Simtel MSDOS - Coast to Coast
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91Aug16 Released Version 5.20. (VAQ)
91Aug25 Removed built-in terminal code and manual-dialer options.
This was done because this feature was suffering from
general disuse - if folks need a terminal they certainly
can do better than to use Citadel - plus it saves space! (VAQ)
91Sep03 Abbreviated display for the ".RS" command. Removed some
information that is really superfluous. (VAQ)
91Oct12 Began work on adding FOSSIL compatibility for all Citadel
modem I/O routines. Each Citadel:K2NE sysop will have to
obtain his/her FOSSIL independently. According to all
available documentation, "all FOSSILs are created (essentially)
equally" so it **shouldn't** matter which one is used. However,
this stuff was all tested using X00.SYS (Gwinn FOSSIL driver),
so I can only "vouch" for that one! (VAQ)
91Oct17 Work completed on all FOSSIL routines. Module LIBFOSSL.C
added to the CN library for CTDL.EXE and CONFG.EXE.
Function "interpret()" has been removed from Citadel since
it is now completely superfluous. The FOSSIL now handles
ALL modem control and I/O functions. (VAQ)
91Oct17 Modified Configurator to take #modemSetup and write it out
to INITLINE.SYS, and modified Citadel to look for INITLINE.SYS
at boot-time and grab the modem initialization string from it.
Configurator version bumped to 11. Citadel:K2NE version
major-release series bumped to 6. Beginning with Version 6.01,
the new (Version 11.1) configurator will be REQUIRED.
All "mini-interpreter" routines in CTDLCNFG.SYS should be
either removed or disabled (by indenting a space) except for
the "#alldone" line. Configurator (V11.1) will check for
existence of an active FOSSIL driver and will NOT permit
Citadel to be configured until a FOSSIL is properly installed.
NOTE: The presence of a "#modemSetup" line in CTDLCNFG.SYS is
absolutely essential. If it is not there, you still will
get a "Must have either #modemSetup or #INIT_PORT" note,
and the configurator will bomb. DO NOT USE #INIT_PORT.
Citadel:K2NE now ignores it, will not look for it, and you
will (subsequently) NOT generate an INITLINE.SYS file
unless you have a "#modemSetup" specified. The FOSSIL
will be properly pointed at the COMport you specify with
your #COM setting, and your modem will reset between
calls (and between net calls and net sessions) at the
baud-rate you specify in #SYSBAUD. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO
MANUALLY EDIT "INITLINE.SYS" - let the Configurator
do it for you!
NOTE: The stand-alone CITANET.EXE (tm) networker has not yet been
updated for FOSSIL compliance. DO NOT attempt to use
any Version 5.xx CITANET (tm) utility. The CtdlTabl.Sys
file used by a V5.xx CitaNet (tm) is NOT compatible with
the Citadel:K2NE V6.xx CtdlTabl.Sys and hence, older
CITANET.EXE programs will NOT RUN! A new CitaNet (tm)
utility will be released in the near future. (VAQ)
("CitaNet" and "CITANET.EXE" are registered trademarks
of Vince Quaresima t/a K2NE Software. All rights are
91Oct20 Added optional configuration variable "#modemReset" for those who
need a bit more than "AT" sent to the modem as a "prod" after each
online session. Syntax (in CTDLCNFG.SYS) is:
#modemReset "AT etc etc etc etc"
Assuming a Hayes command-set compatible modem, the string should
start off with "AT". What follows can be anything you determine
that your modem should be "told" in order to reset it. If this
parameter is not used in CTDLCNFG.SYS, then Citadel will assume
a reset-string of "AT" and will send this to your modem immediately
after dropping DTR at the end of each online session. This should
hopefully make sure that your modem resets to your SysBaud value
in between each use. (VAQ)
91Oct20 Added optional configuration variable "#DTR-DELAY" for those who
have modems which need a bit extra time to drop carrier when
DTR is pulled down. If your modem seems to be having problems
resetting at the end of a call or between nodes during networking,
try adding "#DTR-DELAY n" to your CTDLCNFG.SYS file
(where n is any integer). For example, "#DTR-DELAY 1" will add
about 20 milliseconds to the time the system will wait after pulling
DTR. "2" would add about 40 milliseconds, "3" about 60 milliseconds,
and so forth. (VAQ)