Simtel MSDOS - Coast to Coast
Assembly Source File
2,070 lines
9-May-86 06:12:38-PDT,21915;000000000001
Return-Path: <dantowitz%eagle4.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Received: from DEC-RHEA.ARPA (dec-rhea) by decwrl.DEC.COM (4.22.05/4.7.34)
id AA27526; Fri, 9 May 86 06:11:20 pdt
Message-Id: <8605091311.AA27526@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: Friday, 9 May 1986 06:07:42-PDT
From: dantowitz%eagle4.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM (David .. LTN2-2/H07 -- DTN:226-6957)
To: Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA, ibmpc%eagle4.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM
Subject: No Change in CODE, only in "Copyright (C)" notice
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg
m_line proc near
; Version 3.2m DMD Medium resolution graphics routine for drawing
; April 30, 1986 lines on an IBMPC with the standard color
; graphics board. Copyright (c) by David Dantowitz,
; April 30, 1986
; This routine was written by David Dantowitz. The routine
; implements Bresenham's algorithm for line drawing.
; This routine may be used at the user's discretion for no charge
; what so ever. This software has been tested and should work
; as documented, but no guarantees are made. The user assumes
; full responsibility for the assembly and use of this code.
; Portions of this routine may be used in other contexts when proper
; copyright and source identifications are made. This code may
; be modified to conform to other calling standards, but other
; changes should be made only after consultation with the author.
; This routine was written to be as general and as fast as possible,
; any ideas for changes that result in improved speed would be
; appreciated by the author. Support for other color graphics
; boards is also possible and again the user is asked to contact
; the author.
; This implementation breaks lines into the following 8 categories,
; the last four of which use Bresenham's algorithm.
; horizontal
; vertical
; slope equal to 1
; slope equal to -1
; slope between 0 and 1
; slope between 1 and infinity
; slope between 0 and -1
; slope between -1 and negative infinity
; This routine does NOT check the points for bounds restrictions.
; This is to enable well behaved software to run as fast as
; possible. This routine is called by first pushing the X and
; Y values for the first point and then the X and Y values for
; the second point, and lastly the color for the line.
; Note that the color is expected to be between 0 and 3.
; Also note that all the parameters are words.
; To use with TURBO Pascal you must assemble the file into a
; .COM file. To do this perfrom the following commands:
; When assembled into a .COM file (MRESLINE.ASM) this routine
; may be declared in TURBO Pascal with the following declaration:
; PROCEDURE Med_res_line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color : Integer); external 'mresline.com';
; Any suggestions for improvements are welcome and may be sent
; to me at either of the addresses below.
; David Dantowitz
; Digital Equipment Corporation
; Foster Street
; LTN2-2/H07
; Littleton, MA 01460
; Dantowitz%Eagle1.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
; The views and ideas expressed here are my own and do not
; necessarily reflect those of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
; Save the base pointer
push bp
mov bp,sp
; Get the two points
mov ax,[bp+12] ; X1
mov cx,[bp+10] ; Y1
mov bx,[bp+8] ; X2
mov dx,[bp+6] ; Y2
; The difference between X1 and X2 will be represented as dX.
; Likewise for Y1 and Y2 (dY).
; Note: all lines are drawn with the X value increasing.
; If dX < 0 exchange the two points
mov si,bx
sub si,ax ; compute dX
jg noswit ; If dX > 0 then don't switch the points
; Switch the points and reverse the sign of dX (SI)
neg si
xchg ax,bx
xchg cx,dx
noswit: mov bx,[bp+4] ; Color
mov bp,dx
sub bp,cx ; compute dY
xor di,di ; di = 0
; All vertical lines are drawn with the Y value increasing.
cmp si,di ; dX = 0 ?
jne noswit_2 ; not a vertical line
cmp bp,di ; dY > 0 ?
jg noswit_2 ; no need to switch points
mov cx,dx ; Just copy lower value, the higher
; value is implied by dY.
neg bp ; Change the sign of dY
; Compute the address of the first byte
; AX = initial X
; BX = color
; CX = initial Y
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
mov dx,cx ; DX = starting Y
and dl,0feh ; DX = (Y DIV 2) * 2
mov di,dx ; DI = DX
shl dx,1 ; DX = 4 * DX
shl dx,1
add di,dx ; DI = DI + DX {DI = 5 * (Y DIV 2) * 2)}
shl di,1 ; DI = 8 * DI
shl di,1
shl di,1
; Note that DI presently is equal to 80 * (Y DIV 2) ... the first byte
; on the raster line that contains the first pixel of the line.
; (Screen memory for graphics is divided into two sections. The even
; raster lines have addresses 0 to 1F3Fh (80 bytes/line * 100 lines).
; The odd raster lines have addresses 2000h to 3F3Fh. Thus all lines
; with odd Y coordinates have the 2000h bit set.
; If odd then start in the second bank, otherwise start in the first bank.
shr cl,1
jnc t1
xor di,2000h
t1: mov cl,al ; Save the low byte of X
shr ax,1 ; AX = X DIV 4
shr ax,1
add di,ax ; DI = DI + AX
; Note that DI now points to the byte that contains the first pixel
; Save the data segment register. Also load up the screen segment
; register value into DS and ES.
push ds
mov ax,0b800h
mov ds,ax ; Used for screen access
mov es,ax ; Used for horizontal lines
; DI now points to the first byte, but which bits are the first pixel ?
; the low bits of CL (low bits of X) will tell us.
; This sets up the single pixel mask.
and cl,3 ; Just the low 2 bits
shl cl,1 ; two bits/pixel
; C0 marks the first pixel
; 30 marks the second pixel
; 0C marks the third pixel
; 03 marks the forth pixel
mov ah,0C0h ; first bit position
shr ah,cl ; shift appropriately
; We now set up the color mask, it has the following format:
; bits : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; C c C c C c C c
; Where "C c" are the two bits used to specify the color of the pixel.
mov al,bl ; starting color
; AL = 000000Cc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = 0000CcCc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = 00CcCcCc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = CcCcCcCc
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; CL = low two bits of X shifted one bit to the left
; (used later for horizontal lines)
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
cmp si,bx ; dX = 0 ?
je vertical ; The line is vertical
; Here we know that dX is positive, so the sign of dY will
; tell us the sign of the line's slope.
cmp bp,bx ; sign of dY ?
je horizontal ; 0 ... horizontal line
jg Slope_gtr_a ; slope > 0
jmp Slope_less ; slope < 0
Slope_gtr_a: ; extra jump due to long distance
jmp Slope_gtr
; Version, author identification and copyright notice
db 'Version 3.2m - Copyright (c) David Dantowitz April 30, 1986'
vertical label near
; Vertical lines are drawn in two parts, the even rasters, then the odd
; rasters. (Note the order is dependent on the line's starting point.)
mov cx,bp ; # points = dY + 1
inc cx
mov bp,80 ; a constant (# bytes/raster)
shr cx,1 ; divide in two (carry set if odd)
mov dx,cx ; save count (second half)
adc cx,bx ; add the carry (bx=0)
mov si,di ; save starting point
mov bh,ah ; pixel mask
and bh,al ; get the color
not ah ; old pixel mask (unchanged pixels)
cmp dx,0 ; If DX = 0 then there is only one point
je second_bank ; don't draw in odd and even, just one.
; Note that the code below is repeated in a similar fashion for most
; of the actual pixel writing. This code is only commented once.
mov bl,ah ; copy the old pixel mask
and bl,[di] ; clear new pixel
or bl,bh ; add new pixel color
mov [di],bl ; save byte
add di,bp ; next line
loop first_bank
xor si,2000h ; change the bank
mov cx,dx
cmp si,2000h ; if second bank is even then
jge second_bank ; go to the next raster.
add si,bp
mov bl,ah ; copy the old pixel mask
and bl,[si] ; clear new pixel
or bl,bh ; add new pixel color
mov [si],bl ; save byte
add si,bp ; next line
loop second_bank
jmp ret_line
horizontal label near
; Horizontal lines are drawn mostly using the STOSW instruction.
; Only the ends are drawn with explicit code. Most of the code
; in this routine deals with words, not bytes.
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; CL = low two bits of X shifted one bit to the left
; (used here for horizontal lines)
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; If this is a short line then go to special set up code.
cmp si,3 ; If dX = 1 or 2 then short_horiz
jl short_horiz ; (dX = 0 is a vertical line)
inc si ; # points = dX + 1
mov ch,bh ; (bh = 0)
shr cx,1 ; shift back (see note above)
sub cx,4
; CX = -(the number of pixels in the first byte)
add si,cx ; sub the first byte's pixels from
; the total count
; We now set up a pixel mask for the first byte's pixels in AH
; old AH new AH
; C0 FF
; 30 3F
; 0C 0F
; 03 03
shl ah,1
mov cl,ah
dec ah
xor ah,cl
; Set up the masks and write the pixels in the first byte
mov bl,ah
not bl
and ah,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,ah
mov [di],bl
inc di ; point to the next byte
mov ah,al ; AX = CcCcCcCcCcCcCcCc
; (a word color mask)
mov cx,7
and cx,si ; CX = how many extra pixels
; in the last word
jnz h_4 ; If not 0
; The number of remaining pixels is a multiple of 8, the number of
; pixels in a word.
mov cx,si ; # pixels
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1 ; CX = # pixels DIV 8
h_2: cld ; set direction to increase
rep stosw ; save the pixels
jmp ret_line
; Special initialization code for two or three pixel lines
mov bh,ah ; BH = AH (pixel mask)
; BL = 0
mov dx,bx ; Save it in DX
mov cx,si
; Now make a mask for all two or three pixels
s_l: shr bx,1
shr bx,1
or dx,bx
loop s_l
; DX = the pixel mask for the last few pixels
mov ah,al ; AX = CcCcCcCcCcCcCcCc
; (a word color mask)
jmp h_3
; CX = the number of pixels in the last word
; Set up the pixel mask for the last work of pixels
mov dx,0C000h ; Initial mask
dec cl ; Create the mask
shl cl,1
sar dx,cl
; Write as many pixels as possible in multiples of 8, the number
; of pixels in a word.
mov cx,si ; # pixels
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1 ; CX = # pixels DIV 8
jcxz h_3 ; less than 8 pixels left
; (no full words)
cld ; set direction to increase
rep stosw ; save the pixels
; last word of pixels
; DX = last word pixel mask
; AX = color mask
; DI = address of last word
xchg dh,dl ; swap low and high bytes
mov bx,dx ; unchanged mask
not bx
and dx,ax ; colors
and bx,[di] ; clear new save others
or bx,dx ; add new pixels
mov [di],bx ; save pixels
jmp ret_line
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; Slope > 0
; From here we distinguish between slope < 1 and slope > 1
cmp bp,si
jg Slope_gtr_1
jne Slope_less_1
jmp Slope_1
; The slope is less than 1 and greater than 0. On each iteration
; of the loop we increment X. Depending on the value of the decision
; variable (DX) we may or may not increment Y.
mov cx,si ; # points = dX + 1
inc cx
; Initialize the decision variables.
shl bp,1 ; BP = 2 * dY
mov dx,bp ; DX = 2 * dY
sub dx,si ; DX = 2 * dY - dX
neg si ; SI = -dX
shl si,1 ; SI = -2 * dX
add si,bp ; SI = 2 * (dY - dX)
pix1: or bh,ah ; Add next pixel
ror ah,1 ; shift mask to next pixel
ror ah,1
jc t1_6 ; End of the byte ... write it
cmp dh,bl ; Test the decision variable
; Note BL = 0
jge t1_5
add dx,bp ; Change decision variable
loop pix1
jmp final_dots
t1_5: mov bl,bh ; write this byte
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
t1_3: xor di,2000h ; Switch banks ?
cmp di,2000h
jge t1_4
add di,80 ; increment Y
t1_4: add dx,si
loop pix1
jmp ret_line
t1_6: mov bl,bh ; write this byte
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
inc di
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
cmp dh,bl ; Test the decision variable
; Note BL = 0
jge t1_3
add dx,bp
loop pix1
jmp ret_line
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; The slope is greater than 1. On each iteration of the loop we
; increment Y. Depending on the value of the decision variable (DX)
; we may or may not increment X.
mov cx,bp ; # points = dY + 1
inc cx
shl si,1 ; SI = 2 * dX
mov dx,si ; SI = 2 * dX
sub dx,bp ; DX = 2 * dX - dY
neg bp ; BP = -dY
shl bp,1 ; BP = -2 * dY
add bp,si ; BP = 2 * (dX - dY)
mov bh,ah ; Set up the masks
and bh,al ; (they do not change)
mov al,ah
not al
; AL = unchanged pixel mask
; AH = pixel mask (used as a rotating counter here)
; BH = color mask
pix2: mov bl,al ; write the pixel
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,2000h ; Change banks
cmp di,2000h
jge t2_1
add di,80 ; next Y
t2_1: cmp dx,0 ; Check decision variable
jge t2_2
add dx,si
loop pix2
jmp ret_line
t2_2: ror al,1 ; increment X and rotate masks
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,0 ; if masks wrap around go to next
; byte
add dx,bp
loop pix2
jmp ret_line
neg bp ; make dY > 0
cmp bp,si ; (note: we know that dX > 0)
jg case4 ; slope < -1
jne not_meqn1 ; slope > -1
jmp Slope_neg_1 ; slope = -1
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope < 1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,si
inc cx
shl bp,1
mov dx,bp
sub dx,si
neg si
shl si,1
add si,bp
pix3: or bh,ah
ror ah,1
ror ah,1
jc t3_6
cmp dh,bl
jge t3_5
add dx,bp
loop pix3
jmp final_dots
t3_5: mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor bx,bx
t3_3: xor di,2000h ; here's the difference !
cmp di,2000h
jl t3_4
sub di,80
t3_4: add dx,si
loop pix3
jmp ret_line
t3_6: mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
inc di
xor bx,bx
cmp dh,bl
jge t3_3
add dx,bp
loop pix3
jmp ret_line
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope > 1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,bp
inc cx
shl si,1
mov dx,si
sub dx,bp
neg bp
shl bp,1
add bp,si
mov bh,ah
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
pix4: mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,2000h ; here's the difference !
cmp di,2000h
jl t4_1
sub di,80
t4_1: cmp dx,0
jge t4_2
add dx,si
loop pix4
jmp ret_line
t4_2: ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,0
add dx,bp
loop pix4
jmp ret_line
Slope_1 label near
; The slope is 1.
mov cx,si ; # points = dX + 1
inc cx
xor si,si ; SI = 0
mov dx,2000h ; constants
mov bp,80
mov bh,ah ; set up initial masks
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,dx ; Bank testing
test di,dx
jne meq1_1
add di,bp
meq1_1: ror al,1 ; similar to code above
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,si
loop meq1_next
jmp ret_line
Slope_neg_1 label near
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope = -1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,si
inc cx
xor si,si
mov dx,2000h
mov bp,80
mov bh,ah
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,dx ; Here's the difference !
test di,dx
je meqn1_1
sub di,bp
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,si
loop meqn1_next
jmp ret_line
final_dots label near
; This code writes the pixels that remain in the BH register.
; BH = pixel buffer
; BL = 0
; AL = color mask
; DI = points to the byte containing the pixels
cmp bh,bl
je ret_line
mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
ret_line label near
pop ds ; Restore the registers
pop bp
ret 0AH ; remove arguments from the stack
m_line endp
cseg ends
21-May-86 16:20:50-PDT,22021;000000000001
Return-Path: <dantowitz%eaglea.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Received: from DEC-RHEA.ARPA (dec-rhea) by decwrl.DEC.COM (4.22.05/4.7.34)
id AA07163; Wed, 21 May 86 16:13:36 pdt
Message-Id: <8605212313.AA07163@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: Wednesday, 21 May 1986 16:10:04-PDT
From: dantowitz%eaglea.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM (David .. LTN2-2/H07 -- DTN:226-6957)
To: Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (Distribution list @XRES)
Subject: "To err ..." The code is the same, one jump was too far to assemble
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg
m_line proc near
; Version 3.3m DMD Medium resolution graphics routine for drawing
; April 30, 1986 lines on an IBMPC with the standard color
; graphics board. Copyright (c) by David Dantowitz,
; April 30, 1986
; This routine was written by David Dantowitz. The routine
; implements Bresenham's algorithm for line drawing.
; This routine may be used at the user's discretion for no charge
; what so ever. This software has been tested and should work
; as documented, but no guarantees are made. The user assumes
; full responsibility for the assembly and use of this code.
; Portions of this routine may be used in other contexts when proper
; copyright and source identifications are made. This code may
; be modified to conform to other calling standards, but other
; changes should be made only after consultation with the author.
; This routine was written to be as general and as fast as possible,
; any ideas for changes that result in improved speed would be
; appreciated by the author. Support for other color graphics
; boards is also possible and again the user is asked to contact
; the author.
; This implementation breaks lines into the following 8 categories,
; the last four of which use Bresenham's algorithm.
; horizontal
; vertical
; slope equal to 1
; slope equal to -1
; slope between 0 and 1
; slope between 1 and infinity
; slope between 0 and -1
; slope between -1 and negative infinity
; This routine does NOT check the points for bounds restrictions.
; This is to enable well behaved software to run as fast as
; possible. This routine is called by first pushing the X and
; Y values for the first point and then the X and Y values for
; the second point, and lastly the color for the line.
; Note that the color is expected to be between 0 and 3.
; Also note that all the parameters are words.
; To use with TURBO Pascal you must assemble the file into a
; .COM file. To do this perfrom the following commands:
; When assembled into a .COM file (MRESLINE.ASM) this routine
; may be declared in TURBO Pascal with the following declaration:
; PROCEDURE Med_res_line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color : Integer); external 'mresline.com';
; Any suggestions for improvements are welcome and may be sent
; to me at either of the addresses below.
; David Dantowitz
; Digital Equipment Corporation
; Foster Street
; LTN2-2/H07
; Littleton, MA 01460
; Dantowitz%Eagle1.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
; The views and ideas expressed here are my own and do not
; necessarily reflect those of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
; Save the base pointer
push bp
mov bp,sp
; Get the two points
mov ax,[bp+12] ; X1
mov cx,[bp+10] ; Y1
mov bx,[bp+8] ; X2
mov dx,[bp+6] ; Y2
; The difference between X1 and X2 will be represented as dX.
; Likewise for Y1 and Y2 (dY).
; Note: all lines are drawn with the X value increasing.
; If dX < 0 exchange the two points
mov si,bx
sub si,ax ; compute dX
jg noswit ; If dX > 0 then don't switch the points
; Switch the points and reverse the sign of dX (SI)
neg si
xchg ax,bx
xchg cx,dx
noswit: mov bx,[bp+4] ; Color
mov bp,dx
sub bp,cx ; compute dY
xor di,di ; di = 0
; All vertical lines are drawn with the Y value increasing.
cmp si,di ; dX = 0 ?
jne noswit_2 ; not a vertical line
cmp bp,di ; dY > 0 ?
jg noswit_2 ; no need to switch points
mov cx,dx ; Just copy lower value, the higher
; value is implied by dY.
neg bp ; Change the sign of dY
; Compute the address of the first byte
; AX = initial X
; BX = color
; CX = initial Y
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
mov dx,cx ; DX = starting Y
and dl,0feh ; DX = (Y DIV 2) * 2
mov di,dx ; DI = DX
shl dx,1 ; DX = 4 * DX
shl dx,1
add di,dx ; DI = DI + DX {DI = 5 * (Y DIV 2) * 2)}
shl di,1 ; DI = 8 * DI
shl di,1
shl di,1
; Note that DI presently is equal to 80 * (Y DIV 2) ... the first byte
; on the raster line that contains the first pixel of the line.
; (Screen memory for graphics is divided into two sections. The even
; raster lines have addresses 0 to 1F3Fh (80 bytes/line * 100 lines).
; The odd raster lines have addresses 2000h to 3F3Fh. Thus all lines
; with odd Y coordinates have the 2000h bit set.
; If odd then start in the second bank, otherwise start in the first bank.
shr cl,1
jnc t1
xor di,2000h
t1: mov cl,al ; Save the low byte of X
shr ax,1 ; AX = X DIV 4
shr ax,1
add di,ax ; DI = DI + AX
; Note that DI now points to the byte that contains the first pixel
; Save the data segment register. Also load up the screen segment
; register value into DS and ES.
push ds
mov ax,0b800h
mov ds,ax ; Used for screen access
mov es,ax ; Used for horizontal lines
; DI now points to the first byte, but which bits are the first pixel ?
; the low bits of CL (low bits of X) will tell us.
; This sets up the single pixel mask.
and cl,3 ; Just the low 2 bits
shl cl,1 ; two bits/pixel
; C0 marks the first pixel
; 30 marks the second pixel
; 0C marks the third pixel
; 03 marks the forth pixel
mov ah,0C0h ; first bit position
shr ah,cl ; shift appropriately
; We now set up the color mask, it has the following format:
; bits : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; C c C c C c C c
; Where "C c" are the two bits used to specify the color of the pixel.
mov al,bl ; starting color
; AL = 000000Cc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = 0000CcCc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = 00CcCcCc
shl al,1
shl al,1
or al,bl ; AL = CcCcCcCc
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; CL = low two bits of X shifted one bit to the left
; (used later for horizontal lines)
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
cmp si,bx ; dX = 0 ?
je vertical ; The line is vertical
; Here we know that dX is positive, so the sign of dY will
; tell us the sign of the line's slope.
cmp bp,bx ; sign of dY ?
je Horizontal_a ; 0 ... horizontal line
jg Slope_gtr_a ; slope > 0
jmp Slope_less ; slope < 0
Horizontal_a: ; extra jump due to long distance
jmp Horizontal
Slope_gtr_a: ; extra jump due to long distance
jmp Slope_gtr
; Version, author identification and copyright notice
db 'Version 3.3m - Copyright (c) David Dantowitz April 30, 1986'
vertical label near
; Vertical lines are drawn in two parts, the even rasters, then the odd
; rasters. (Note the order is dependent on the line's starting point.)
mov cx,bp ; # points = dY + 1
inc cx
mov bp,80 ; a constant (# bytes/raster)
shr cx,1 ; divide in two (carry set if odd)
mov dx,cx ; save count (second half)
adc cx,bx ; add the carry (bx=0)
mov si,di ; save starting point
mov bh,ah ; pixel mask
and bh,al ; get the color
not ah ; old pixel mask (unchanged pixels)
cmp dx,0 ; If DX = 0 then there is only one point
je second_bank ; don't draw in odd and even, just one.
; Note that the code below is repeated in a similar fashion for most
; of the actual pixel writing. This code is only commented once.
mov bl,ah ; copy the old pixel mask
and bl,[di] ; clear new pixel
or bl,bh ; add new pixel color
mov [di],bl ; save byte
add di,bp ; next line
loop first_bank
xor si,2000h ; change the bank
mov cx,dx
cmp si,2000h ; if second bank is even then
jge second_bank ; go to the next raster.
add si,bp
mov bl,ah ; copy the old pixel mask
and bl,[si] ; clear new pixel
or bl,bh ; add new pixel color
mov [si],bl ; save byte
add si,bp ; next line
loop second_bank
jmp ret_line
horizontal label near
; Horizontal lines are drawn mostly using the STOSW instruction.
; Only the ends are drawn with explicit code. Most of the code
; in this routine deals with words, not bytes.
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; CL = low two bits of X shifted one bit to the left
; (used here for horizontal lines)
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; If this is a short line then go to special set up code.
cmp si,3 ; If dX = 1 or 2 then short_horiz
jl short_horiz ; (dX = 0 is a vertical line)
inc si ; # points = dX + 1
mov ch,bh ; (bh = 0)
shr cx,1 ; shift back (see note above)
sub cx,4
; CX = -(the number of pixels in the first byte)
add si,cx ; sub the first byte's pixels from
; the total count
; We now set up a pixel mask for the first byte's pixels in AH
; old AH new AH
; C0 FF
; 30 3F
; 0C 0F
; 03 03
shl ah,1
mov cl,ah
dec ah
xor ah,cl
; Set up the masks and write the pixels in the first byte
mov bl,ah
not bl
and ah,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,ah
mov [di],bl
inc di ; point to the next byte
mov ah,al ; AX = CcCcCcCcCcCcCcCc
; (a word color mask)
mov cx,7
and cx,si ; CX = how many extra pixels
; in the last word
jnz h_4 ; If not 0
; The number of remaining pixels is a multiple of 8, the number of
; pixels in a word.
mov cx,si ; # pixels
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1 ; CX = # pixels DIV 8
h_2: cld ; set direction to increase
rep stosw ; save the pixels
jmp ret_line
; Special initialization code for two or three pixel lines
mov bh,ah ; BH = AH (pixel mask)
; BL = 0
mov dx,bx ; Save it in DX
mov cx,si
; Now make a mask for all two or three pixels
s_l: shr bx,1
shr bx,1
or dx,bx
loop s_l
; DX = the pixel mask for the last few pixels
mov ah,al ; AX = CcCcCcCcCcCcCcCc
; (a word color mask)
jmp h_3
; CX = the number of pixels in the last word
; Set up the pixel mask for the last work of pixels
mov dx,0C000h ; Initial mask
dec cl ; Create the mask
shl cl,1
sar dx,cl
; Write as many pixels as possible in multiples of 8, the number
; of pixels in a word.
mov cx,si ; # pixels
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1 ; CX = # pixels DIV 8
jcxz h_3 ; less than 8 pixels left
; (no full words)
cld ; set direction to increase
rep stosw ; save the pixels
; last word of pixels
; DX = last word pixel mask
; AX = color mask
; DI = address of last word
xchg dh,dl ; swap low and high bytes
mov bx,dx ; unchanged mask
not bx
and dx,ax ; colors
and bx,[di] ; clear new save others
or bx,dx ; add new pixels
mov [di],bx ; save pixels
jmp ret_line
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; Slope > 0
; From here we distinguish between slope < 1 and slope > 1
cmp bp,si
jg Slope_gtr_1
jne Slope_less_1
jmp Slope_1
; The slope is less than 1 and greater than 0. On each iteration
; of the loop we increment X. Depending on the value of the decision
; variable (DX) we may or may not increment Y.
mov cx,si ; # points = dX + 1
inc cx
; Initialize the decision variables.
shl bp,1 ; BP = 2 * dY
mov dx,bp ; DX = 2 * dY
sub dx,si ; DX = 2 * dY - dX
neg si ; SI = -dX
shl si,1 ; SI = -2 * dX
add si,bp ; SI = 2 * (dY - dX)
pix1: or bh,ah ; Add next pixel
ror ah,1 ; shift mask to next pixel
ror ah,1
jc t1_6 ; End of the byte ... write it
cmp dh,bl ; Test the decision variable
; Note BL = 0
jge t1_5
add dx,bp ; Change decision variable
loop pix1
jmp final_dots
t1_5: mov bl,bh ; write this byte
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
t1_3: xor di,2000h ; Switch banks ?
cmp di,2000h
jge t1_4
add di,80 ; increment Y
t1_4: add dx,si
loop pix1
jmp ret_line
t1_6: mov bl,bh ; write this byte
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
inc di
xor bx,bx ; BX = 0
cmp dh,bl ; Test the decision variable
; Note BL = 0
jge t1_3
add dx,bp
loop pix1
jmp ret_line
; As a reminder
; AH = pixel mask (which pixel within a byte)
; AL = color mask
; BX = 0
; SI = dX
; BP = dY
; DI = points to the byte containing the first pixel
; The slope is greater than 1. On each iteration of the loop we
; increment Y. Depending on the value of the decision variable (DX)
; we may or may not increment X.
mov cx,bp ; # points = dY + 1
inc cx
shl si,1 ; SI = 2 * dX
mov dx,si ; SI = 2 * dX
sub dx,bp ; DX = 2 * dX - dY
neg bp ; BP = -dY
shl bp,1 ; BP = -2 * dY
add bp,si ; BP = 2 * (dX - dY)
mov bh,ah ; Set up the masks
and bh,al ; (they do not change)
mov al,ah
not al
; AL = unchanged pixel mask
; AH = pixel mask (used as a rotating counter here)
; BH = color mask
pix2: mov bl,al ; write the pixel
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,2000h ; Change banks
cmp di,2000h
jge t2_1
add di,80 ; next Y
t2_1: cmp dx,0 ; Check decision variable
jge t2_2
add dx,si
loop pix2
jmp ret_line
t2_2: ror al,1 ; increment X and rotate masks
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,0 ; if masks wrap around go to next
; byte
add dx,bp
loop pix2
jmp ret_line
neg bp ; make dY > 0
cmp bp,si ; (note: we know that dX > 0)
jg case4 ; slope < -1
jne not_meqn1 ; slope > -1
jmp Slope_neg_1 ; slope = -1
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope < 1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,si
inc cx
shl bp,1
mov dx,bp
sub dx,si
neg si
shl si,1
add si,bp
pix3: or bh,ah
ror ah,1
ror ah,1
jc t3_6
cmp dh,bl
jge t3_5
add dx,bp
loop pix3
jmp final_dots
t3_5: mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor bx,bx
t3_3: xor di,2000h ; here's the difference !
cmp di,2000h
jl t3_4
sub di,80
t3_4: add dx,si
loop pix3
jmp ret_line
t3_6: mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
inc di
xor bx,bx
cmp dh,bl
jge t3_3
add dx,bp
loop pix3
jmp ret_line
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope > 1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,bp
inc cx
shl si,1
mov dx,si
sub dx,bp
neg bp
shl bp,1
add bp,si
mov bh,ah
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
pix4: mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,2000h ; here's the difference !
cmp di,2000h
jl t4_1
sub di,80
t4_1: cmp dx,0
jge t4_2
add dx,si
loop pix4
jmp ret_line
t4_2: ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,0
add dx,bp
loop pix4
jmp ret_line
Slope_1 label near
; The slope is 1.
mov cx,si ; # points = dX + 1
inc cx
xor si,si ; SI = 0
mov dx,2000h ; constants
mov bp,80
mov bh,ah ; set up initial masks
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,dx ; Bank testing
test di,dx
jne meq1_1
add di,bp
meq1_1: ror al,1 ; similar to code above
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,si
loop meq1_next
jmp ret_line
Slope_neg_1 label near
; This section of the code is almost the same as for slope = -1 (above).
; The only difference is that here Y is decremented, instead of
; incremented.
mov cx,si
inc cx
xor si,si
mov dx,2000h
mov bp,80
mov bh,ah
and bh,al
mov al,ah
not al
mov bl,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
xor di,dx ; Here's the difference !
test di,dx
je meqn1_1
sub di,bp
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
ror al,1
ror bh,1
ror ah,1
adc di,si
loop meqn1_next
jmp ret_line
final_dots label near
; This code writes the pixels that remain in the BH register.
; BH = pixel buffer
; BL = 0
; AL = color mask
; DI = points to the byte containing the pixels
cmp bh,bl
je ret_line
mov bl,bh
not bl
and bh,al
and bl,[di]
or bl,bh
mov [di],bl
ret_line label near
pop ds ; Restore the registers
pop bp
ret 0AH ; remove arguments from the stack
m_line endp
cseg ends