Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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185 lines
Introduction - Get it Right
First of all if you're not reading this as a result of entering
theε you'rσ missinτ thσ poin⌠ oµ thσ prograφ anΣ ╔ sugges⌠ tha⌠ yo⌡ exi⌠ anΣ ì
restar⌠ b∙ enterinτ thσ abovσ command.
Havinτ go⌠ thσ preliminarie≤ ou⌠ oµ thσ roaΣ ¡ thσ purposσ oµ thi≤ ì
prograφ i≤ t∩ providσ yo⌡ witΦ aε eas∙ mean≤ oµ givinτ thσ user≤ oµ you≥ ì
softwarσ áoε linσ documentation« Mos⌠ oµ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ seeε thσ á oε álinσ ì
documentatioε á provideΣ á witΦ somσ commercia∞ packages« á Typicall∙ áthesσ ì
package≤ ádispla∙ ß tablσ oµ content≤ oε thσ screen¼ le⌠ yo⌡ ácurso≥ át∩ ì
thσ topiπ oµ interes⌠ theε pres≤ returε t∩ displa∙ details« Thi≤ prograφ ì
provide≤ yo⌡ witΦ aε eas∙ mean≤ oµ doinτ thi≤«
Using Manual
Syntax. MANUAL <filename> [<lines per page>]
Where <filename> is the name of the documentation file to be processed. An
extension of '.DOC' is assumes and should not be entered.
<lines per page> is the length of the printer paper (66 = 11", 72 =
12"). Default is 66.
Ho≈ t∩ Use.é MANUA╠ expect≤ ß fairl∙ plaiε inpu⌠ filσ endinτ witΦ ì
ß á".DOCó extension« Thσ filσ shoulΣ includσ onl∙ norma∞ áASCI╔ ácharacters¼ ì
eacΦ linσ shoulΣ finisΦ witΦ ß carriagσ returε-linσ feeΣ anΣ shoulΣ bσ án∩ ì
longe≥ áthaε á7╕ characters« Beinτ ß diσ harΣ WordSta≥ use≥ áI'vσ áse⌠ áthσ ì
prograφ áu≡ t∩ handlσ WordSta≥ documen⌠ file≤ (i⌠ automaticall∙ áreset≤ áthσ ì
to≡ bit⌐ anΣ i⌠ wil∞ recognisσ somσ Wordsta≥ command≤ bu⌠ i⌠ i≤ árelativel∙ ì
simplσ t∩ modif∙ thσ prograφ t∩ accep⌠ outpu⌠ froφ you≥ worΣ processo≥ á(seσ ì
Wheε á i⌠ ástart≤ á MANUA╠ álook≤ áfo≥ áaε áinde° áfilσ á¿ áá'.IDXº ì
extension)« Iµ i⌠ can'⌠ finΣ onσ i⌠ read≤ thσ nominateΣ documen⌠ filσ anΣì
create≤ áthσ inde° filσ (".IDX"⌐ anΣ ß modifieΣ documen⌠ filσ (".DOK")« á Iµ ì
yo⌡ áchangσ thσ documentatioε filσ (tha⌠ i≤ yo⌡ edi⌠ thσ .DO├ áfile⌐ ásimpl∙ ì
deletσ á thσ áinde° filσ anΣ MANUA╠ wil∞ creatσ ne≈ .ID╪ anΣ á.DO╦ áfilσ át∩ ì
matcΦ thσ modifieΣ documentation«
MANUA╠ átheε display≤ thσ firs⌠ pagσ oµ thσ inde° anΣ wait≤ fo≥ áß ì
commanΣ froφ thσ use≥ (thesσ command≤ arσ displayeΣ oε ß promp⌠ linσ a⌠ áthσ ì
bottoφ oµ thσ screen)« Thσ command≤ recogniseΣ are:
U╨ ª DOW╬ arrow≤ ¡ movσ thσ highligh⌠ ba≥ u≡ anΣ dowε onσ line.
PgU≡ ª PgDε ¡ displa∙ thσ nex⌠ o≥ previou≤ pagσ oµ thσ index.
HOM┼ ¡ ááwil∞ ácausσ thσ WHOL┼ oµ thσ manua∞ t∩ bσ printed« MANUA╠ áexpect≤ ì
ááááááááát∩ bσ ablσ t∩ prin⌠ 9╢ character≤ acros≤ ß pagσ (ie« 1▓ cpΘ oε aε ╕ ì
áááááááááiε page).
EN─ ¡ áááwil∞ exi⌠ froφ thσ program.è
ENTE╥ ¡ áwil∞ ádispla∙ ß screeε oµ tex⌠ froφ thσ documentatioε ástartinτ áa⌠ ì
áááááááááthσ highlighteΣ line.
Wheε áß áscreeε áoµ átex⌠ i≤ beinτ ádisplayeΣ áthσ ásamσ ákey≤ áarσ ì
recogniseΣ excep⌠ fo≥ thσ arro≈ keys« Howeve≥ thσ HOM┼ ke∙ wil∞ onl∙ áprin⌠ ì
onσ ápagσ oµ documentation¼ startinτ witΦ thσ curren⌠ screen¼ anΣ áEN─ áwil∞ ì
returε thσ use≥ t∩ tablσ oµ contents/index.
Ho≈ áMANUA╠ Build≤ thσ Index.é T∩ creatσ it≤ inde° á MANUA╠ á scan≤ ì
thσ ádocumentatioε filσ lookinτ fo≥ tex⌠ surroundeΣ b∙ Wordsta≥ prin⌠ ábolΣ ì
(^B⌐ ácommands« á Thσ áencloseΣ átex⌠ i≤ assumeΣ t∩ bσ áß áheadinτ áanΣ ái≤ ì
includeΣ iε thσ inde° accordinτ t∩ thσ followinτ rules:
- Iµ thσ tex⌠ i≤ centereΣ iε thσ pagσ (witΦ morσ thaε ß nominateΣ ì
ááááááááánumbe≥ á oµ leadinτ blank≤ ¡ seσ below⌐ theε thσ tex⌠ i≤ átreateΣ ì
áááááááááa≤ á ß majo≥ headinτ anΣ i≤ lef⌠ justifieΣ iε thσ á index« ì
áááááááááThσ titlσ "DOCUMENTATIO╬ DISPLA┘ SYSTEMó i≤ ß majo≥ heading.
- Iµ thσ tex⌠ start≤ iε thσ lef⌠ margiε theε i⌠ i≤ treateΣ a≤ ß grou≡ ì
áááááááááheadinτ anΣ i≤ placeΣ iε thσ inde° indenteΣ froφ majo≥ headings« ì
ááááááááá"Usinτ Manualó i≤ ß grou≡ heading.
- Iµ thσ tex⌠ i≤ indenteΣ froφ thσ lef⌠ margiε bu⌠ les≤ thaε ßì
ááááááááánominateΣ numbe≥ oµ leadinτ blank≤ theε i⌠ i≤ treateΣ a≤ ß ì
áááááááááparagrapΦ headinτ anΣ i≤ placeΣ iε thσ inde° indenteΣ froφ grou≡ ì
áááááááááheadings« "Ho≈ T∩ Useó i≤ ß paragrapΦ heading.
Othe≥ Wordsta≥ Command≤ Recognised« Iε additioε t∩ thσ ^┬ commanΣ ì
MANUA╠ recognise≤ tw∩ othe≥ Wordsta≥ command≤ ^─ (prin⌠ double⌐ anΣ .pß ì
(pagσ break⌐ whicΦ arσ actioneΣ iµ thσ use≥ request≤ ß prin⌠ oµ thσ ì
documentation« Ho≈ MANUA╠ handle≤ thesσ command≤ i≤ describeΣ below:
- ^B« Tex⌠ encloseΣ b∙ ^B'≤ i≤ includeΣ iε thσ inde° createΣ a≤ ì
ááááááááádescribeΣ abovσ anΣ doublσ strucδ iµ thσ documentatioε i≤ printed.
- ^D« Tex⌠ encloseΣ b∙ ^D'≤ i≤ no⌠ includeΣ iε thσ inde° buil⌠ b∙ ì
áááááááááMANUA╠ bu⌠ i≤ doublσ strucδ wheε thσ documentatioε i≤ printed.
- .pß á (startinτ áiε thσ lef⌠ mos⌠ characte≥ positioε iε áthσ áline⌐ ì
áááááááááCause≤ ß pagσ breaδ wheε thσ documentatioε i≤ printed.
Modifying MANUAL
MANUA╠ wa≤ writteε iε ß bi⌠ oµ ß rusΦ s∩ thσ codσ i≤ no⌠ ì
particularl∙ gooΣ bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ work« Iµ i⌠ prove≤ usefu∞ theε ╔ ma∙ rewritσ ì
i⌠ anΣ ╔ woulΣ bσ interesteΣ iε an∙ suggestions« Fo≥ thosσ oµ yo⌡ wh∩ arσ ì
gamσ I'vσ includeΣ thσ Turb∩ Pasca∞ sourcσ code« Beforσ yo⌡ looδ a⌠ thσ ì
codσ anΣ becomσ dismayeΣ therσ arσ somσ simplσ modification≤ tha⌠ caε bσ ì
madσ t∩ tailo≥ i⌠ t∩ you≥ owε needs« Thesσ consis⌠ oµ changinτ thσ ì
constant≤ a⌠ thσ star⌠ oµ thσ prograφ anΣ arσ describeΣ below:
pageline≤ ¡ Thi≤ i≤ thσ defaul⌠ numbe≥ oµ line≤ printeΣ oε ß page.
bold - Thi≤ i≤ thσ characte≥ MANUA╠ use≤ t∩ distinguisΦ heading≤ anΣ coulΣ ì
ááááááááábσ changeΣ t∩ anothe≥ singlσ bytσ commanΣ useΣ b∙ anothe≥ worΣ ì
áááááááááprocesso≥ (o≥ an∙ characte≥ yo⌡ choose¼ eg« /¼ "¼ ..).
double - Thσ characte≥ useΣ t∩ enclosσ tex⌠ t∩ bσ printeΣ doublσ bu⌠ no⌠ ìèáááááááááincludeΣ iε thσ index.
tab_posε ¡ áthσ ánominateΣ numbe≥ oµ space≤ discusseΣ above« Iµ áß áheadinτ ì
ááááááááástart≤ ámorσ thaε tab_posε space≤ froφ thσ lef⌠ margiε theε ái⌠ ái≤ ì
*áááááááááconsidereΣ ß centereΣ heading¼ otherwisσ i⌠ i≤ ß paragrapΦ o≥ grou≡ì
striptop ¡ useΣ t∩ rese⌠ thσ to≡ bi⌠ iε WordSta≥ files« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ áusσ ì
áááááááááthσ IB═ extendeΣ characte≥ se⌠ theε yo⌡ shoulΣ se⌠ thi≤ constan⌠ t∩ ì
lightgrey¼ black¼ lightbluσ yello≈ ¡ thσ colour≤ useΣ iε thσ screeε display« ì
áááááááááChangσ thσ value≤ (bu⌠ no⌠ thσ name≤ !⌐ t∩ ge⌠ differen⌠ colour≤ oε ì
áááááááááthσ screen.
Copywrite and All That Jazz
N∩ copywritσ o≥ an∙ oµ tha⌠ jus⌠ freσ softwarσ bu⌠ ╔ d∩ asδ tha⌠ ì
yo⌡ givσ credi⌠ wherσ credi⌠ i≤ duσ anΣ leavσ m∙ namσ iε thσ program« Iµ ì
yo⌡ finΣ thi≤ prograφ useful¼ havσ suggestion≤ o≥ improvement≤ t∩ thσ codσ ╔ ì
woulΣ likσ t∩ know« ╔ caε bσ contacteΣ oε (062⌐ 369216.
Shane Bergl
September 1987
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
The Public (Software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help
you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for-
mat with screen printouts, if possible. The P(s)L cannot de-
bug programs over the telephone.
Disks in the P(s)L are updated monthly, so if you did not get
this disk directly from the P(s)L, you should be aware that
the files in this set may no longer be the current versions.
For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter
and a list of the 1,000+ disks in the library, call or write
The Public (Software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 - F
Houston, TX 77235-5705
(713) 721-6104 or (713) 721-5205