Simtel MSDOS - Coast to Coast
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Assembly Source File
107 lines
name atol
page 55,132
title ATOL - ASCII to long integer
; ATOL.ASM - convert ASCII string to
; long (32-bit) decimal integer.
; Copyright 1987, Ziff Communications Co.
; Ray Duncan
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string
; where 'string' is in the form
; [whitespace][sign][digits]
; Returns: DX:AX = result (high word in DX)
; DS:SI = address+1 of terminator
; other registers preserved
; Like the C library 'atol', this routine gives no
; warning in the event of overflow, and terminates
; on the first invalid character.
blank equ 20h ; ASCII blank character
tab equ 09h ; ASCII tab character
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT
public atol
atol proc near ; ASCII to 32-bit integer
push bx ; save registers
push cx
push di
xor bx,bx ; initialize forming answer
xor dx,dx ; in DX:BX
xor cx,cx ; initialize sign flag
atol1: lodsb ; scan off whitespace
cmp al,blank ; ignore leading blanks
je atol1
cmp al,tab ; ignore leading tabs
je atol1
cmp al,'+' ; if + sign proceed
je atol2
cmp al,'-' ; is it - sign?
jne atol3 ; no, test if numeric
dec cx ; was - sign, set flag
; for negative result
atol2: lodsb ; get next character
atol3: cmp al,'0' ; is character valid?
jb atol4 ; jump if not '0' to '9'
cmp al,'9'
ja atol4 ; jump if not '0' to '9'
and ax,0fh ; isolate lower four bits
push ax ; and save digit value
mov ax,bx ; previous answer x 10
mov di,dx ; DI:AX = copy of DX:BX
add bx,bx ; * 2
adc dx,dx
add bx,bx ; * 4
adc dx,dx
add bx,ax ; * 5
adc dx,di
add bx,bx ; * 10
adc dx,dx
pop ax ; add this digit
add bx,ax ; to forming answer
adc dx,0
jmp atol2 ; convert next digit
atol4: mov ax,bx ; result low half to AX
jcxz atol5 ; jump if sign flag clear
not ax ; take 2's complement
not dx ; of DX:AX
add ax,1
adc dx,0
atol5: pop di ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
ret ; back to caller
atol endp
_TEXT ends