.10. The program crashed if you had
a floppy in the (D) window with filenames showing, and then pulled the
disk and THEN tried to highlight a file and do something with it. FIXED!
Also added #C command to history file. Works only on startup and signals
the window to (C)lose up to the shrink mode right away.
Re-implemented the 'display filenames during read' and sped it up.
Added 2 NEW GADGETS. The left border of the (S)ource window and the right
border of the (D)estination window are now 'Explore' buttons. Highlight a
directory in a window, and click (EITHER BUTTON) the extreme outer vertical
edge of that window, and the highlighted directory will be placed (full path)
in the opposite window.
Made the filewindows and sliders active for motion usage. Click the mouse
down in a filewindow, and drag it, and all files passed over will be treated
like the first one hit. (If you selected it, the others will be 'selected'
and vice versa). Also made the sliders drag the filenames up and down if
you click down the slider and drag it while the LEFT mouse is pressed.
Changed the OK line to display marked stuff in BOTH windows.
Added some keyboard equivalents:
Some simple commands have keyboard equivalents. These are:
A = ALLtag (Source) ^P = PRINT X = SWAP S & D <>
C = COPY R = REtag (Source) + = R+
E = EDIT S = ShoIFF 0-8=device gadgets
F = FLPtag (Source) T = TYPE left to right.
H = HTYPE U = UNtag (Source) ^C = QUIT
Internal changes, smaller executible and faster for certain functions.
TYPE now uses faster print method and different type slider.
Made ZAPall/DKWIPE/DKCOPY/FORMAT a LITTLE harder to do by accident. Using new
requesters, these will check with you and require a move and re-click on
another gadget to activate. Try it. You can cancel them easily.
Changed to my version of dcRequesters (for M2Sprint). Now requesters pop
up in center and accept the gadget first letter from the keyboard or a
mouseclick in the gadget boxes.
MKDIR should no longer re-read the unchanged window.
The slider should behave better and reflect proportions better.
Errors should no longer leave the window with the .GONE. line showing.
Took out display during directory read. TOO SLOW!
Fixed ShowIFF to handle (most) overscan pictures. Still no SHAM..etc.
----5.06, 5.07 INTERNAL Speedups
Widened the swap/push buttons in the center cluster.
Also added an explore function (somewhat like SID's). By highlighting a
directory in one window and clicking the "push to other window" gadget
with the RIGHT mouse, the HIGHLIGHTED directory is pushed to the opposite
window and displayed. It works both directions, so you can go back and
forth and "explore".
With the addition of a second window, MANY functions changed. Most of them
should be fairly intuitive to grasp. The major things which work DIFFERENTLY
are described below. One of the hardest things to do was find room on the
window for everything, so I HAD to reduce all names to 6 characters. Few
button names changed, but all should be recognizable. Finding them might
be a trick for a while.
I also re-worked the documentation to be a little more readable and helpful.
It is also LARGER by half and should now be worth reading. For those who
have read it (hopefully one or two), it may now be worth RE-reading.
1. BIGGEST change is in buttons. I included an IFF picture to view showing
the hidden stuff and new buttons. It is already outdated as to the
content of the title bar and INFO area. The layout of these is now
described in #2 below. The MAJOR change is in several of the SWAP
buttons. The most used ones are grouped together between the string
gadgets and are small <> type pointers. The picture shows a blow-up of
what is what. A ROUGH description is:
S->D | D->S
| | |
'S' Button | | | 'D' Button
| | | | |
[Source string gadget ]S > < > < D[Destination string gadget]
> < > < R[Run history string gadget]
| | | |
| | | 'R' Button
| | |
S->R | R->S
2. To allow display of Files/Dirs/Total for BOTH windows, I rearranged the
title bar and INFO [(S) and (D) areas] as follows:
Which Window Files Total
| Bytes Bytes | Dirs |
| Volume Name Free Used | | |
| ------------------------------ -------- --------- --- --- ----
(S)?? ?/ ? ?/ ?/ ?
M2u504 00:00 (N)(R) R-00 [cccccc/CCCCCC] [fffffff/FFFFFFF]tttttttt
| | | | | | | | | |
Version | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | Largest |
Time Of Day | | R item | | | FastMem |
| | number | Largest Total |
Sort Order | | ChipMem FastMem Total
N=Normal | Total AvailMem
I=Inverted | Chipmem
R = Reset f-windows on reread
H = Hold pos of f-windows on reread
3. File Tagging - The button names are slightly different, but operation
is VERY different. The only one unchanged is 'OldNew'. The rest of
the buttons work on FILES only now, and the meaning of the LEFT mouse
is 'Files in the source window', while the meaning of the RIGHT mouse
becomes 'Files in the destination window'.
and DELDIR (all the gadgets which work on individual single files in a
top-to-bottom direction) now work through BOTH windows, so you can tag
stuff in BOTH windows and copy both ways for example. Be careful when
using DELETE, because it traverses both windows looking for tagged files.
The "ALL" functions [CPYall, CPYif, ZOOall, ZOOif, ZAPall] all still work
the same (Source window to destination window, or Source window only).
Also SetFLG, ShoFLG, SetCOM, ShoCOM have not changed and work in the
SOURCE window only.
5. Since Destination may contain a path you want to keep, the argument for
RENAME and RELABEL (shortened to RELABL) now goes in the 'R' (Run)
gadget. This should be no more than a thinking adjustment.
6. RENAME is now tricky. Since you can highlight a file in the destination
window, and RENAME it, you need to know that the program considers the
source window to be "Current Directory". THEREFORE, any filename in the
Run gadget which does NOT have a path (i.e. a simple "Name") will be
renamed to fall into the "Current Directory" (or source window). If
the two windows happen to be different DEVICES, it will fail. If you
want to rename a file in Destination to STAY in Destination, you must
include the full path in the Run gadget. That's the price you pay for
more flexibility.
7. MKDIR (used to be MAKEDIR) is different. Now the LEFT mouse makes the
directory name listed in Source, and RIGHT mouse makes the directory name
listed in Destination. Remember NOT to hit <ENTER> when putting a new
directory name into Source, since it won't allow a non-existent directory
name. That way you fool it until the MKDIR button is activated.
8. Shrink button is now the TINY box between the top row gadgets above the
filewindow. ALSO RIGHT mouse on the title bar does same thing. You
now UN-shrink the little window by making it active and then pressing
the RIGHT mousebutton.
9. The split slider should not be problem, but the old hidden gadget of
RIGHT mouse on the slider WILL NOT WORK if you hit that split line
EXACTLY. Move left or right to use that one. Likewise, the /\ \/
buttons are split for left and right windows, but otherwise work the same.
10. The VOL button is new. It brings up a Device List in the Destination
window. You can put an entry in the Source window by clicking the LEFT
mouse button on the entry, or in the Destination window by clicking the
RIGHT mouse button on the entry.
11. I finally sped up the reading of the Du.hist file, and placed it before
the window opens, so startup should be faster.
Hopefully, this covers the major changes which old users should need to
know. Experiment on old floppies if you aren't sure how something works.