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/ CICA 1994 September / CICA_Shareware_for_Windows_Walnut_Creek_September_1994.iso / win3 / demo / gcp_24.exe / GCP_UDP.FR_ / GCP_UDP.FR (.txt)
Visual Basic Form  |  1994-04-04  |  7KB  |  210 lines

  1. UDPForm
  2. 9- TCP/IP controls brought to you by Dart Communications -
  3. Form15U
  4. Text8
  5. GCP_UDP
  6. GCP_UDP
  7. Text10
  8. Text9
  9. Text7
  10. Text6
  11. Text5
  12. Text4
  13. Command4
  14. Close Ports Last!
  15. Command3
  16. Open Ports First!
  17. Text3
  18. Text2
  19. Text1
  20. !Type here after setting addr/port
  21. Shape2
  22. Shape1
  23. Label8
  24. Destination addr/port->
  25. Label7
  26. Destination addr/port->
  27. Label6
  28. UDP Control 2 using port->
  29. Label5
  30. UDP Control 1 using port->
  31. Label3
  32. Closed
  33. Label4
  34. Closed
  35. Label2
  36. UDP Custom Control Demo
  37. MS Sans Serif
  38. GCP++
  39. Show GCP Server
  40. Hide GCP Server
  41. Text4_Change
  42. Text4_GotFocus
  43. text4
  44. telnet2S
  45.     LocalPort
  46. Text7_Change
  47. Text7_GotFocus
  48. text7
  49. telnet1
  50. RemotePortS
  51. Text7_DragOver
  52. Source
  53. Control
  54. State[
  55. Command3_Click
  56. RemoteAddressv
  57. text3
  58. OpenCommw
  59. Command4_Click
  60. Telnet1_OnOpenComm
  61.     ErrorCode
  62. label4&
  63. Caption
  64. Telnet1_OnCloseComm
  65. Telnet1_OnInput
  66. InputBuffer
  67. Text1
  68. Telnet1_OnOutput7
  69. InstanceDataF
  70. Telnet1_OnOption
  71. Enabled
  72. OptionNumber^
  73. Telnet1_OnOpenDaemon
  74. Telnet1_OnCloseDaemon
  75. Command7_ClickJ
  76. Output
  77. Text5
  78. Command5_Click9
  79. OpenDaemon
  80. Command6_Click
  81. Command9_Clicku
  82. Telnet2_OnOpenComm
  83. label5@
  84. Telnet2_OnOutput(
  85. Telnet2_OnOption\
  86. Telnet2_OnOpenDaemon
  87. Telnet2_OnInput
  88. Text2
  89. Telnet2_OnCloseDaemonY
  90. Telnet2_OnCloseComm
  91. Command8_Click
  92. Text6
  93. Command1_Click
  94. showgcp
  95. Command2_Click;
  96. ShowServer
  97. Command10_Click?
  98. EnableOption+
  99. Command11_Clickd
  100. DisableOption>
  101. Command12_Click8
  102. Command13_Click
  103. Tcp1_OnOpenComm
  104. Tcp1_OnOutput
  105. Tcp1_OnOpenDaemon
  106. Tcp1_OnInput
  107. Tcp1_OnCloseDaemon
  108. Tcp1_OnCloseComm#
  109. Tcp2_OnOpenComm
  110. Tcp2_OnOutput
  111. Tcp2_OnOpenDaemonN
  112. Tcp2_OnInput
  113. Tcp2_OnCloseDaemon
  114. Tcp2_OnCloseCommf
  115. tcp1l
  116. tcp2D
  117. Text4_DragDrop
  118. Udp1_OnOpenComm}
  119. Udp1_OnOutput
  120. Udp1_OnInput
  121. Udp1_OnCloseComm
  122. Udp2_OnOpenComm
  123. Udp2_OnOutput
  124. Udp2_OnInput
  125. Udp2_OnCloseComm
  126. Text3_Change
  127. Text9_Change
  128. text9*
  129. Text8_ChangeV
  130. Text10_Change
  131. text8
  132. text10
  133. Text1_Change
  134. Label1_Click
  135. Instance
  136. Label7_Click
  137. Show_Click
  138. Hide_Click
  139. Image1_Click
  140. Image1_DblClick
  141. Panel3D1j
  142.     Form_Load
  143. Form_Click
  144. Quit_Click
  145. Text5_Change
  146. Text6_Change
  147. Form_Deactivate^
  148. advertisementy
  149. modal
  150. unmodal
  151. modeless
  152. Form_Unload
  153. Cancel
  154. Text1_KeyDown
  155. Keycode
  156. Shift
  157. Text2_Change
  158. Text2_KeyDownN
  159. Help_Click
  160. HelpForm
  161. test1
  162. focus
  163. SelStart^
  164.     SelLengthD
  165. Text3_KeyDown
  166. Text1_KeyPress
  167. KeyAscii
  168. Label2
  169. Label3_Click
  170. label3
  171. Command3_Click
  172. Enter your address
  173. Command4_Click
  174. Command5_Click
  175. Command7_Click
  176. Command8_Click
  177. Command9_Click
  178. Hide_Click
  179. Image1_DblClick
  180. By Michael Baldwin
  181. Quit_Click
  182. Show_Click
  183. Text1_KeyDown
  184. Text2_KeyDown
  185. Text3_KeyDown
  186. Udp1_OnCloseComm
  187. Closed with Error
  188. Agent Closed
  189. Udp1_OnInput
  190.  from 
  191.  port
  192. Udp1_OnOpenComm
  193. Agent Successfully Opened!
  194. Error on Open
  195. Udp1_OnOutput
  196. Error on Output
  197. Successful Output
  198. Udp2_OnCloseComm
  199. Closed with Error
  200. Agent Closed
  201. Udp2_OnInput
  202.  from 
  203.  port
  204. Udp2_OnOpenComm
  205. Agent Successfully Opened!
  206. Error on Open
  207. Udp2_OnOutput
  208. Error on Output
  209. Successful Output