MacUser Mac Bin 36
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305 lines
on morph total, delay, downSound, upSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetsound downSound
end if
put the castnum of sprite the clickon into this
set wait to the timer
repeat with variable = 1 to total - 1
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
set the castnum of sprite the clickon to this + variable
set wait to the timer + delay
end repeat
repeat while the stillDown or soundBusy (1)
end repeat
if stringP(upSound) then
end if
put the castnum of sprite the clickon into this
set wait to the timer
repeat with variable = 1 to total - 1
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
set the castnum of sprite the clickon to this - variable
set wait to the timer + delay
end repeat
repeat while soundBusy (1)
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on click downSound, upSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
set variable to the castNum of sprite the clickon
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to variable + 1
repeat while the stillDown or soundBusy (1)
end repeat
if stringp(upSound) then
puppetSound upSound
end if
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to variable
repeat while soundBusy (1)
end repeat
puppetSound 0
-- This Lingo Script has been written by Greg S. Callen --
-- for stat冦edia --
-- ゥ Copyright 1992 stat冦edia All Rights Reseved --
on jogger total, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
set myNumber to the castNum of sprite the clickon
repeat while the stillDown -- Track mouse
set vert to the mouseV - the locV of sprite the clickon -- Vertical differance
set horz to the mouseH - the locH of sprite the clickon -- Horzontal differance
if horz<0 then -- If the pointer is left of center
set angle to 3.1415926 * 3 / 2 -- go to the large half of circle.
set offset to -0.001
else -- If the pointer is elsewhere
set angle to 3.1415926 / 2 -- go to the small half of circle.
set offset to +0.001
end if
put aTan(vert/(offset + horz)) + angle into angle -- Arctangent in radians
set angle to integer(angle * (total - 1) / 6.2831852 + 1) -- Radians to cast word two
set snap to word 1 of the name of ャ
cast the castNum of sprite the clickon -- Cast name word one
put " " after snap -- Padded words
put angle after snap -- Cast name word two
set the castNum of sprite the clickonャ
to the number of cast snap -- Change the cast member
end repeat -- thumb back if mouse is still down
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to myNumber
puppetSound 0
on motion new, offsetH, offsetV, downSound, upSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
put the castnum of sprite the clickon into variable
put the locH of sprite the clickOn into horz
put the locV of sprite the clickOn into vert
set the castnum of sprite the clickon to variable + new
set the locH of sprite the clickOn to horz + offsetH
set the locV of sprite the clickOn to vert + offsetV
repeat while the stillDown or soundBusy (1)
end repeat
if stringP(upSound) then
puppetSound upSound
end if
set the castnum of sprite the clickon to variable
set the locH of sprite the clickOn to horz
set the locV of sprite the clickOn to vert
repeat while soundBusy (1)
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on dial total, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
repeat while the stillDown -- Track mouse
set vert to the mouseV - the locV of sprite the clickon -- Vertical differance
set horz to the mouseH - the locH of sprite the clickon -- Horzontal differance
if horz<0 then -- If the dial is left of center
set angle to 3.1415926 * 3 / 2 -- go to the large half of circle.
set offset to -0.001
else -- If the dial is elsewhere
set angle to 3.1415926 / 2 -- go to the small half of circle.
set offset to +0.001
end if
put aTan(vert/(offset + horz)) + angle into angle -- Arctangent in radians
set angle to integer(angle * (total - 1) / 6.2831852 + 1) -- Radians to cast word two
set snap to word 1 of the name of ャ
cast the castNum of sprite the clickon -- Cast name word one
put " " after snap -- Padded words
put angle after snap -- Cast name word two
set the castNum of sprite the clickonャ
to the number of cast snap -- Change the cast member
end repeat -- thumb back if mouse is still down
puppetSound 0
on toggle top
set myName to word 1 of the name of cast the castNum of sprite the clickon
repeat while the stillDown
set vert to the locV of sprite the clickon - the mouseV
set vpos to vert / 5
if vpos > top then
set vpos to top
end if
if vpos < -top then
set vpos to -top
end if
put myName && vpos into snap
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to the number of cast snap
end repeat
if value(word 2 of snap) < 0 then
set vpos to -top
set vpos to top
end if
put myName && vpos into snap
set the text of cast "string" to snap
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to the number of cast snap
on switch total, delay, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
set variable to the castNum of sprite the clickon
repeat with n=1 to (abs(total) - 1)
set wait to the timer + delay
if total > 0 then
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to variable + n
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to variable - n
end if
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
end repeat
repeat while soundBusy (1)
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on loop total, delay, soundLoop
if stringP(soundLoop) then
puppetSound soundLoop
end if
set myNumber to the castNum of sprite the clickon
repeat while the stillDown
repeat with n=1 to total - 1
set wait to the timer + delay
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to myNumber + n
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
end repeat
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to myNumber
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on pointer total, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
repeat while the stillDown
set vert to the mouseV - the locV of sprite the clickon
set horz to the mouseH - the locH of sprite the clickon
set angle to 3.1415926 / 4
put aTan (horz / (0.001 - vert)) + angle into angle
set angle to integer(angle * (total - 1) / 3.1415926 * 2.0 + 1)
if angle > total then set angle to total
if angle < 1 then set angle to 1
if vert < 0 then
set snap to word 1 of the name of cast the castNum of sprite the clickon
put " " after snap
put angle after snap
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to the number of cast snap
end if
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on steps total, delay, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
put the castNum of sprite the clickon into myCast
put the name of cast myCast into myName
put word 2 of myName into myNumber
put word 1 of myName into myName
repeat while the stillDown
set wait to the timer + delay
set myNumber to value(myNumber) + 1
if myNumber > total then
set myNumber to 1
end if
put myName && myNumber into myCast
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to the number of cast myCast
set the locH of sprite the clickon to the mouseH
set the locV of sprite the clickon to the mouseV
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on thumb total, delay, downSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
put the castNum of sprite the clickon into myCast
put the name of cast myCast into myName
put word 2 of myName into myNumber
put word 1 of myName into myName
repeat while the stillDown
set wait to the timer + delay
if the mouseV > the locV of sprite the clickon then
set myNumber to value(myNumber) + 1
if myNumber > total then
set myNumber to 1
end if
set myNumber to value(myNumber) - 1
if myNumber < 1 then
set myNumber to total
end if
end if
put myName && myNumber into myCast
set the castNum of sprite the clickon to the number of cast myCast
repeat while wait > the timer
end repeat
end repeat
puppetSound 0
on flash downSound, upSound
if stringP(downSound) then
puppetSound downSound
end if
set the ink of sprite the clickon to 4
repeat while the stillDown or soundBusy(1)
end repeat
if stringP(upSound) then
puppetSound upSound
end if
set the ink of sprite the clickon to 36
repeat while soundBusy(1)
end repeat
puppetSound 0