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Text File  |  1997-06-16  |  935b  |  33 lines

  1. <html>
  2.  <head>
  3.   <title>Matt's Script Archive Search Engine</title>
  4.  </head>
  5.  <body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000>
  6.   <center>
  7.    <h1>Matt's Script Archive Search Engine</h1>
  8.   </center>
  10.     Use the form below to search through the files at Matt's Script Archive!<p>
  11. <hr size=7 width=75%><p>
  12. <form method=POST action="http://worldwidemart.com/scripts/cgi-bin/demos/search.cgi">
  13. <center><table border>
  14. <tr>
  15. <th>Text to Search For: </th><th><input type=text name="terms" size=40><br></th>
  16. </tr><tr>
  17. <th>Boolean: <select name="boolean">
  18. <option>AND
  19. <option>OR
  20. </select> </th> <th>Case <select name="case">
  21. <option>Insensitive
  22. <option>Sensitive
  23. </select><br></th>
  24. </tr><tr>
  25. <th colspan=2><input type=submit value="Search!"> <input type=reset><br></th>
  26. </tr></table></form></center>
  27. <hr size=7 width=75%><p>
  28. <ul>
  29. <li><a href="../../">Matt's Script Archive</a>
  30. <li><a href="./search.txt">Variable Set-Up For This Search</a>
  31. </ul>
  32. </body></html>