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Assembly Source File
575 lines
; Nifty James' FREE RAM program
; Version 2.00 of 14 May 1987
; Copyright 1987 by Mike Blaszczak, all Rights Reserved.
; Shareware $7
; ASCII Characters
tab equ 9
lf equ 10
cr equ 13
space equ 32
; IBM Specific Keyboard Scan-codes
AltDown equ 56 ; ALT scancode
AltUp equ 56 + 80h
RShiftDown equ 54 ; right-shift scancode
RShiftUp equ 54 + 80h
; BIOS Interrupts
Timer equ 008h ; BIOS 18.2Hz function
Keyboard equ 009h ; BIOS keypress call
Video equ 010h ; BIOS video function
DiskService equ 013h ; BIOS/XT BIOS disk service
TickTock equ 01Ch ; the BIOS timer trap
SnagDOS equ 028h ; a function to snag DOS by
SigVec equ 0D0h ; vector to see if we're installed
EMM equ 067h ; the E/EMS memory manager
; I/O Ports
NMIPort equ 020h ; the Interrupt controller port
KeyPort equ 060h ; the keyboard's I/O port
; DOS Calls
SetVec equ 025h ; call to set an int vector
KEEP equ 031h ; call to Terminate and Stay Res
Critical equ 034h ; call to get the DOS critical flag
GetVec equ 035h ; call to get an int vector
Allocate equ 048h ; call to allocate memory
Terminate equ 04Ch ; call to Terminate
; E/EMS Routines
E_Status equ 042h ; call to determine free/total mem
; Public declarations for SYMDEB
PUBLIC First, StackArea, StackTop, Signature, SaveAX, SaveSS, SaveSP
PUBLIC ClockVec, ClockVecO, ClockVecS, Display, DisplayOff, DisplaySeg
PUBLIC DisplayPort, CriticalFlag, CriticalFlagO, CriticalFlagS, OTT, OTTO
PUBLIC OTTS, OKeyVec, OKeyVecO, OKeyVecS, OSnagger, OSnaggerO, OSnaggerS
PUBLIC ODiskCall, ODiskCallO, ODiskCallS, WorkFlag, UpdateFlag, AltFlag
PUBLIC ShiftFlag, Ticks, InDisk, InThere, HasEMem, DiskTrap, TCTrap, TCDone
PUBLIC TimeTrap, NotTime, KeyTrap, TryUpAlt, TryDnShift, TryUpShift, TripOut
PUBLIC DontGotNone, CheckEMode, TripOutOut, KeyOut, WorkTrap, WorkHard
PUBLIC NoWork, DoWork, EMSMode, DosMode, Calculate, CalcLoop, StickIt
PUBLIC Convert2, Convert3, IsMono, SynchLow, SynchHigh, PutUp, GetOut
PUBLIC CalcArea, AnswerArea, UnitsArea, BytesLine, EEMSLine, OverResident
PUBLIC Already, Exit, InstallMe, NoEMM, NotMono, ExitNow, Banner
PUBLIC DInstalled, EInstalled, Failed
CSeg segment para public 'CODE'
assume ds:CSeg,ss:CSeg,cs:CSeg
org 100h
extrn Show:near ; from NJLIB
First: jmp OverResident
StackArea dw 19 dup(0DEADh) ; the stack for interrupts
StackTop dw 0DEADh
Signature db 'NJ' ; the signature
SaveAX dw 0 ; save the AX here
SaveSS dw 0 ; save the SS and SP here
SaveSP dw 0
ClockVec label dword ; the original clock tick vector
ClockVecO dw 0
ClockVecS dw 0
Display label dword ; pointer to display storage
DisplayOff dw 62*2
DisplaySeg dw 0B800h ; assume the color card
DisplayPort dw 03DAh ; display status port address
CriticalFlag label dword ; the DOS critical flag
CriticalFlagO dw 0
CriticalFlagS dw 0
OTT label dword ; the original BIOS Timer Trap
OTTO dw 0
OTTS dw 0
OKeyVec label dword ; the original keypress vector
OKeyVecO dw 0
OKeyVecS dw 0
OSnagger label dword ; the original DOS int 28h
OSnaggerO dw 0
OSnaggerS dw 0
ODiskCall label dword ; the disk services place
ODiskCallO dw 0
ODiskCallS dw 0
WorkFlag dw 0 ; semaphore; 1 if we should display
; 2 if we are in EEMS mode
UpdateFlag dw 0 ; semaphore; 1 if we should update
AltFlag db 0 ; set if ALT is pressed
ShiftFlag db 0 ; set if RShift is pressed
Ticks db 0 ; tick count for timer
InDisk db 0 ; semaphore; 1 if in disk control
InThere db 0 ; recursiveness flag
HasEMem db 0 ; set to 1 if E/EMS is present
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DiskTrap: inc CS:InDisk ; set disk handler flag
call CS:[ODiskCall] ; call the disk handler
dec CS:InDisk ; reset disk handler flag
iret ; return!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCTrap: pushf
call CS:[OTT] ; call the original
cmp CS:[WorkFlag],0
je TCDone
push es
push bx ; check the critical flag
les bx,CS:[CriticalFlag]
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0
pop bx
pop es
jne TCDone
cmp CS:[InDisk],0 ; and the disk service flag
jne TCDone
jmp WorkHard
TCDone: popf
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimeTrap: pushf ; save flags
push ax
inc CS:Ticks ; increment ticks count
mov al,CS:Ticks ; is it time?
cmp al,18
jne NotTime ; no, not yet
xor ax,ax ; yes, zero time count
mov CS:Ticks,al
mov CS:UpdateFlag,1 ; set update flag
NotTime: pop ax
jmp CS:[ClockVec]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
KeyTrap: pushf
push ax
in al,KeyPort ; get key from keyboard
cmp al,AltDown ; was ALT pressed?
jne TryUpAlt ; no. Maybe it was released?
mov CS:AltFlag,1 ; yeah! It was pressed, set flag
jmp short TripOut ; and flow through
TryUpAlt: cmp al,AltUp ; was ALT released?
jne TryDnShift ; no, maybe it was shift?
mov CS:AltFlag,0 ; yeah! ALT was released
jmp short TripOut ; reset flag and go through
TryDnShift: cmp al,RShiftDown ; okay. Maybe RShifty was pressed?
jne TryUpShift ; nah, maybe it was released?
mov CS:ShiftFlag,1 ; yeah! it was pressed, so set flag
jmp short TripOut ; and jump through
TryUpShift: cmp al,RShiftUp ; well, maybe it was released?
jne KeyOut ; no, guess not, just pass it thru
mov CS:ShiftFlag,0 ; yeah, it was released!
TripOut: mov al,CS:AltFlag ; so, is it both ALT and RSHIFT?
and al,CS:ShiftFlag
je KeyOut ; no, just pass thru
mov ax,CS:WorkFlag ; yes, it was! update workflag
inc ax
cmp ax,3 ; is it now off?
jne CheckEMode ; no...
DontGotNone: xor ax,ax ; yes, set to zero
je TripOutOut ; and leave
CheckEMode: cmp ax,2 ; is it now EMS mode?
jne TripOutOut ; no, no need to check
cmp CS:HasEMem,1 ; yes. do we have EMS?
jne DontGotNone ; no, set to zero
TripOutOut: mov CS:WorkFlag,ax
KeyOut: pop ax
jmp CS:[OKeyVec]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
WorkTrap: pushf ; simulate a INT
call CS:[OSnagger]
WorkHard: cmp CS:[WorkFlag],0 ; are we activated?
je NoWork ; no, don't do work
cmp CS:[UpdateFlag],0 ; is it time to update?
je NoWork ; no, don't do work
cmp CS:[InThere],0 ; are we getting recursive?
jne NoWork ; yes, don't do work
call DoWork
NoWork: popf
DoWork: cli ; turn off interrupts!
cld ; and set direction up!!!
mov CS:SaveAX,ax ; save the stack seg from call
mov CS:SaveSP,sp
mov CS:SaveSS,ss
mov ax,cs ; point to our local
mov ss,ax ; stack segment
mov ax,offset StackTop
mov sp,ax
push bx ; save all the regs we use
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ; establish data seg addressing
mov es,ax
inc InThere ; don't be recursive
mov UpDateFlag,0 ; and don't do the work twice!
cli ; reallow interrupts for now
mov cx,5 ; move 10 bytes of message
mov di,offset UnitsArea ; into the units area
cmp WorkFlag,1
je DOSMode
EMSMode: mov si,offset EEMSLine
repnz movsw
mov ah,E_Status ; get the E/EMS status
int EMM ; from the EMM
; BX contains EEMS pages free
xor ax,ax
xchg ax,bx ; make BX:AX = number of pages
mov cx,14 ; mulitply by 2^14
jmp short CalcLoop ; to get number of bytes
DosMode: mov si,offset BytesLine
repnz movsw
mov ah,Allocate ; try to get a major amount of mem
mov bx,0FFFFh
int 21h ; to see how much is free
Calculate: xor ax,ax ; zero the AX
xchg ax,bx ; now, AX = paragraphs and BX = 0
mov cx,4 ; get # of bytes
CalcLoop: rcl ax,1 ; multiply by two
rcl bx,1 ; add in carry
loop CalcLoop
; now, BX:AX contains bytes of free memory
mov CalcArea,ax ; store bytes
mov CalcArea+2,bx
mov di,offset AnswerArea
mov al,space
mov cx,7
repnz stosb
; now, convert the number of bytes into ASCII, and store at
; AnswerArea
mov si,offset CalcArea
dec di
Convert2: push si ; save source pointer
xor bx,bx ; done flag
mov cx,2 ; 2 words in number
xor dx,dx ; previous remainder
add si,2 ; point to high end
Convert3: push cx ; save count
mov ax,[si] ; get 16-bit digit
mov cx,10 ; divisor of 10
div cx ; divide
mov [si],ax ; put 16-bit digit back
or bx,ax ; check for zero
sub si,2 ; point to next 16-bit digit
pop cx ; restore count
loop Convert3 ; do more
or dl,'0' ; make remainder into decimal digit
mov [di],dl ; store it
dec di ; and fix pointer
pop si ; restore source pointer
cmp bx,0 ; was that the end?
jnz Convert2 ; no, do more!
mov ah,15
int Video
mov cx,0B000h
cmp al,7
je IsMono
mov cx,0B800h
add ch,bh ; add the current page to it
IsMono: mov DisplaySeg,cx
les di,Display ; stuff it into the display!
mov si,offset AnswerArea
mov ah,7 ; attribute
mov cx,18 ; 17 characters in the message:
; "xxxxxxx Bytes Free"
mov dx,DisplayPort ; get the status port number
and dx,dx ; or is it mono?
je PutUp ; yeah, skip synchro
SynchLow: ; wait for the synch to go low
in al,dx
test al,8
jne SynchLow
SynchHigh: ; wait for start of overscan
in al,dx
test al,8
je SynchHigh
PutUp: lodsb ; load a byte of the message
stosw ; store a word into the display
loop PutUp ; do the rest
GetOut: cli ; disallow interrupts for crucial code
dec InThere ; clear work flag
pop es
pop ds ; reset the registers
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov sp,CS:SaveSP ; restore the original stack
mov ss,CS:SaveSS
mov ax,CS:SaveAX
sti ; re-allow ints and
ret ; return to caller
CalcArea dw 2 dup(0)
AnswerArea db 8 dup (' ')
UnitsArea db "Bytes Free"
BytesLine db "Bytes Free" ; message for DOS Bytes
EEMSLine db "E/EMS Free" ; message for EEMS Bytes
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
OverResident: mov dx,offset Banner ; print the banner
mov cx,BannerLen
call Show
mov ah,GetVec ; see if already present
mov al,SigVec
int 21h
mov ax,ES:[BX] ; see if the signature
cmp ax,'JN' ; is there?
jne InstallMe
Already: mov dx,offset Failed ; already installed!
mov cx,FailedLen
call Show
Exit: mov ah,Terminate ; terminate with ERRORLEVEL
mov al,1
int 21h
InstallMe: ; we should install ourselves. First, check to see if
; there is E/EMS present.
mov ah,GetVec ; get EMM Vector
mov al,EMM
int 21h
mov di,000Ah ; point to device_name within
; the EMM driver
mov si,offset EMSSig
mov cx,8
repe cmpsb ; compare the bytes
jne NoEMM
mov HasEMem,1 ; set EMEM flag to one
mov ah,Critical ; get the DOS critical flag
int 21h
mov CriticalFlagO,bx
mov CriticalFlagS,es
mov ah,GetVec ; handle the tick-tock
mov al,TickTock
int 21h
mov OTTO,bx
mov OTTS,es
mov ah,SetVec
mov al,TickTock
mov dx,offset TCTrap
int 21h
mov ah,GetVec
mov al,DiskService
int 21h
mov ODiskCallO,bx
mov ODiskCallS,es
mov ah,GetVec
mov al,SnagDOS ; get originial INT 028h
int 21h
mov OSnaggerO,bx
mov OSnaggerS,es
mov ah,GetVec ; get the current keyboard vec
mov al,Keyboard
int 21h
mov OKeyVecO,bx
mov OKeyVecS,es
mov ah,GetVec ; get the clock-tick vec
mov al,Timer
int 21h
mov ClockVecO,bx ; store clock vector
mov ax,es
mov ClockVecS,ax
mov ah,15 ; call BIOS to get video mode
int Video
cmp al,7 ; is it mono?
jne NotMono
mov ax,0B000h ; yes, change it to mono
mov DisplaySeg,ax
mov ax,0
mov DisplayPort,ax
NotMono: mov ah,SetVec ; set an int vector
mov al,Timer ; the timer's
mov dx,offset TimeTrap ; to our routine
int 21h
mov ah,SetVec ; get the keypress vector
mov al,Keyboard
mov dx,offset KeyTrap
int 21h
mov ah,SetVec ; get the snag DOS vector
mov al,SnagDOS
mov dx,offset WorkTrap
int 21h
mov ah,SetVec ; set the signature pointer
mov al,SigVec
mov dx,offset Signature
int 21h
mov dx,offset DInstalled
mov cx,DInstalledLen
mov al,HasEMem
cmp al,0
je ExitNow
mov dx,offset EInstalled
mov cx,EInstalledLen
call Show
mov ah,KEEP ; terminate and stay resident
mov al,0
mov dx,offset OverResident
add dx,15
mov cx,4
shr dx,cl
int 21h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Banner db cr,lf,"Nifty James' FREE RAM program",cr,lf
db "Version 2.00 of 14 May 1987",cr,lf,lf,lf
BannerLen equ this byte - Banner
DInstalled db "NJFRERAM is installed!",cr,lf
db "Press <Alt>+<RightShift> to toggle the display",cr,lf,lf
DInstalledLen equ this byte - DInstalled
EInstalled db "NJFRERAM is installed!",cr,lf
db "EEMS Mode is active.",cr,lf
db "Press <Alt>+<RightShift> to move from DOS, to E/EMS, to off",cr,lf
EInstalledLen equ this byte - EInstalled
Failed db "NJFRERAM was already present!",cr,lf,lf
FailedLen equ this byte - Failed
CSeg ends
end First