#define MH_Save_STR "Save settings and give\nthem to an running TinyMeter."
#define MH_Use 28
#define MH_Use_STR "Use settings and give\nthem to a running TinyMeter"
#define MH_Test 29
#define MH_Test_STR "Test settings on a running TinyMeter"
#define MH_Cancel 30
#define MH_Cancel_STR "Discard all changes and quit."
#define MH_MemRefresh 31
#define MH_MemRefresh_STR "Sets the interval, how often\nthe memoryusage is redisplayed."
#define MH_VolRefresh 32
#define MH_VolRefresh_STR "Sets the interval, how often\nthe volumesusage is redisplayed."
#define MH_Wait 33
#define MH_Wait_STR "How many seconds TinyMeter should\nwait before it starts. Useful to get right\nbase settings."
#define MH_Flags 34
#define MH_Flags_STR "Some misc flags. Note, that the\nstartup flags will not get\nactive until you restart TinyMeter."
#define MH_Public 35
#define MH_Public_STR "The PublicScreen name, TinyMeter\non which should open his\nwindow. If you want to open it on the\nWorkbench please select 'Workbench'\nand leave this gadget not free!"
#define MH_PosX 36
#define MH_PosX_STR "The upper left edge of the TinyMeter window."
#define MH_PosY 37
#define MH_PosY_STR "The upper left edge of the TinyMeter window."
#define MH_SizX 38
#define MH_SizX_STR "The width of the TinyMeter window."
#define MH_Snap 39
#define MH_Snap_STR "If you actually ran TinyMeter you\ncan get the the actual Window position and size\nwith this button."
#define MH_BackgroundPic 40
#define MH_BackgroundPic_STR "The picture file, TinyMeter should\ndisplay when you selected TYPEDEFOND=FICHIER.\nNote, that the format should be supported by\nyour datatypes."
#define MH_BackgroundCol 41
#define MH_BackgroundCol_STR "Background color, if BACKGROUNDTYPE=NONE\nwas selected."
#define MH_BrightCol 42
#define MH_BrightCol_STR "Color for the bright edges."
#define MH_DarkCol 43
#define MH_DarkCol_STR "Color for the dark edges."
#define MH_Colums 44
#define MH_Colums_STR "Number of colums, TinyMeter should use."
#define MH_SpaceX 45
#define MH_SpaceX_STR "Horizontal space between gauges."
#define MH_SpaceY 46
#define MH_SpaceY_STR "Vertical space between gauges."
#define MH_BordX 47
#define MH_BordX_STR "Horizontal size of the border."
#define MH_BordY 48
#define MH_BordY_STR "Vertical size of the border."
#define MCO_sel_font_STR "Please select a font..."
#define MCO_device 107
#define MCO_device_STR "Volume"
#define MCO_3dlook 108
#define MCO_3dlook_STR "3D gauges"
#define MCO_border 109
#define MCO_border_STR "Border"
#define MCO_nobgcol 110
#define MCO_nobgcol_STR "No background color"
#define MCO_shadow 111
#define MCO_shadow_STR "Shadowed label"
#define MCO_disgaug 112
#define MCO_disgaug_STR "Disable bars"
#define MCO_disfmt 113
#define MCO_disfmt_STR "Disable formatted text"
#define MCO_disbas 114
#define MCO_disbas_STR "Disable base memory"
#define MCO_col_label 115
#define MCO_col_label_STR "Label"
#define MCO_col_fmt 116
#define MCO_col_fmt_STR "Formatted text"
#define MCO_col_bas 117
#define MCO_col_bas_STR "Base display"
#define MCO_col_cur 118
#define MCO_col_cur_STR "Current display"
#define MCO_col_neg 119
#define MCO_col_neg_STR "Negative display"
#define MCO_col_bright 120
#define MCO_col_bright_STR "Bright edges"
#define MCO_col_dark 121
#define MCO_col_dark_STR "Dark edges"
#define MCO_col_bg 122
#define MCO_col_bg_STR "Background"
#define MCO_fmt 123
#define MCO_fmt_STR "Format"
#define MCO_Use 124
#define MCO_Use_STR "_Use"
#define MCO_Cancel 125
#define MCO_Cancel_STR "_Cancel"
#define MCR_general 126
#define MCR_general_STR "General"
#define MCR_flags 127
#define MCR_flags_STR "Flags"
#define MCR_colors 128
#define MCR_colors_STR "Colors"
#define MOL_General 129
#define MOL_General_STR "General"
#define MOL_Compose 130
#define MOL_Compose_STR "Compose list"
#define MOL_sub_General 131
#define MOL_sub_General_STR "General"
#define MOL_sub_Window 132
#define MOL_sub_Window_STR "Window"
#define MOL_sub_Layout 133
#define MOL_sub_Layout_STR "Layout"
#define MOH_Label 134
#define MOH_Label_STR "Description line of the gauge"
#define MOH_Device 135
#define MOH_Device_STR "Any question? Write me via email... 8)"
#define MOH_3d 136
#define MOH_3d_STR "Turn on a border for the gauges,\nresulting in a 3d effect for the bars."
#define MOH_Bg 137
#define MOH_Bg_STR "If you want the background\nthroughshining, select this flag."
#define MOH_NoGauge 138
#define MOH_NoGauge_STR "Turn off bars. Useful to\nget only the formatted string."
#define MOH_NoFmt 139
#define MOH_NoFmt_STR "Turn off formatted text, Useful\nto get only the bars."
#define MOH_NoBase 140
#define MOH_NoBase_STR "Turn off base display. The base\ndisplay represents the usage at startup."
#define MOH_Format 141
#define MOH_Format_STR "\33b\33uGeneral:\33n\n%d - Free bytes/amount\n%b - Free base bytes/amount\n%p - Free percent\n%a - total installed\n\n\33b\33uOptions\33n(Order is important!):\nt - thousands seperator\nT - thousands sepeperator with a point\nk - show kilobytes\nm - show megabytes\no - show occupied size\n% - display a '%'\n"
#define MOH_Clock 142
#define MOH_Clock_STR "%a - abbreviated weekday name\n%A - weekday name\n%b - abbreviated month name\n%B - month name\n%c - same as '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'\n%C - same as '%a %b %e %T %Z %Y'\n%d - day number with leading 0s\n%D - same as '%m/%d/%y'\n%e - day number with leading spaces\n%H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s\n%I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s\n%j - julian date\n%m - month number with leading 0s\n%M - the number of minutes with leading 0s\n%p - AM or PM strings\n%q - hour using 24-hour style\n%Q - hour using 12-hour style\n%r - same as '%I:%M:%S %p'\n%R - same as '%H:%M'\n%S - number of seconds with leadings 0s\n%T - same as '%H:%M:%S'\n%U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week\n%w - weekday number\n%W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week\n%y - year using two digits with leading 0s\n%Y - year using four digits with leading 0s"
#define MDL_Available 143
#define MDL_Available_STR "\33cAvailable Types"
#define MDL_Selected 144
#define MDL_Selected_STR "\33cSelected Types"
#define MDH_Available 145
#define MDH_Available_STR "List of availble displaytypes. Simply\nuse drag&drop to select the types."
#define MDH_Selected 146
#define MDH_Selected_STR "List of selected types. Use doubleclick\nto edit, drap&drop to remove."
#define MCM_NotTmGauge 147
#define MCM_NotTmGauge_STR "File is not a TinyMeter gauge!"
#define MCM_LoadGauge 148
#define MCM_LoadGauge_STR "Load gauge..."
#define MCM_SaveGauge 149
#define MCM_SaveGauge_STR "Save gauge..."
#define MCM_NotTmGauge_fmt 150
#define MCM_NotTmGauge_fmt_STR "_OK"
#define MM_BadPrefs 151
#define MM_BadPrefs_STR "Preferences file could not be read. (Perhaps bad version?)\n\nShould I use a default setting instead?"
#define MM_BadPrefs_fmt 152
#define MM_BadPrefs_fmt_STR "_OK|_CANCEL"
#define MA_Description 153
#define MA_Description_STR "Preferences program for TinyMeter V4.30"
#define MA_About_Title 154
#define MA_About_Title_STR "About this software"
#define MH_FormatHelp 155
#define MH_FormatHelp_STR "Formatting codes for gauges"
#define MH_ClockHelp 156
#define MH_ClockHelp_STR "Formatting codes for clocks"
#define MO_MakePen 157
#define MO_MakePen_STR "Adjust Pen"
#define MDef_Label 158
#define MDef_Label_STR "Insert a label"
#define MDef_fmt 159
#define MDef_fmt_STR "%td free"
#define MDef_Device 160
#define MDef_Device_STR "Select a device"
#define MO_TaskPrio 161
#define MO_TaskPrio_STR "Task priority"
#define MO_FallingCol 162
#define MO_FallingCol_STR "Falling colums"
#define MOL_sub_Flags 163
#define MOL_sub_Flags_STR "Flags"
#define MOL_Handler 164
#define MOL_Handler_STR "Handler"
#define MDL_typ_simplelauncher 165
#define MDL_typ_simplelauncher_STR "Launcher"
#define MCO_col_entry 166
#define MCO_col_entry_STR "Entry"
#define MCO_col_hbright 167
#define MCO_col_hbright_STR "Halfbright"
#define MCO_col_hdark 168
#define MCO_col_hdark_STR "Halfdark"
#define MCO_col_cursor 169
#define MCO_col_cursor_STR "Cursor"
#define MCO_xen 170
#define MCO_xen_STR "XEN button"
#define MCO_background 171
#define MCO_background_STR "Background"
#define MCO_slabel 172
#define MCO_slabel_STR "Shadowed label"
#define MCR_entries 173
#define MCR_entries_STR "Entries"
#define MLO_listfile 174
#define MLO_listfile_STR "Listfile"
#define MLO_sel_listfile 175
#define MLO_sel_listfile_STR "Select Listfile"
#define MCO_Clone 176
#define MCO_Clone_STR "Clone Entry"
#define MLO_New 177
#define MLO_New_STR "New"
#define MLO_Remove 178
#define MLO_Remove_STR "Remove"
#define MLO_Clone 179
#define MLO_Clone_STR "Clone"
#define MLO_Save 180
#define MLO_Save_STR "_Save"
#define MLO_Command 181
#define MLO_Command_STR "Command"
#define MLO_Title 182
#define MLO_Title_STR "Title"
#define MLO_Stack 183
#define MLO_Stack_STR "Stack"
#define MLO_WorkDir 184
#define MLO_WorkDir_STR "Work Dir."
#define MLO_OutPut 185
#define MLO_OutPut_STR "Output"
#define MLO_Load 186
#define MLO_Load_STR "Load"
#define MCR_up 187
#define MCR_up_STR "Anbove the gadget"
#define MCR_down 188
#define MCR_down_STR "Under the gadget"
#define MCR_over 189
#define MCR_over_STR "Over the gadget"
#define MCO_place 190
#define MCO_place_STR "Position of popup-menu"
#define MOL_Stack 191
#define MOL_Stack_STR "If this entry is of Workbench type,\ncopy the stacksize from the Icon!"
#define MOL_Out 192
#define MOL_Out_STR "Default Output is NIL:. Set this\nto CON: or something similar to\nlet your prgram display something."
#define MOL_listfile 193
#define MOL_listfile_STR "Selects the file, where the entries should\nbe saved. This entry is essential."
#define MOL_NotFile 194
#define MOL_NotFile_STR "Could not save the list! Please make sure you selected a listfilename."
#define MOL_NotFile_fmt 195
#define MOL_NotFile_fmt_STR "OK"
#define MLO_sel_picfile 196
#define MLO_sel_picfile_STR "Select a picture..."
#define MLO_Pic 197
#define MLO_Pic_STR "Pictogram"
#define MOL_nofilename_fmt 198
#define MOL_nofilename_fmt_STR "I'll fix it."
#define MOL_nofilename 199
#define MOL_nofilename_STR "The list can't be saved, since no filename was specified"