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Changes from XRS v 5.00 -=> v 5.00 Mod 4 patch level
1) XRS "bottom-line" time clock uses the native language format and date
separator properly (again).
2) XRS doesn't give a "Security Error '0xbad'" exit on non-80-column width
screens for unregistered users.
3) If XRS is allowed to "auto-size" in a non-standard mode, it doesn't
mistakenly assume that it's back in 25-line mode when it returns to the
"normal" font. For example, this would cause XRS to autosize from 37- or
40-line mode to 75-line mode and back to 37-line mode on my machine, but
place text and messages on exit as if the screen-size were 25 lines.
4) After entering the editor one time, hitting <ALT_F3> or <ALT_F5> when
no longer in the editor no longer causes bizarre results and/or hangs.
5) While in the "Color Palette" routine (via the <ALT_F7> hot-key) XRS
disables all interrupt function keys used by the internal text editor.
6) I corrected the alignment of the color selection list for screens wider
than 80-columns.
7) The annoying "flash-blink-flash" during "List View" display on slower
machines (when you <ESC> or <Enter> to the menubar) is mostly eliminated.
Also, the display of the "Saving Message Index" informational message is
before each message is displayed instead of afterwards, which contributed
added delay in the above sequence if you were using "Safe Mode".
8) The mouse cursor doesn't disappear (until you move the mouse or reset
it) immediately after a "Preprocess" routine is called.
9) In the TELOS-specific version (non-shareware), <ESC>aping out of a pick
list of one element during area selection for message reading doesn't cause
a screwy "Auto Cycle" instead of just dropping back to the main menu.
10) <ESC>aping out of message creation after selecting an area which is
either private-only or lets you choose (and you chose private) does not
make the next message private regardless of area.
11) Someone noted that multiple substitutions of the same element into a
macro or attribution line didn't work. Well, I didn't intend for it to!
(but if you insist, I tossed in the code to handle it...)
12) Replies to messages for areas a user is not authorized to use (because
of security changes) are always marked private and put into the LOCAL area.
13) XRS doesn't display a phantom extra message at the end during "All Read
14) Fixed quoting (or export in quoted format) the last message. A related
bug - taking forever to find the end of the next-to-last message was fixed.
These both only occurred if you used XRS-SORT.EXE or any of its variants,
because the "end-of-message pointer" fix routine for 'abnormal' mail
indices was not taking the final element in the unsorted list into account.
15) Fixed a bug which caused XRS to stop reading messages during "All Read
Chronological" when it hits the last physical message in a mailbag. Again,
this only occurs for sorted mailbags.
16) XRS doesn't "adjust" the SysOp-defined description for the first local
area used to be truncated to read only "LOCAL".
17) The forced remapping of the first "local" group to group # 0 is gone.
SysOps should be sure they offer all users access to at least one local
area where they can leave private messages, so users without access to
netmail can send messages to the SysOp (and other users).
18) Fixed a bug which caused messages after being XRS-Sort'ed in "All Read
Chronological" to be displayed at random if no "ToYou" or "NewOnly" filter
was on.
19) "All Message Read (Chronological)" is now called "All Message Read
(Sequentially)" instead. This distinction is because the messages are no
longer chronological if they have been XRS-Sort'ed.
20) CONFIG.XRS allows you to "Hide Mouse" out of the default center of the
viewport, 'hiding' it in the lower right-hand corner instead. Note that
this will cause the mouse cursor to seemingly disappear until you move it.
(and will do so each time the mouse is re-initialized, like when you exit
from the <F10> DOS shell - until you move it again)
21) The "DOS Critical Error Handler" has been enhanced to make it a little
more obvious and center the actual error message as interpreted from DOS
flashing in a single-border window with the active "Abort, "Retry", "Fail",
"Ignore" selection in a double-bordered window. Note that during a DOS
critical error, no interrupt routines can be called, so the mouse is not
active at that point (if you have a mouse you still select with keyboard).
To allow for screen resizing, the portals for both the error message and
"Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail" windows must be built in advance, and now will
always appear on lines 6 and 12 of the display regardless of screen-size.
Also, the default is pre-selected as "Retry" instead of "Abort". In this
case (and in any DOS Critical Error Handler!) "Abort" means just that -
blow the program out of the water without cleaning up.
22) XRS now accepts up to ten "Twit" phrases, which match the To:, From:
and Subject: lines using a "proximity" search, so if a twit keyword you
give is found anywhere in the three fields, the message will be twitted.
If you twit "Bill", for example, you twit all messages to or from anyone
named Bill, with a lastname containing "bill" plus any that happen to have
a subject that contains the letters 'bill' in order. If you use a complete
name, messages to or from that person (or with their name anywhere in the
subject) are skipped - if you use a topic, be sure it isn't too short and
likely to match a lot of names or other similar subjects.
==== (End of Mod 2 Level) ====
23) A new meta-symbol "%b" is available for macros and attribution lines
that uses the AREA: name - as opposed to '%a' which uses its description.
24) The first group marked local or starting with the word "Local" is the
one selected to remap mail for areas no longer available, or on boards
where the user does not have access to the mail normally, but it is found
outside the selected areas because the name matches exactly. Previously,
this was only the first group which started with the word "Local"...
25) "Read-Only" groups show on the message read area selection list. (but
you cannot enter a message)
26) "No Reply" areas are supported. These areas allow read access but no
quote or reply, and allow you to originate new messages as well. This is
not currently possible with output of any XRS door, but XRSDoor 2.06 will
support it if the SysOp choses to make the "Read-Only" bit mean "No Reply".
27) If you reply to a private message, the default is private again.
28) You can mark messages for deletion (actually done with "XRSlice.Exe").
The C_Worthy "MenuBar()" source-code was modified to allow the entries in
the menubar to appear one character closer together to make more room.
29) XRS recognizes two new BBS types: "TAG", and "MK".
30) After doing an <F8> (or "Auto...) Match/Tag the mouse cursor returns.
31) Output to LPT2: or LPT3: also gets a "Form Feed" at end if enabled.
32) Exporting messages from the mail reading MenuBar to a printer other
than LPT1: is performed to the proper device instead of STDPRN (LPT1:).
33) XRS checks the status of printer devices before attempting I/O. If
the printer is unavailable, you will be told and your request ignored.
If the printer is offline or out of paper, you will be informed and then
you can cancel or retry the output.
34) The long-standing bug in the C_Worthy library (which still isn't fixed
in the 2.03 version!) which causes areas to appear marked that should not
(especially after you hit the bottom of the message and <PAGE_UP>, etc) is
finally found and fixed. This bug only affected the internal editor.
==== (End of Mod 3 Level) ====
35) XRS highlights all displayed "kludge" lines in blue. Also, previously
if "^aEID:" or "^aMSGID:" lines were in the text, they were not displayed
(and now they are). The XRS-specific "FROM-ADDRESS:" kludge in netmail is
also highlighted in whatever you have set in the "In a message..." color.
36) XRS supports AREA: tags up to 60 bytes (per the coming FTS-0004.002)
and 40 bytes description for the "SysOp-defined description" for each
area. (the old limits were 37 and 32 bytes)
37) The "Search/Tag/Mark" routine doesn't leave an extra "x lines scanned"
off to the right if you "Hide" the search.
38) If you want XRS not to turn on the "ToYou" filter automatically (and
therefore not show you messages to you first instead of in sequence), you
can put "ToYou Off" into CONFIG.XRS which causes XRS not to turn it on.
39) If you hit <F7> to Unmark (UnRead) All messages while the "To You"
filter is on, only messages that are to you are unmarked.
40) XRS offers the "Repack/Delete/Both/Neither" and other exit options if
you are using an external bundler.
41) During "List View" message view mode, the spacebar acts the same as
42) During "List View", any non-scrolling key you hit is considered to be
a command key (such as "Next", "Quote", "Reply", "Back", etc) and passed
to the underlying menubar routine after terminating message view mode.
If the key you hit isn't a valid option for the menubar, then you will
get a beep - and need to select another (valid) option (in other words,
XRS makes no attempt to 'validate' the keystroke, merely passing it to
the "menubar" routine - this allows me to have foreign native language
support without needing to check which keys are valid). Note that XRS
throws up a dummy "Next Quote Reply Tag Xport Jump" hot-key prompt
reminder at the bottom, but this is not a "hot" ('mouse-able') menubar!
43) In "List View" mode, a 'place-holder' appears on-screen to show if
an incomplete screen is displayed when you hit "PageDown". It shows
you where to start reading new material.