Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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discussion: Once an area of text has been highlighted, numerous
functions may be performed on that area. The result
of an operation on a highlighted area often depends
upon the type of highlighting. In the pages which
follow, each operation will be described.
When you press F8, the Highlight Operations key, or
select "(A)rea options" in the Main Menu, the
Highlight Options menu shown below is displayed.
(Unless no area has been highlighted in which case an
error message will be shown.)
│Highlight Options: │ page
│(A)lign │ 84
│(B)ox / line │ 85
│(C)opy insert │ 86
│(D)elete │ 89
│(E)rase box/line │ 91
│(F)ill │ 92
│-H-redefine box │ 112
│(I)nsert strings │ 93
│(L)ower case │ 94
│(M)ove insert │ 95
│(N)umber │ 98
│(O)verlay │ 86
│(P)aste │ 95
│(Q)uantity │ 99
│(R)eformat │ 100
│(S)ort │ 103
│(T)ranslate │ 105
│(U)pper case │ 94
│e(X)it │<--Exit Highlight Options menu
From this menu you may select any of the options
available or press Esc or X to exit the menu with no
effect. With the exception of -H-, all available
options will operate on the highlighted text and then
return to the standard PC-Type II edit mode.
The -H- option is included so that you may redefine
the box before actually drawing the box without having
to go through the Configuration Menu.
If you select -H- you will be returned to the
Highlight Option Menu after defining the box
characters so that you can immediately draw the box.
purpose: This operation will align a highlighted area of text
on a specified character, e.g., the decimal point in a
column of figures.
discussion: This option is primarily intended for Ctrl B
highlighting. It will work with Ctrl L highlighting
as well, but Ctrl B is recommended.
If data being realigned requires that it exceed the
bounds of the marked area, it will not be moved
outside the boundaries. You should make sure that
enough extra space in the marked area exists for the
area to be moved successfully. In one of the examples
below, insufficient width was provided.
To align text, follow these steps:
(1) Highlight the column of information to be aligned.
(2) In the field provided, move the cursor to the
desired location for the alignment character.
(3) Type the alignment character, and press Enter.
(4) Press F or L to define if the first or
last occurrence of the alignment character on each
line should be used.
You may also specify that either the first or last
non-blank character on each line be used for the
alignment. To reference the first or last non-blank
character use the code "nn", where the position will
be taken from the first of the two "n"s. (See example
example: In the examples below, the area highlighted is shown
by the larger box, and the entry in the field defining
the alignment character is displayed in the smaller
box. The results of the alignment are shown below.
Notice that insufficient room was provided in the
first example for the last number to be fully aligned.
In both cases, F was the response to "First or Last".
░┌───────────┐ ┌─────────────┐
░│1.1 │ │ aaaaaaaaa │
░│22.22 │ │ bbbbbbb│
░│333.333 │ │ ccc│
░│4444.4444 │ │ dddddd │
░└───────────┘ └─────────────┘
░│ . │ │ nn │
░└───────────┘ └─────────────┘
░ 1.1 aaaaaaaaa
░ 22.22 bbbbbbb
░ 333.333 ccc
░ 4444.4444 dddddd
subject: DRAW BOX / LINE
purpose: Draw a box around a highlighted area if it is more
than one row deep or more than one column wide,
otherwise, draw a line. Except for corner characters,
any intersecting lines are replaced with the proper
intersection characters.
NOTE: This highlight operation is ignored with
Sentence type highlighting.
boxes: The current eight characters defining a box (see
Configuration section) are used to surround the marked
area. Only those characters in the top and bottom
lines and the left and right columns of the
highlighted area are affected.
With Line type highlighting, the left and right
columns of the highlighted area are considered to be
the left and right margins.
lines: If only one row or column of the text area is highlighted, a line
┌─────────────────────┐ will be drawn. To determine
│ │║ ─ ═ ├╞╟╠ ┤╡╢╣ │ the correct line character to
│ │ use, the window to the left
│ ┬╥╤╦ ┴╨╧╩ ┼╪╫╬ │ is placed in your screen.
│ │
│ ┌╒╓╔ ┘╛╜╝ └╘╙╚ ┐╕╖╗ │ Move the cursor to the
│ │ desired line character and
│ █▄▀▌▐ :|.+-_= │ press F10 to draw the line
├─────────────────────┤ (or press Esc to cancel the
│ Move cursor to line │ request).
│ character and press │
│ F10/Enter when done │ As with drawing boxes, if
│ (Esc = Exit) │ Line type highlighting was
└─────────────────────┘ used, the left and right
margins are used as the line boundaries.
examples: The dashed lines represent the highlighted areas.
░ +-------+ ╔═══════╗
░ : : ║ ║
░┌────────┐ : ┌────╫───┐ ║
░│aaaa:aaa│ : │aaaa║aaa│ ║
░│bbbb:bbb│ : │bbbb║bbb│ ║
░│cccc+---│---+ │cccc╚═══╪═══╝
░│dddddddd│ │dddddddd│
░└────────┘ └────────┘
░ : │
░╔════════════╗ ╔══════════╪═╗
░║ : ║ ║ │ ║
░╠════════════╣ ╠══════════╪═╣
░║ : ║ ║ │ ║
░╚════════════╝ ╚══════════╪═╝
░ : │
subject: COPY (INSERT and OVERLAY)
purpose: Copy will duplicate the text in the highlighted area
at the cursor. Exactly where the duplicate text is
placed depends upon the type of highlighting used.
discussion: The "(C)opy insert" option in the Highlight Options
menu is the same as keystroke Ctrl C. Selecting this
option inserts the text being copied into the target
area. No data in the target is lost.
The "(O)verlay" option in the Highlight Options menu
places the text being copied on top of whatever is
currently in the target area. The data copied over is
In the text which follows, each type of copy will be
described with each type of highlighting. An example
will demonstrate each option. Assume that the
highlighted area is defined by the boxed area, and
that the current cursor location is represented by the
^ character.
Ctrl L: (C)OPY INSERT - (or Ctrl C)
Selecting this option copies the highlighted lines
immediately below the line in which the cursor is
currently located.
░┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐
░│ bbbbbbbbbbb │ │ bbbbbbbbbbb │
░│ ccccccccccc │ │ ccccccccccc │
░└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘
░ eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee
░ ffffffff^ff ffffffff^ff
░ ggggggggggg bbbbbbbbbbb
░ hhhhhhhhhhh ccccccccccc
░ ggggggggggg
░ hhhhhhhhhhh
The highlighted lines will cover the same number of
lines of text beginning with the line containing the
┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐
│ bbbbbbbbbbb │ │ bbbbbbbbbbb │
│ ccccccccccc │ │ ccccccccccc │
└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘
eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee
ffffffff^ff bbbbbbbb^bb
ggggggggggg ccccccccccc
hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh
Ctrl B: (C)OPY INSERT - (or Ctrl C)
The highlighted text will be inserted in the column in
which the cursor is located. The text below and to
the right of the cursor is shoved to the right. If
this will cause the data to exceed the right margin,
an error message will be displayed.
░ ┌────┐ ┌────┐
░1│1111│1 1│1111│1
░2│2222│2 2│2222│2
░3│3333│3 3│3333│3
░4└────┘4 4└────┘4
░........ ........
░.....^.. .....^111...
░........ .....2222...
░........ .....3333...
░........ ........
This particular option can be quite useful for
shifting columns to the right. Highlight a column of
spaces and copy it next to a column of data as shown
░┌┐ ┌┐
░││aaaa ^bbb cccc ││aaaa ^ bbbb cccc
░││aaaa bbbb cccc ││aaaa bbbb cccc
░││aaaa bbbb cccc ││aaaa bbbb cccc
░└┘ └┘
The highlighted text will cover the target area with
the upper left corner of the highlighted text
beginning at the cursor.
░ ┌────┐ ┌────┐
░1│1111│1 1│1111│1
░2│2222│2 2│2222│2
░3│3333│3 3│3333│3
░4└────┘4 4└────┘4
░........ ........
░.....^.. .....1111
░........ .....2222
░........ .....3333
░........ ........
Ctrl S: (C)OPY INSERT - (or Ctrl C)
The highlighted sentence(s) (shown as capital letters)
are inserted in the text at the cursor. All text
under and to the right of the cursor is shoved to the
right and down just as if the highlighted area were
being typed into the text with insert mode on.
░Now is the time for
░their party.
░Fourscore and seven
░years ago, our
░fathers brought
░forth upon this
░continent, ^ new
░nation, conceived
░in liberty and
░dedicated to the
░proposition that
░all men are created
░Now is the time for Now is the time for
░their party. their party.
░Fourscore and seven Fourscore and seven
░years ago, our years ago, our
░fathers brought fathers brought
░forth upon this forth upon this
░continent, GOOD continent,
░AID a new nation, COME TO THE AID
░conceived in a new
░liberty and nation, conceived
░dedicated to the in liberty and
░proposition that dedicated to the
░all men are created proposition that
░equal. all men are created
░ equal.
Ctrl S: (O)VERLAY - This option not available with Ctrl S
subject: DELETE AREA
purpose: Delete will delete the highlighted area from the text.
This option is the same as keystroke Ctrl D.
discussion: When a highlighted area is deleted, the original
highlighted area is closed. In the text which
follows, each type of delete will be described with
each type of highlighting. An example will
demonstrate each option. Assume that the highlighted
area is defined by the boxed area, and that the
current cursor location is represented by the ^
Ctrl L: (D)elete - (or Ctrl D)
The highlighted lines of text are deleted from the
░┌───────────────┐ eeeeeeeeeee
░│ bbbbbbbbbbb │ ffffffff^ff
░│ ccccccccccc │ ggggggggggg
░└───────────────┘ hhhhhhhhhhh
░ eeeeeeeeeee
░ ffffffff^ff
░ ggggggggggg
░ hhhhhhhhhhh
Ctrl B: (D)elete - (or Ctrl D)
The highlighted block of text is removed.
░ ┌────┐
░1│1111│1 11
░2│2222│2 22
░3│3333│3 33
░4└────┘4 44
░........ ........
░.....^.. .....^..
Ctrl S: (D)elete - (or Ctrl D)
The highlighted sentence (shown as capital letters)
is removed as if the Del key was used.
░Now is the time for
░their party.
░Fourscore and seven
░years ago, our
░fathers brought
░forth upon this
░continent, ^ new
░nation, conceived
░in liberty and
░dedicated to the
░proposition that
░all men are created
░Now is the time for Now is the time for
░all of their all
░party. Fourscore of
░and seven years their party.
░ago, our fathers Fourscore and seven
░brought forth upon years ago, our
░this continent, a fathers brought
░new nation, ^ forth upon this
░conceived in continent, ^ new
░liberty and nation, conceived
░dedicated to the in liberty and
░proposition that dedicated to the
░all men are created proposition that
░equal. all men are created
░ equal.
purpose: This command allows you to remove a box or line and
insure that any intersections are preserved after the
discussion: This highlight option only works with Ctrl B
highlighting. Highlight the box or line by pressing
Ctrl B at its opposite extremities. Then use the
"(E)rase box/line" selection of the Highlight option
menu by pressing E.
examples: If you have a line filled with intersection characters
as shown below
░ ════╪═╪═╪═╪═╪═╪═╪═╪════
░ ^ ^
move to the two extremities shown with the ^
character, and press Ctrl B. Then use the "(E)rase
box/line" option and the result will be as shown:
░ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
With the example below on the left, mark the corners
of the double box and then press Ctrl B. Using the
"(E)rase box/line" option the result is shown on the
░ ╔═══════╗
░ ║ ║
░┌────╫───┐ ║ ┌────────┐
░│aaaa║aaa│ ║ │aaaa aaa│
░│bbbb║bbb│ ║ │bbbb bbb│
░│cccc╚═══╪═══╝ ------> │cccc │
░│dddddddd│ │dddddddd│
░└────────┘ └────────┘
subject: FILL AREA
purpose: This highlight option will fill any marked area with
any selected character.
Fill offers an excellent alternative to the delete
command. If you fill an area with the blank
character, the contents of the area are effectively
deleted or erased. The difference is that the space
occupied by the original contents will remain. The
lines or columns eliminated will not be "scrunched".
NOTE: This option produces the same result as
keystroke Ctrl F.
discussion: Highlight an area and then use the "(F)ill" selection
from the highlight option menu (or press Ctrl F).
When you do so, the message below will appear.
║ Enter the desired fill character. ║
║Press F10 if current fill char is correct.║
║ Ctrl @ will offer you full valid set. ║
If you wanted to fill the highlighted area with
periods, just press the period key.
If the current fill character displayed in the status
area is correct, press F10 or Enter.
If you want to select a character from the full ASCII
character set, press Ctrl @.
If you decide you do not want to fill at all, press
When you make your selection, the highlighted area
will be filled with the character selected.
NOTE: The character selected will become the new fill
character and will appear in the double line at
the top left of your screen.
example: Suppose you marked an area represented by the box
below. Using the Fill command and selecting the $
character, the result would be as shown at the right.
░................ ................
░...┌────────┐... ...$$$$$$$$$$...
░...│........│... ...$$$$$$$$$$...
░...│........│... ...$$$$$$$$$$...
░...└────────┘... ...$$$$$$$$$$...
░................ ................
purpose: This option will insert the same text string in each
line highlighted at the left highlight extremity.
discussion: Suppose you redirected a DOS DIR command to a .BAT
file, and are editing that file. After deleting a
number of lines, you want each of the selected files
left to be copied to the B disk. This is a perfect
condition to use the Replicate Text option.
To replicate text, follow these steps:
(1) Highlight the location for the insertion to take
(2) Select "(I)nsert strings" from the Highlight
Options menu.
(3) Type in the text to be duplicated on each line and
press Enter. (If you need to have a space at the
end of the text, use the ! character.)
NOTE: With this option, the text may be shoved beyond
the right margin. Since it is assumed that you
may be performing a block delete of the inserted
text at a later time, this is permitted.
Example: In the example below, a list of files is the text
being edited.
First the F's of the words FILEx are highlighted with
Ctrl Bs. Then the "(I)nsert string" option is
selected and the text "copy!" is entered in the field
provided. The result is shown below.
copy FILE1.EXT
copy FILE2.EXT
copy FILE3.EXT
copy FILE4.EXT
Next, a column of spaces beyond the extension is
highlighted with Ctrl Bs and the text "b:" is entered
in response to the "(I)nsert string" text request.
The final result is:
copy FILE1.EXT b:
copy FILE2.EXT b:
copy FILE3.EXT b:
copy FILE4.EXT b:
subject: Lower / Upper Case
purpose: This option translates the characters in the
highlighted area to upper case or lower case depending
upon the selection made.
discussion: Highlight an area containing characters and then
select the "(U)pper case" or "(L)ower case" option of
the Highlight Options menu. When you do so, any
characters in the area which were defined in the
"Upper/Lower case" definition (see Configuration
section) will be converted to their upper or lower
case equivalents.
example: Suppose you highlighted the entire line shown below.
Using the "(U)pper case" option the line would be
converted to:
Using the "(L)ower case" option the line would be
converted to:
subject: MOVE (INSERT and PASTE)
purpose: Move will move the text in the highlighted area to the
location of the cursor. Exactly where the moved text
is placed depends upon the type of highlighting used.
discussion: The "(M)ove insert" option in the Highlight Options
menu is the same as keystroke Ctrl M. Selecting this
option inserts the text being moved into the target
area. No data in the target area is lost. The
original location of the source data is deleted.
The "(P)aste" option places the text being moved on
top of whatever is currently in the target area. The
data initially in the target area is lost. The
original location of the source data is cleared.
In the text which follows, each type of move will be
described with each type of highlighting. An example
will demonstrate each option. Assume that the
highlighted area is defined by the boxed area, and
that the current cursor location is represented by the
^ character.
Ctrl L: (M)OVE INSERT - (or Ctrl M)
Selecting this option moves the highlighted lines
immediately below the line in which the cursor is
currently located.
░┌───────────────┐ eeeeeeeeeee
░│ bbbbbbbbbbb │ ffffffff^ff
░│ ccccccccccc │ bbbbbbbbbbb
░└───────────────┘ ccccccccccc
░ eeeeeeeeeee ggggggggggg
░ ffffffff^ff hhhhhhhhhhh
░ ggggggggggg
░ hhhhhhhhhhh
Ctrl L: (P)ASTE
The highlighted lines will cover the same number of
lines of text beginning with the line containing the
░│ bbbbbbbbbbb │
░│ ccccccccccc │
░ eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee
░ ffffffff^ff bbbbbbbb^bb
░ ggggggggggg ccccccccccc
░ hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh
Ctrl B: (M)OVE INSERT - (or Ctrl M)
The highlighted text will be inserted in the column in
which the cursor is located. The text below and to
the right of the cursor is shoved to the right. If
this will cause the data to exceed the right margin,
an error message will be displayed. The location
where the source data was located is closed.
░ ┌────┐
░1│1111│1 11
░2│2222│2 22
░3│3333│3 33
░4└────┘4 44
░........ ........
░.....^.. .....^111...
░........ .....2222...
░........ .....3333...
░........ ........
This particular option can be quite useful for
shifting columns of text. Highlight a column of text
and shift it to a new column location as shown below.
░│aaaa │bbbb ^ccc bbbb aaaa cccc
░│aaaa │bbbb cccc bbbb aaaa cccc
░│aaaa │bbbb cccc bbbb aaaa cccc
Ctrl B: (P)ASTE
The highlighted text will cover the target area with
the upper left corner of the highlighted text
beginning at the cursor. The original location of the
source text is blanked.
░ ┌────┐
░1│1111│1 1 1
░2│2222│2 2 2
░3│3333│3 3 3
░4└────┘4 4 4
░........ ........
░.....^.. .....1111
░........ .....2222
░........ .....3333
░........ ........
Ctrl S: (M)OVE INSERT - (or Ctrl M)
The highlighted sentence(s) shown as capital letters,
are inserted in the text at the cursor. All text
under and to the right of the cursor is pushed to the
right and down just as if the highlighted area were
being typed with insert mode on. The original
location of the text is deleted, just as if it had
been deleted with the Del key.
░Now is the time for
░their party.
░Fourscore and seven
░years ago, our
░fathers brought
░forth upon this
░continent, ^ new
░nation, conceived
░in liberty and
░dedicated to the
░proposition that
░all men are created
░Now is the time for Now is the time for
░all of their party. all
░Fourscore and seven of
░years ago, our their party.
░fathers brought Fourscore and seven
░forth upon this years ago, our
░continent, ^OOD MEN fathers brought
░TO COME TO THE AID forth upon this
░a new nation, continent, ^
░conceived in GOOD MEN TO
░liberty and COME TO THE AID
░dedicated to the a new
░proposition that nation, conceived
░all men are created in liberty and
░equal. dedicated to the
░ proposition that
░ all men are created
░ equal.
Ctrl S: (P)ASTE - This option not available with Ctrl S
purpose: This option inserts a sequence of numbers into each
highlighted line at the left highlight extremity.
discussion: This is a handy option to use when you are sorting and
want to be able to reference the original ordering of
the lines.
To number lines, follow these steps:
(1) Highlight the column where the numbers are to be
inserted with Ctrl Bs.
(2) Select the "(N)umber" option from the Highlight
Options menu.
(3) Type the starting number for the list of numbers
which will be inserted in the text, and then press
(4) Type the positive number by which the list of
numbers should increase on each line, and then
press Enter.
examples: In the two examples below, the first "g" and the first
"e" and Ctrl B was pressed to highlight the area. In
the first example, the initial number 1 was given with
an increment of 1. In the second example, the initial
number 2 was given with an increment of 4.
░ gggggg 1 gggggg 2 gggggg
░ bbbbbb 2 bbbbbb 6 bbbbbb
░ ffffff 3 ffffff 10 ffffff
░ dddddd 4 dddddd 14 dddddd
░ aaaaaa 5 aaaaaa 18 aaaaaa
░ cccccc 6 cccccc 22 cccccc
░ eeeeee 7 eeeeee 26 eeeeee
purpose: To perform simple math operations on numbers in the
text area, storing the result in a buffer for
subsequent insertion into the text file.
discussion: Normally, this option would be used with columns of
numbers, but it doesn't have to be. Any text in a
highlighted area which can be interpreted as a number
will be processed.
Operators may be placed immediately before a number,
and special characters (such as $,<> defined in the
Configuration section) are recognized as valid
characters in the number. In fact, if any of these
characters are found in any number, they will be
included in the result.
If no operator is located immediately before the
number, then the number is assumed to be added to the
list. Recognizable operators are, +-* and /. (Also,
x or X may be used in place of * for multiplication
and ÷ may be used instead of / for division.)
For a unit of text to be considered a number, it must
not have any adjoining characters on either side.
Parentheses will be interpreted as non-numeric
characters and the number will not be accepted.
Hexadecimal numbers may be used as long as they begin
with a 0 and end with an h. If all the numbers in the
value are hexadecimal, the result will be displayed as
To perform math operations, follow these steps:
(1) Highlight the area to be calculated.
(2) Select "(Q)uantity" from the Highlight Options
(3) Move the cursor to the desired location to
insert the result.
(4) Press Ctrl _.
examples: In the examples below, assume the highlighted areas
are shown in boxes. The result of the quantity option
at the left is $1,001.00. The result for the example
at the right is 15.
┌───────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┐
│ $3.40 │ │ This will show how 5 numbers │
│ <2.40>│ │ are summed in the text. 1 │
│ x5.00 │ │ is on the top line. 2 num- │
│ ÷2.50 │ │ bers above and 2 below make │
│ -1.00 │ │ up the 5 numbers. │
│ 1,000 │ └──────────────────────────────┘
purpose: Reformat will reorganize the text according to the
margin definitions, the number of spaces requested
at the end of a sentence (set in Configure), and
the type of justification selected.
discussion: When reformatting a highlighted area, a distinction is
made between Ctrl L highlighting and Ctrl B
highlighting. (Reformatting Ctrl S highlighting is
not allowed). In the following discussion, the
result of reformatting each type of highlighting will
be described. With each type, however, the following
menu will be displayed before the reformatting takes
│REFORMAT types: │
│ (C)enter text │
│ (L)eft justify text│
│ (R)ight justify text│
│ (B)lock justify text│
│ e(X)it │
Center reformatting assumes the text on each line is
configured as you want it, except that you want each
line centered within the margins.
Left justify reformatting will reorganize the text
according to the definitions described above. The
first line of a paragraph will be indented if indent
was defined in the tabs. The left edge will be smooth
and the right edge jagged, depending upon where the
words end.
Right justification will reorganize the text and make
the right edge smooth and the left edge jagged.
Block justification will make both right and left
edges smooth. This is accomplished by adding spaces
in the line until the text reaches the right margin.
Indentation will be honored.
Ctrl L: Assume the lines in the examples below are highlighted
and the left and right margins are as indicated.
(1) Center Reformat
After using the Center Reformat option:
(2) Left Reformat
░This text needs to be reformatted.
░These lines are highlighted and then
░the LEFT Reformat option
░ will be used.
░This text needs to be reformatted. These
░lines are highlighted and then the LEFT
░Reformat option will be used.
(3) Right Reformat
░This text needs to be reformatted.
░These lines are highlighted and then
░the RIGHT Reformat option
░ will be used.
░ This text needs to be reformatted. These
░ lines are highlighted and then the RIGHT
░ Reformat option will be used.
(4) Block Reformat
░This text needs to be reformatted.
░These lines are highlighted and then
░the LEFT Reformat option
░ will be used.
░This text needs to be reformatted. These
░lines are highlighted and then the LEFT
░Reformat option will be used.
Ctrl B: The Ctrl B option assumes that you may want the result
of the reformatting to have a different width than the
marked area. Before reformatting takes
place, a "pseudo" tab line is shown and you can define
new Left and Right margins (and Indent if applicable).
Otherwise, Left, Right, Block and Center reformatting
are the same as with Ctrl L highlighting.
The default L and R are set to the column extremities
of the highlighted area.
░..... │This area has │.....
░..... │been marked and │.....
░..... │is going to be │.....
░..... │reformatted. The│.....
░..... │width will be │.....
░..... │modified before │.....
░..... │the reformat as │.....
░..... │shown. │.....
░ L R margins suggested
░ L R margins modified
The result of the reformat with this modification to
the margins is shown below.
░..... This area has .....
░..... been marked and .....
░..... is going to be .....
░..... reformatted. .....
░..... The width will .....
░..... be modified .....
░..... before the .....
░..... reformat as .....
░ shown.
Operating on the same text but making the margins
wider modifies the text as shown below.
░ L R margins suggested
░ L R margins modified
░..... This area has been .....
░..... marked and is going.....
░..... to be reformatted. .....
░..... The width will be .....
░..... modified before the.....
░..... reformat as shown. .....
░..... .....
subject: SORTING
purpose: The Sort option of PC-Type II allows you to sort up to
ten fields (the fields may overlay), where each field
may be defined as Ascending or Descending, case
Sensitive or case Insensitive, and may be of variable
lengths. The sort may be defined to move the entire
line of data into the sorted order, or only the
highlighted portion of the line.
discussion: The Sort Order definition and the Upper/Lower case
definition of the Configuration section are used when
a sort is performed.
To sort, follow these steps:
(1) Highlight the text to be sorted. (Ctrl S marking
will not be accepted for the sort operation.)
(2) Select the "(S)ort" option.
If you highlighted the area to be sorted with Ctrl
B, you will be asked at this point if you intend
to move the entire line or only the sorted area.
If you used Ctrl L highlighting, then PC-Type II
assumes that you want the entire line to be moved.
Unless you only want the highlighted portion of
the text to be moved as a result of the sort,
there is no advantage to highlighting with Ctrl B,
and it will require an additional question.
(3) Define the sort fields and press Enter. Press
Enter again with an empty definition to indicate
there are no more fields to be defined.
For step 3, you are presented with a data entry field
which extends through the column extremities of the
highlighted area. To define a field, move the cursor
to the beginning of the field and repeatedly press the
"a", "A", "d" or "D" keys until reaching the end of
the field.
Use a to sort ascending»and case insensitive.»
Use A to sort ascending»and case sensitive.»
Use d to sort descending»and case insensitive.»
Use D to sort descending»and case sensitive.»
NOTE: If you press Enter at the start of step 3, then
the entire highlighted area is assumed to be the
field definition and the sort will be conducted
as an ascending case sensitive sort.
examples: In the example below, the area boxed in was
highlighted with Ctrl B. In both cases, the default
sort was performed by not defining any fields, but
by pressing Enter when requested to define the fields.
The result in the middle occurred by responding
that only the marked area should be moved. The result
on the right occurred by stating that the entire
line should be moved.
░ ┌──────┐ marked area entire line
░1│gggggg│ 1 aaaaaa 5 aaaaaa
░2│bbbbbb│ 2 bbbbbb 2 bbbbbb
░3│ffffff│ 3 cccccc 6 cccccc
░4│dddddd│ 4 dddddd 4 dddddd
░5│aaaaaa│ 5 eeeeee 7 eeeeee
░6│cccccc│ 6 ffffff 3 ffffff
░7│eeeeee│ 7 gggggg 1 gggggg
░ └──────┘
In the next example, the last name, first name, and
age of individuals are presented in column form.
A sort was performed with:
(1) the first field defined as a case sensitive,
ascending sort on the last name
(2) the second field defined as a case insensitive,
descending sort on the first name, with tie
breakers being determined by age.
│ AAAAAAAA │ field 1 definition
│ dddddddddd│ field 2 definition
░ Smith, Sally 24 (data before sort)
░ Jones, David 45
░ Earl, Dick 32
░ Smith, John 14
░ Jones, Ruth 66
░ Smith, John 13
░ Doe, John 25
░ Doe, John 25 (data after sort)
░ Earl, Dick 32
░ Jones, Ruth 66
░ Jones, David 45
░ Smith, Sally 24
░ Smith, John 14
░ Smith, John 13
purpose: This highlight option will translate some characters
in the highlighted area into different characters.
discussion: Follow these steps for the Translate option.
(1) Highlight an area of interest.
(2) Select the "(T)ranslate" option from the Highlight
Options menu.
(3) Respond to the request "Enter characters to
replace:" by typing those characters existing in
the highlighted area which are to be translated.
Then press Enter.
Note that if you plan to translate the space
character you should use the ! character instead.
The ! character is not available for translation.
(4) Respond to the request "Enter replacement
characters:" by typing those characters which are
to replace the first set of characters. Then
press Enter.
Note again that you should use the ! character if
the space character is intended.
example: Suppose you want to translate the characters
comprising the box below at left to a different set. After
highlighting the box, you might respond to the first
request for characters with the set of characters:
and the second request for characters with set:
The result of these entries is shown below at the
░/=====\ +-----+
░" " | |
░" " | |
░" " | |
░\=====/ +-----+