Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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File List
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Simtel MS-DOS, September 92 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM.
file name size date description
------------ ---- ---- -------------------------
43LINE2.ARC 7516 09-04-88 Toggle EGA 43 or 25 line mode w/TSR opt, v2.0
ANIM13.ZIP 184416 10-02-90 Animate Tek4010 or C graphics on EGA/Herc
ANSI_432.ARC 16384 12-20-88 43 line ANSI driver for EGA
CAPTURE.ARC 21504 06-11-87 Screen capture to disk file (from PC
CEGA.ARC 50542 12-31-87 EGA routines for MS C 3.0
EGA2EPS.ARC 13113 07-14-89 TSR stores EGA 640x350 screen to an EPS file
EGA43.ARC 4096 06-11-87 43 lines with EGA
EGABIOS.ARC 46730 03-12-88 Biorythms on EGA display
EGABLANK.ARC 2048 06-11-87 Screen blanking for the EGA - time selectable
EGACLR2.ARC 41984 06-11-87 Screen blanking for the EGA
EGACOLRS.ARC 16508 04-24-89 Display all 64 colors at once on an EGA
EGACOM.ARC 1024 06-11-87 Assorted EGA programs
EGACOM2.ARC 3456 06-11-87 PC Mag. collection of EGA drivers & utilities
EGADEMO.ARC 69503 06-11-87 Super EGA demo for EGA with 128k+
EGADEMO.PAS 4179 11-30-85 Highres mode EGA 640x350x16 color graphics
EGAEPSN1.ARC 8201 10-29-89 Use PrtScr with EGA & Epson printer, w/asm
EGAEPSON.ARC 7885 12-05-88 Replaces GRAPHICS.COM for EGA & Epson printer
EGAFIRE.ARC 18432 12-04-89 Fireworks display for EGA
EGAFONT.ARC 30720 06-11-87 26 Fonts for EGA video display
EGAKAL.ARC 13312 06-11-87 EGA-only Kalidascope brilliant
EGALINES.ARC 59392 06-12-87 Draws colored lines on EGA screen
EGAPRTSC.ARC 8960 06-11-87 Hardcopies EGA graphics screen
EGASAVE.ARC 3542 04-06-88 Screen blanker for EGA video displays
EGASMALL.ASM 2235 06-15-85 Load EGA 8x8 font for 25 or 43 line screens
EGASMALL.DOC 688 06-15-85 Doc file for EGASMALL.ASM
EGATEST.ARC 65536 06-11-87 EGA test from PC Magazine
EPSON2.ARC 8321 12-16-88 GRAPHICS.COM replacement for EGA
FIX43.ARC 5120 02-12-89 TSR to fix the cursor in EGA 43 line mode
FLAGS604.ARC 209811 06-25-89 Flags of the world - for EGA and color
FUSE.ARC 11264 06-12-87 VGA/EGA kaleidoscope graphics
GEMCPEGA.ARC 4645 09-04-88 TSR to capture EGA screen & save in GEM
GMOVIE.ARC 159693 07-16-89 Animated Earth rotation, EGA required
RAM4EGA2.ARC 1414 08-29-88 Put EGA ROM into ram for fast execution
SETEGA.ARC 6144 12-05-87 Utility to set EGA display mode
SPECTRUM.ARC 13312 06-12-87 PC Magazine utility to set EGA screen colors
SPEEDCRT.ARC 7780 11-11-88 Resident video speedup for EGA, w/ASM source
STYPE.ARC 3072 06-12-87 EGA smooth scroll TYPE command
TPEGA.ARC 77568 11-08-87 EGA routines for Turbo Pascal
ZAPSCRN.ARC 12288 02-12-89 TSR blanks screen for EGA or VGA