DP Tool Club 31
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Delphi Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Frequently Asked Questions (F A Q:
Last Updated - March 16, 1995
1 Q: Where cabn I get more Delphi Information?
1 A: Now available on the "From Borland" download library are the
following Delphi informational files:
DELBKS.TXT -=> Delphi BookList
DEL_FS.ZIP -=> Delphi Fact Sheet
DEL_ QI.ZIP -=> Delphi Quick Info Sheet
2 Q: How do you make Button controls align themselves to the
bottom of a window when the window/dialog is resized?
2 A: Create a TPanel, set alignment to bottom, and place your
button on the panel. If you don't want the panel visible,
turn off ctl3d, set bevels to none and parentcolor = true.
3 Q: How to I add a "Help Break" to a main menu so that it is
aligned on the right edge?
3 A: You can't do it at design time. At run time, add the
following to your form's OnCreate handler:
Help1.Caption := #8 + Help1.Caption;
Note: This is discouraged by Microsoft's latest design
guidelines, and doesn't work at all under Windows 95.
4 Q: What can I read/buy to learn about the hidden "methods"?
4 A: The Component Writer's Help goes into deeper detail, or Buy
the VCL source code and look at it directly.
5 Q: How do I do decimal alignment all right justified?
5 A: For TEdit objects, make them multi-line edits and set style
to es_Right. For TDBEdits, you can add the fields to your form,
and set the Alignment and DisplayFormat properties.
6 Q: How do I set Tab Order?
6 A: Click on the form holding the controls, then choose
Edit | Tab Order.
7 Q: How do I make Windows recognize a program written in VB as a
screen saver?
7 A: 1) Put this line in the Project Source:
{$D SCRNS AVE:NameOfScreenSaver}
2) Compile the project
3) Rename the .EXE to .SCR and put it in the Windows directory
To make it ACT as a screen saver and respond to OnClick and
OnKeyUp by calling Close. Respond to OnMouseMove by checking
if this is the FIRST OnMouseMove and, if not, calling Close.
CONST FirstTime : Boolean = True;
IF NOT FirstTime THEN Close;
8 Q: How do I handle a Stream Read Error?
8 A: Try deleting the *.DSM file, and re-compiling your project.
9 Q: Is there any way to create global variables in Delphi?
9 A: Open up a new unit and declare the global structures in the
interface portion of that unit (the implementation portion
can be empty). Add the name of that unit to the USES list of
any other units from which you want to access the globals.
10 Q: Why does closing the unit (pas) window also close the form?
10 A: Because Delphi has to be able to manipulate the code when you
work with the dialog. It is constantly watching what you do
and alters the code to reflect the changes to the form.
11 Q: When I compile code that calls the WinPrn unit, Delphi says it
can't find WinPrn.DCU.
11 A: Add \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL70 to your application's Search Path.
12 Q: How do you center a form on the screen?
12 A: Use the div, operator not the / operator:
MyLeft := (Screen.Left - Form1.Left) div 2;
Or You can also set the Position property of
the form to poScreenCenter.
13 Q: If I compile my BP7 project in Delphi, will I be able to
use Delphi's integrated debugger with it? If so, how do I
tell Delphi what my "Primary File" is? Since I don't have
any forms?
13 A: Yes, you can use the integrated debugger. The primary file
is the *.P AS file that you opened as a project. You have to
select Open Project and change the file type from *.DPR to
*.P AS and then select the BP7 program you want to compile.
14 Q: As I add items (listBoxName.items.add('xxx')), how can I
show the newest item? When there are more items than show,
and the scrollbar appears, the new items are added below
what is visible on the screen. I would like to have the
list 'move up' so that the latest item is visible.
14 A: Try setting:
listBoxName.itemIndex := (listBoxName.items.count-1)
15 Q: Is there a property to align the text in the listBox
to the right?
15 A: No. Try padding the string with spaces.
16 Q: What does the debugger message "Debugger Is Unable To Stop
Due To 'Hard Mode'" mean?
16 A: DEFINITION:Hard mode is a state of Windows when no message
processing can take place. It happens during menu drawing
and some kernel operations. It means that you are in a
state that Delphi can not "freeze" your application without
locking up Windows. Typically, that arises as a result of
multiple SendMessage calls. In addition a workaround which
often works: What you need to do is kick the system out of
hard mode. Interestingly enough, this can happen when the
debugger puts up the system modal messagebox to tell you it's
in hard mode! So try putting an additional breakpoint on the
line *before* your breakpoint. This first one will cause the
hard mode warning and should kick Windows out of hard mode.
When you OK that messagebox the second, desired, breakpoint
should work.
NOTE: Since the debugger is message driven, it cannot
allow you to stop at a breakpoint if it thinks
the system is in hard mode, because you wouldn't
be able to do anything and the system would appear
to be hung.
17 Q: Is it possible to load a BP program (either as a project or
as a program) in the IDE and have it compiled?
17 A: Yes, it is possible, but let me qualify that. More precisely,
a BPW program can be loaded into Delphi. Select Open Project
from the menu or speedbar, and then in the filter combo box
select *.P AS files. This will allow you to load BPW *.P AS
programs. You'll need to add \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL70 to your
project's search path.
18 Q: Why are simple EXE's so large(1 form and 1 button about 200K)?
18 A: Delphi's VCL is based on RTTI and exceptions. This requires a
'footprint' of about 120Kb for an 'empty' application. The
200K you get has additional debug info or is not optimised by
the compiler. Note that the size of your .EXE doesn't go to
400K for two buttons, but rather to 201K, i.e. after the
footprint each additional control just adds the 'usual' amount
of data/code size. Additionally, you can slim your EXE's down
by checking the "Optimize For Size And Load Time" checkbox on
the Linker page of the OPTIONS|PROJECT dialog.
19 Q: Can I use a second monitor to watch the BP program output?
19 A: In order to use two monitors one must be an MD A monitor
(the old Hercules monochrome style) and the other VG A
(or EG A etc.). They must use two address spaces $B000 for the
MD A and $B800 for the VG A. Once you have these monitors
installed you can tell the BP IDE to use the second monitor in
Options/Environment/StartUp. The default monitor at starting
up the BP IDE will become the program's output display.
NOTE: once the Hercules card is installed, your VG A card
will be accessed as an 8 bit card.
20 Q: How does a speedbutton on a frame trigger a save event in the
active child MDI Sheet? A call to TEditForm.Save1click does
not work.
20 A: Try:
with Application.MainForm. ActiveMDIChild as TEditForm do
Or Try:
if ActiveMDIChild is TEditForm do
TEditForm( ActiveMDIChild).Save1Click(Sender);
21 Q: Why in a comboboxcomponent if the 'Style'-property is set to
'csDropDownList' does the following do nothing?
combobox1.text := 'Something strange going on here!';
21 A: That's standard behavior of the windows combobox working as
DropDownList. The concept is that the shown text has to be
exactly the same as one of the elements of the list. The right
way to execute this code is to choose the appropiate element
from the list:
{assuming combobox1.Item[0] = 'Something strange going on here!'}
22 Q: The edit controls automatically respond to CTRL-C, CTRL-X,
CTRL-Y, CTRL-Z for copy, cut, paste and undo. How do I display
these options on the menubar and have them to the appropriate
22 A: Try these event handlers:
TStaffSearch.SpeedButtonCutToClipBoardClick(Sender: TObject);
begin if (( ActiveControl ) is TCustomEdit ) then
TEdit( ActiveControl).CutToClipBoard; end;
procedure TStaffSearch.Delete1Click(Sender: TObject);
begin if (( ActiveControl ) is TCustomEdit ) then
TEdit( ActiveControl).ClearSelection; end;
In both cases you must determine which control is active and
call its appropriate method. All of the controls that allow
editing of data descend from TCustomEdit. The above code
determines if the active control descends from TCustomEdit
and if it does calls the the desired method.
23 Q: What does the Object Inspector Display?
23 A: The Object Inspector displays all published properties
(that can be read and written and aren't array properties) of
a class. The Object Inspector doesn't display the methods of
a class.
24 Q: What is the difference between "SetKey / GoToKey" and
"FindKey"? What determines when one should be used instead of
the other?
24 A: There really is no difference in the functionality. SetKey +
some assignments to IndexFields + GotoKey is equivalent to a
simple FindKey. If the IndexFields are extraordinarily complex
then the SetKey sequence may be simpler to code.
25 Q: Is there any way to determine if a particular button on a
TDBNavigator control is enabled?
25 A: Try:
TDBNavCracker = class(TDBnavigator);
if TDBNavCracker(DBNavigator1).Buttons[nbEdit].Enabled
26 Q: Can I use older versions of S QL Links use those with the ID API
that ships with Delphi?
26 A: No, For old S QL linkers, you can get everything in the
Client/Server edition, or you can get Delphi + new S QL Links.
27 Q: How does Delphi handle run-Time errors?
27 A: When a run-time error occurs in Delphi an exception is
generated. If the appropriate option is set in the Environment
settings, when an exception occurs while running your app from
within Delphi, then Delphi will position the cursor on the
offending line. However, the program is not terminated. Since,
an exception was generated, your app. does not exit
28 Q: How does Delphi store code/forms?
28 A: Forms are stored in DFM files (as binary) but if you open a it
(FILE|OPEN FILE) in the IDE Editor it opens as text, which you
can edit directly.
29 Q: Will the TMediaPlayer in Delphi play avi files?
29 A: Delphi will play avi files with the TMediaPlayer, just set the
media type, filename to the right values, set the display to a
TPanel, and use the open method. Playing AVI files requires an
up-to-date copy of Video for Windows propertly installed on
your system. Once you've done that, though, it's as easy as
playing a W AV file. Leave the media player on dt AutoSelect for
device type, assign FOOB AR. AVI to the filename, and play. The
movie will appear in a separate little window.
30 Q: How do you set a field's display to have a 'No Echo' effect
for Password entry?
30 A: All you need to do is specify which character ( * for example)
you want to display in the Password property of the TEdit. If
you don't want to display any character, use a space, #32.