64 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' Time Zone?
65 Do you want to save the Time Zone changes you have made?
66 (GMT+/-0x:00) Time Zone display name - 63 chars max.
67 ***** MANDATORY ENTRY *****
68 ***** OPTIONAL ENTRY *****
69 Not set for this time zone.
128 The Time Zone Standard abbreviation must be unique among all Time Zones.
129 The Time Zone information cannot be found in the registry.
130 Unable to save the Time Zone
131 Memory error. Unable to create a new Time Zone. Exit and restart application.
132 A Time Zone name is required.
133 A Time Zone Standard Abbreviation is required.
134 You are not logged onto the Windows NT workstation as a member of the user group that has the right to change the workstation's Time Zone settings.
135 You are not logged onto the Windows NT workstation as a member of the user group that has the right to delete any of the workstation's Time Zones.
136 This is not a valid Time Zone Name. The Time Zone information has not been saved.
137 This is not a valid Standard Abbreviation. The Time Zone information has not been saved.
138 This is not a valid Daylight Abbreviation. The Time Zone information has not been saved.
139 There is an invalid selection in the Daylight Saving Time Start or End days. The Time Zone information has not been saved.
140 The Daylight Saving Time Start HOUR value is out-of-range (i.e greater than 23).
141 The Daylight Saving Time Last HOUR value is out-of-range (i.e greater than 23).