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Text File  |  1995-04-29  |  15KB  |  732 lines

  1. ;*[f*-'------------------------------oOo-----------------------------------
  2. ;
  3. ; $Id: os.set 2.11 1995/04/29 11:58:11 jallen GA $
  4. ; $Source: X:/cpp/apps/onscreen/RCS/os.set $
  5. ; $Author: jallen $
  6. ;
  7. ; This is an example OnScreen/2 settings file.
  8. ;
  9. ; You can set a variety of OnScreen/2 items in this file.
  10. ; * Key bindings (not yet)
  11. ; * Colours for status lines
  12. ; * Colours for file manager (not yet)
  13. ; * Colours for buffer list (not yet)
  14. ; * Other global OnScreen/2 settings
  15. ; * Styles, including syntax highlighting
  16. ;
  17. ; In this file you can specify the styles which OnScreen/2 will apply
  18. ; to files with specific extensions.
  19. ;
  20. ; Files with either no extension or with an extension which is not
  21. ; listed here will use the OnScreen/2 defaults.
  22. ;
  23. ; (C) 1995 Warp Factor 7, All rights reserved.
  24. ;
  25. ; Comments start with a ; and end at EOL. The ; must be the first
  26. ; non whitespace character on the line
  27. ;
  28. ; The syntax for the style heading is as follows
  29. ; Keyword StyleName File-Ext-List Inherited-Styles
  30. ; Style   Pascal    (.pas)          Base Default...
  31. ;
  32. ; These settings if present will override the settings made with the OnScreen
  33. ; command keys.
  34. ;
  35. ; All styles inherit from the settings made with the OnScreen/2 command keys,
  36. ; this allows a style to just override the elements which is requires
  37. ; changes to.
  38. ;
  39. ;*f]*--------------------------------oOo-----------------------------------
  40. ;
  41. ; A style with an * as the file extension list will apply to files with
  42. ; extensions for which no style has been explicitly defined.
  43. ; There can only be one such style defined
  44. ;
  45. Style Default (*)
  46. {
  47.     Editor                => b2.exe
  48. }
  50. ;
  51. ; This is a base style which is useful for programming languages
  52. ; the empty () indicates that this style does not apply to
  53. ; any file type
  54. ;
  55. Style Base () Default
  56. {
  57.     SymbolsColor        => Yellow
  58.     CommentColor        => LightGray
  59.     StringColor            => LightRed
  60.     ReservedColor        => White
  61.     PreprocessorColor    => Yellow
  62.     NumberColor            => Brown
  63.     IdentColor            => Green
  65.     ; if the following items are not specified they will use
  66.     ; the OnScreen/2 settings that the user has selected.
  67.     ; These items can be overridden for derived styles
  68.     ForeGndColor        => LightGray
  69.     BackGndColor        => Black
  70.     SelectedForeGndColor=> White
  71.     SelectedBackGndColor=> LightGray
  72.     BoldColor            => White
  73.     UnderlineColor        => Brown
  74.     BoldUnderlineColor    => Yellow
  75.     ExpandTabs            => ON
  76.     HighBitFilter        => OFF
  77.     TextWithLayout        => OFF
  78.     TabWidth            => 4
  79.     DisplayMode            => Text
  80.     TopLineFormat        => 1
  81. }
  83. Style Zip (.zip) Default
  84. {
  85.     ExternalFilter        => unzip -v %s
  86.     Editor                =>
  87. }
  89. Style Binary (.exe .com .dll .ico) Default
  90. {
  91.     ; hex mode automatically turns off TextWithLayout/Highbit filter etc..
  92.     DisplayMode            => Hex
  93. }
  95. ; assume .DOC is Wordstar and not Microsoft Word
  96. Style Wordstar (.doc) Base
  97. {
  98.     TabWidth            => 4
  99.     TextWithLayout        => ON
  100.     HighBitFilter        => ON
  101.     Editor                => b2.exe -h
  102. }
  104. Style UnixManPage (.man .1) Base
  105. {
  106.     TabWidth            => 4
  107.     TextWithLayout        => ON
  108.     HighBitFilter        => ON
  109.     Editor                => b2.exe -h
  110. }
  112. Style C (.c .h) Base
  113. {
  114.     TabWidth            => 4
  115.     Reserved             => asm
  116.                         => auto
  117.                         => break
  118.                         => case
  119.                         => cdecl
  120.                         => char
  121.                         => const
  122.                         => continue
  123.                         => default
  124.                         => double
  125.                         => do
  126.                         => else
  127.                         => enum
  128.                         => extern
  129.                         => far
  130.                         => float
  131.                         => for
  132.                         => goto
  133.                         => huge
  134.                         => if
  135.                         => interrupt
  136.                         => int
  137.                         => long
  138.                         => near
  139.                         => pascal
  140.                         => register
  141.                         => return
  142.                         => short
  143.                         => signed
  144.                         => sizeof
  145.                         => static
  146.                         => struct
  147.                         => switch
  148.                         => typedef
  149.                         => union
  150.                         => unsigned
  151.                         => void
  152.                         => volatile
  153.                         => while
  154.     Symbols             => {}[]().=+-*/:;<>|&,~!^?
  155.     Strings             => '"
  156.     Escape                 => \
  157.     OpenComment         => /*
  158.     CloseComment         => */
  159.     SingleLineComment    =>
  160.     CommentColumn         =>
  161.     NumberPrefix         => 0X
  162.                         => 0x
  163.     OpenPreprocessor     => #
  164.     ClosePreprocessor    =>
  165.     LineContinuation    => \
  166.     CaseSensitive         => YES
  167.     Editor                => b2.exe
  168. }
  170. Style C++ (.cpp .hpp .cxx .hxx) C
  171. {
  172.     Reserved             => class
  173.                         => delete
  174.                         => friend
  175.                         => inline
  176.                         => new
  177.                         => operator
  178.                         => private
  179.                         => protected
  180.                         => public
  181.                         => template
  182.                         => this
  183.                         => throw
  184.                         => try
  185.                         => catch
  186.                         => virtual
  187.     SingleLineComment    => //
  188. }
  190. Style OSStyle (.set) Base
  191. {
  192.     TabWidth            => 4
  193.     Reserved            => Style
  194.                         => Reserved
  195.                         => SymbolsColor
  196.                         => CommentColor
  197.                         => StringColor
  198.                         => ReservedColor
  199.                         => PreprocessorColor
  200.                         => NumberColor
  201.                         => IdentColor
  202.                         => ForeGndColor
  203.                         => BackGndColor
  204.                         => SelectedForeGndColor
  205.                         => SelectedBackGndColor
  206.                         => StatusForeGndColor
  207.                         => StatusBackGndColor
  208.                         => BoldColor
  209.                         => UnderlineColor
  210.                         => BoldUnderlineColor
  211.                         => RegularExpressions
  212.                         => Sound
  213.                         => Strings
  214.                         => Symbols
  215.                         => Escape
  216.                         => OpenComment
  217.                         => CloseComment
  218.                         => SingleLineComment
  219.                         => CommentColumn
  220.                         => NumberPrefix
  221.                         => OpenPreprocessor
  222.                         => ClosePreprocessor
  223.                         => CaseSensitive
  224.                         => ExpandTabs
  225.                         => HighBitFilter
  226.                         => TextWithLayout
  227.                         => TabWidth
  228.                         => DisplayMode
  229.                         => TopLineFormat
  230.                         => LineContinuation
  231.                         => Editor
  232.                         => ExternalFilter
  233.                         => ON
  234.                         => OFF
  235.                         => YES
  236.                         => NO
  237.                         => Text
  238.                         => Hex
  239.                         => Black
  240.                         => Blue
  241.                         => Green
  242.                         => Cyan
  243.                         => Red
  244.                         => Magenta
  245.                         => Brown
  246.                         => LightGray
  247.                         => DarkGray
  248.                         => LightBlue
  249.                         => LightGreen
  250.                         => LightCyan
  251.                         => LightRed
  252.                         => LightMagenta
  253.                         => Yellow
  254.                         => White
  255.     Symbols             => >=(){}.
  256.     SingleLineComment    => ;
  257.     CommentColumn         =>
  258.     CaseSensitive         => NO
  259.     Editor                => b2.exe
  260. }
  262. Style Pascal (.pas .inc) Base
  263. {
  264.     Reserved             => AND
  265.                         => ARRAY
  266.                         => ASM
  267.                         => BEGIN
  268.                         => BOOLEAN
  269.                         => BYTE
  270.                         => CASE
  271.                         => CHAR
  272.                         => COMP
  273.                         => CONST
  274.                         => CONSTRUCTOR
  275.                         => DESTRUCTOR
  276.                         => DIV
  277.                         => DOUBLE
  278.                         => DOWNTO
  279.                         => DO
  280.                         => ELSE
  281.                         => END
  282.                         => EXIT
  283.                         => EXTENDED
  284.                         => EXTERNAL
  285.                         => FALSE
  286.                         => FILE
  287.                         => FORWARD
  288.                         => FOR
  289.                         => FUNCTION
  290.                         => GOTO
  291.                         => IF
  292.                         => IMPLEMENTATION
  293.                         => INTEGER
  294.                         => INTERFACE
  295.                         => IN
  296.                         => LABEL
  297.                         => LONGINT
  298.                         => MOD
  299.                         => NIL
  300.                         => NOT
  301.                         => OBJECT
  302.                         => OF
  303.                         => ORD
  304.                         => OR
  305.                         => PACKED
  306.                         => PRIVATE
  307.                         => PROCEDURE
  308.                         => PROGRAM
  309.                         => REAL
  310.                         => RECORD
  311.                         => REPEAT
  312.                         => SET
  313.                         => SHL
  314.                         => SHR
  315.                         => SHORTINT
  316.                         => SINGLE
  317.                         => STRING
  318.                         => THEN
  319.                         => TO
  320.                         => TRUE
  321.                         => TYPE
  322.                         => UNIT
  323.                         => UNTIL
  324.                         => USES
  325.                         => VAR
  326.                         => VIRTUAL
  327.                         => WHILE
  328.                         => WITH
  329.                         => WORD
  330.                         => XOR
  331.     Symbols             => @().=*+-/[],<>:;
  332.     Strings             => '"
  333.     OpenComment         => (*
  334.                         => {
  335.     CloseComment         => *)
  336.                         => }
  337.     SingleLineComment     =>
  338.     CommentColumn         =>
  339.     NumberPrefix         => $
  340.                         => #
  341.     OpenPreprocessor     => {$
  342.     ClosePreprocessor     => }
  343.     CaseSensitive         => NO
  344.     CaseConvert            => YES
  345.     Editor                => b2.exe
  346. }
  348. Style Basic (.bas .bi) Base
  349. {
  350.     Reserved            =>
  351.                         => ABS
  352.                         => ACCESS
  353.                         => ALIAS
  354.                         => ALL
  355.                         => AND
  356.                         => ANY
  357.                         => APPEND
  358.                         => ASC
  359.                         => AS
  360.                         => ATN
  361.                         => BASE
  362.                         => BEEP
  363.                         => BEGINTRANS
  364.                         => BINARY
  365.                         => BLOAD
  366.                         => BOF
  367.                         => BSAVE
  368.                         => BYVAL
  369.                         => CALLS
  370.                         => CALL
  371.                         => CASE
  372.                         => CCUR
  373.                         => CDBL
  374.                         => CDECL
  375.                         => CHAIN
  376.                         => CHDIR
  377.                         => CHDRIVE
  378.                         => CHECKPOINT
  379.                         => CHR$
  380.                         => CINT
  381.                         => CIRCLE
  382.                         => CLEAR
  383.                         => CLNG
  384.                         => CLOSE
  385.                         => CLS
  386.                         => COLOR
  387.                         => COMMAND$
  388.                         => COMMITTRANS
  389.                         => COMMON
  390.                         => COM
  391.                         => CONST
  392.                         => COS
  393.                         => CREATEINDEX
  394.                         => CSNG
  395.                         => CSRLIN
  396.                         => CURDIR$
  397.                         => CURRENCY
  398.                         => CVC
  399.                         => CVDMBF
  400.                         => CVD
  401.                         => CVI
  402.                         => CVL
  403.                         => CVSMBF
  404.                         => CVS
  405.                         => DATA
  406.                         => DATE$
  407.                         => DECLARE
  408.                         => DEFCUR
  409.                         => DEFDBL
  410.                         => DEFINT
  411.                         => DEFLNG
  412.                         => DEFSNG
  413.                         => DEFSTR
  414.                         => DEF
  415.                         => DELETEINDEX
  416.                         => DELETETABLE
  417.                         => DELETE
  418.                         => DIM
  419.                         => DIR$
  420.                         => DOUBLE
  421.                         => DO
  422.                         => DRAW
  423.                         => ELSEIF
  424.                         => ELSE
  425.                         => ENDIF
  426.                         => END
  427.                         => ENVIRON$
  428.                         => ENVIRON
  429.                         => EOF
  430.                         => EQV
  431.                         => ERASE
  432.                         => ERDEV$
  433.                         => ERDEV
  434.                         => ERL
  435.                         => ERROR
  436.                         => ERR
  437.                         => EVENT
  438.                         => EXIT
  439.                         => EXP
  440.                         => FIELD
  441.                         => FILEATTR
  442.                         => FILES
  443.                         => FIX
  444.                         => FOR
  445.                         => FREEFILE
  446.                         => FRE
  447.                         => FUNCTION
  448.                         => GETINDEX$
  449.                         => GET
  450.                         => GOSUB
  451.                         => GOTO
  452.                         => GO
  453.                         => HEX$
  454.                         => IF
  455.                         => IMP
  456.                         => INKEY$
  457.                         => INPUT$
  458.                         => INPUT
  459.                         => INP
  460.                         => INSERT
  461.                         => INSTR
  462.                         => INTEGER
  463.                         => INT
  464.                         => IOCTL$
  465.                         => IOCTL
  466.                         => ISAM
  467.                         => IS
  468.                         => KEY
  469.                         => KILL
  470.                         => LBOUND
  471.                         => LCASE$
  472.                         => LEFT$
  473.                         => LEN
  474.                         => LET
  475.                         => LINE
  476.                         => LIST
  477.                         => LOCAL
  478.                         => LOCATE
  479.                         => LOCK
  480.                         => LOC
  481.                         => LOF
  482.                         => LOG
  483.                         => LONG
  484.                         => LOOP
  485.                         => LPOS
  486.                         => LPRINT
  487.                         => LSET
  488.                         => LTRIM$
  489.                         => MID$
  490.                         => MKC$
  491.                         => MKD$
  492.                         => MKDIR
  493.                         => MKDMBF$
  494.                         => MKI$
  495.                         => MKL$
  496.                         => MKS$
  497.                         => MKSMBF
  498.                         => MOD
  499.                         => MOVEFIRST
  500.                         => MOVELAST
  501.                         => MOVENEXT
  502.                         => MOVEPREVIOUS
  503.                         => NAME
  504.                         => NEXT
  505.                         => NOT
  506.                         => OCT$
  507.                         => OFF
  508.                         => ON
  509.                         => OPEN
  510.                         => OPTION
  511.                         => OR
  512.                         => OUTPUT
  513.                         => OUT
  514.                         => PAINT
  515.                         => PALETTE
  516.                         => PCOPY
  517.                         => PEEK
  518.                         => PEN
  519.                         => PLAY
  520.                         => PMAP
  521.                         => POINT
  522.                         => POKE
  523.                         => POS
  524.                         => PRESET
  525.                         => PRINT
  526.                         => PSET
  527.                         => PUT
  528.                         => RANDOMIZE
  529.                         => RANDOM
  530.                         => READ
  531.                         => REDIM
  532.                         => RESET
  533.                         => RESTORE
  534.                         => RESUME
  535.                         => RETRIEVE
  536.                         => RETURN
  537.                         => RIGHT
  538.                         => RMDIR
  539.                         => RND
  540.                         => ROLLBACK
  541.                         => RSET
  542.                         => RTRIM$
  543.                         => RUN
  544.                         => SADD
  545.                         => SAVEPOINT
  546.                         => SCREEN
  547.                         => SEEKEQ
  548.                         => SEEKGE
  549.                         => SEEKGT
  550.                         => SEEK
  551.                         => SEG
  552.                         => SELECT
  553.                         => SETINDEX
  554.                         => SETMEM
  555.                         => SGN
  556.                         => SHARED
  557.                         => SHELL
  558.                         => SIGNAL
  559.                         => SINGLE
  560.                         => SIN
  561.                         => SLEEP
  562.                         => SOUND
  563.                         => SPACE$
  564.                         => SPC
  565.                         => SQR
  566.                         => SSEGADD
  567.                         => SSEG
  568.                         => STACK
  569.                         => STATIC
  570.                         => STEP
  571.                         => STICK
  572.                         => STOP
  573.                         => STR$
  574.                         => STRIG
  575.                         => STRING$
  576.                         => STRING
  577.                         => SUB
  578.                         => SWAP
  579.                         => SYSTEM
  580.                         => TAB
  581.                         => TAN
  582.                         => THEN
  583.                         => TIME$
  584.                         => TIMER
  585.                         => TO
  586.                         => TROFF
  587.                         => TRON
  588.                         => TYPE
  589.                         => UBOUND
  590.                         => UCASE$
  591.                         => UEVENT
  592.                         => UNLOCK
  593.                         => UNTIL
  594.                         => UPDATE
  595.                         => USING
  596.                         => VAL
  597.                         => VARPTR$
  598.                         => VARPTR
  599.                         => VARSEG
  600.                         => VIEW
  601.                         => WAIT
  602.                         => WEND
  603.                         => WHILE
  604.                         => WIDTH
  605.                         => WINDOW
  606.                         => WRITE
  607.                         => XOR
  608.     Strings             => "
  609.     Symbols                => $%!#()^-*/+=<>
  610.     SingleLineComment     => '
  611.                         => REM
  612.     CaseSensitive         => NO
  613.     CaseConvert            => YES
  614. }
  616. Style BasicLikeLanguage (.bll) Base
  617. {
  618.     Reserved            => void
  619.                         => begin
  620.                         => end
  621.                         => if
  622.                         => then
  623.                         => else
  624.                         => and
  625.                         => or
  626.                         => not
  627.                         => true
  628.                         => false
  629.                         => int
  630.                         => string
  631.                         => select
  632.                         => when
  633.                         => repeat
  634.                         => until
  635.     Strings             => "
  636.     Symbols                => ()[]{}=
  637.     OpenComment         => /*
  638.     CloseComment         => */
  639.     SingleLineComment     => //
  640.     CaseSensitive         => NO
  641.     CaseConvert            => YES
  642. }
  644. Style BatchFile (.bat) Base
  645. {
  646.     Reserved             => SET
  647.                         => PROMPT
  648.                         => ECHO
  649.                         => IF
  650.                         => ON
  651.                         => OFF
  652.                         =>    DO
  653.                         => NOT
  654.                         => PATH
  655.                         => LOADHIGH
  656.        Symbols                => @.[]$\/:
  657.     Strings             => '"
  658.     SingleLineComment     => REM
  659.     CaseSensitive         => NO
  660.     Editor                => b2.exe
  661. }
  663. ;------------------------------------oOo-----------------------------------
  664. ;
  665. ; $Log: os.set $
  666. ; Revision 2.11  1995/04/29 11:58:11  jallen
  667. ; GA 2.11 Release
  668. ;
  669. ; Revision 2.8  1995/04/29 07:58:44  jallen
  670. ; Starting DOS32 testing
  671. ;
  672. ; Revision 2.6  1995/01/22 14:39:40  jallen
  673. ; Public Release
  674. ;
  675. ; Revision 2.5  1994/12/27 17:03:38  jallen
  676. ; OnScreen/2 2.05
  677. ;
  678. ; Revision 2.4  1994/12/22 18:58:14  jallen
  679. ; Fixed bugs in display for Win32 on Windows NT 3.5
  680. ; Added an automatic file modified detection facility
  681. ;
  682. ; Revision  1994/12/22 18:44:20  jallen
  683. ; Fixed all display related bug for Win32 under Windows NT 3.5
  684. ; Also added automatic file modified detection
  685. ;
  686. ; Revision  1994/12/13  01:52:52  jallen
  687. ; Changed state to GM (Golden Master)
  688. ;
  689. ; Revision  1994/12/13  01:44:51  jallen
  690. ; Updated all docs to 2.03
  691. ;
  692. ; Revision 2.3  1994/12/13  00:53:48  jallen
  693. ; Fixed bugs:
  694. ; TopLineFormat setting on os.set file was being ignored
  695. ; Move file failed if moving to a different device
  696. ; Running an editor that used stdout cause it output to go to nul
  697. ;
  698. ; Revision 2.2  1994/12/11  23:51:13  jallen
  699. ; OnScreen/2 2.02 release to general public
  700. ;
  701. ; Revision 2.1  1994/12/07  15:18:25  jallen
  702. ; 2.0.1 bug fixes for kbd problems on DPMI32 and Win32
  703. ;
  704. ; Revision  1994/12/07  15:15:48  jallen
  705. ; Fixed keyboard problems with DPMI32 and Win32
  706. ;
  707. ; Revision  1994/12/04  17:38:59  jallen
  708. ; making some fixes for DOS & Win32 keyboard support with Borland's C++
  709. ;
  710. ; Revision 2.0  1994/12/04  00:10:22  jallen
  711. ; At last OnScreen/2 2.00
  712. ;
  713. ; Revision 1.96  1994/12/03  03:20:35  jallen
  714. ; Setting state to Gamma
  715. ;
  716. ; Revision 1.95  1994/12/03  03:11:31  jallen
  717. ; Last build before going to 2.00
  718. ;
  719. ; Revision 1.91  1994/12/03  02:55:26  johna
  720. ; *** empty log message ***
  721. ;
  722. ; Revision 1.90  1994/11/06  16:51:58  johna
  723. ; Third and final Beta of OnScreen
  724. ;
  725. ; Revision 1.1  1994/11/02  01:26:28  johna
  726. ; Initial revision
  727. ;
  728. ;------------------------------------oOo-----------------------------------
  729. ; (C) 1994 Warp Factor 7, All rights Reserved.
  730. ;------------------------------------oOo-----------------------------------