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/ CICA 1992 November / CICA_MS_Windows_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1992.iso / win3 / util / appshl / appmain.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1991-08-17  |  9KB  |  246 lines

  1. AppMain
  2. App Shell - [untitled]
  3. Form1,
  4. AppText
  5. Courier
  6. FileMenu
  7. &File
  8. FileNewCmd
  9. FileOpenCmd
  10. &Open...
  11. FileSaveCmd
  12. &Save
  13. FileSaveAsCmd
  14. Save &As...
  15. FileSep1
  16. FilePrintCmd
  17.     &Print...
  18. FilePrinterSetupCmd
  19. P&rinter Setup...
  20. FileSep2
  21. FileExitCmd
  22. E&xit
  23. HelpMenu
  24. &Help
  25. UsingHelpCmd
  26. Using Help
  27. HelpSep2
  28. HelpAboutCmd
  29. &About
  30. Week1Cmd_Click
  31. WeekLineupsCmd_Click
  32. FileOpenCmd_Click?
  33. HelpAboutCmd_Click
  34. CEAboute
  35. Modall
  36. ExitCmd_Click9
  37. Form_Click|
  38.     LoadItNew
  39. Caption@
  40. CEMainU
  41. LeagueName
  42. WeekE
  43. CE_TotalWeeks
  44.     ListCountX
  45. CE_DefaultWeeksi
  46. CE_TotalTeams
  47. CE_DefaultTeams
  48. TeamName
  49. @    Form_Load
  50.     ListIndex
  51. TeamName_Click,
  52. Index
  53. CE_SelectedTeam
  54.     BackColor
  55.     ForeColor
  56. ExitProcessingy
  57. FileExitCmd_ClickP
  58. CheckForSelectedB
  59. false
  60. falsefalse
  61. TeamInfoCmd_Click
  62. LineupsCmd_Click\
  63. FilePrinterSetupCmd_Click
  64. RetStr
  65. RetStrSize
  66. GetProfileString
  67. DriverName
  68. PortName
  69. DoPrinterSetup
  70. Form18
  71. CEMail1
  72. CE_OpenSaveTitleN
  73. CE_FileNames
  74. CE_Pattern
  75. CEOpenSave
  76. FileSaveAsCmd_Click
  77. CE_FilePattern
  78. LoadFileNew
  79. LoadMainControls
  80. CE_TeamNames
  81. CE_CurrentWeekO
  82.     TeamNames
  83. CE_OpenTitle
  84. CEOpen
  85. CE_SaveTitle
  86. CESave
  87. App_OpenTitle?
  88. App_FileNameT
  89. App_FilePattern`
  90. App_OpenSaveStyle
  91. APP_OPENo
  92. AppOpenSave
  93. App_SaveTitle
  94. APP_SAVE
  95. FileSaveCmd_Click
  96. FileNewCmd_Click
  97. APP_NAME
  98. AppMainj
  99. AppFileName
  100. App_Path
  101. untitled
  102. CE_LeagueName
  103. FileMenu_Click
  104. FilePrintCmd_Click
  105. AppAbout
  106. HelpIndexCmd_Click
  107. LeagueName_Change
  108. OptionsCmd_ClickI
  109. Week_ChangeU
  110. Form_Unload
  111. Cancel0
  112. RetStr2
  113. RetStr2Size
  114. AppPrSetup
  115. PrSetupu
  116. CheckForChange
  118. App_Changed
  120. IDYES    
  122. AppPrint
  123.     PrintFile
  124. SaveFile
  125. UsingHelpCmd_Click
  126. Worked
  127. WinHelp
  128. Cardfilea    
  130. NewNamen
  131. App_DialogReturn2
  132. IDOKZ
  133. AppText_Change
  134. App_DataO    
  135. AppText
  139. LoadFile
  140. LoadFileError
  141. FileNum%
  142. App_FullFileNameb
  145. NextLine
  146. FileExistsK
  148. MB_YESNO
  149. IDNO'    
  150. SaveFileError<    @
  151. LoadMainTitle{
  152. Form_Resize
  153. ScaleWidth
  154. ScaleHeight
  155. App_PrinterName
  156. Win_PrinterName
  157. App_PrintCopyNumber
  158. Copies
  159. AppPrinting
  160. Win_PrinterDriver
  161. Win_PrinterPort
  162. GetDefaultPrinter
  164. App_PrintCopies
  165. Screen
  166. Pointert    
  167.     HOURGLASS
  168. DEFAULT
  169. MousePointer
  170. Sav_PrinterName
  171. Sav_PrinterDriver
  172. Sav_PrinterPort
  173. RestorePrinter
  174. App_PrintCancel
  175.     App_Drive
  176. App_Pattern
  177. App_PathPattern
  178. WriteDefaultPrinter
  179. App_PrinterDriver
  180. App_PrinterPort
  181. NORMAL
  182. SplitFileName
  183. App_Extention(
  184. App_FileExtention
  185. App_FileExtension(
  186.  Copyrights & CYAe
  187.  App Shell is freeware with the following intent::
  188.  -  You are free to incorporate App Shell into your code that will bes
  189.  distributed in executable form.
  190.  -  You are free to distribute App Shell source or incorporate App Shell
  191.  source into your source code assuming no charge is required and thisl
  192.  copyright is maintained and acknowledged.
  193.  -  You are free to distribute App Shell source as shareware assumingi
  194.  you are an approved vendor and associate member of the Associationi
  195.  of Shareware Professionals (ASP).  No registration fee is requiredi
  196.  but this copyright must be maintained and acknowledged.
  197.  -  All other distribution rights are maintained by the author.q
  198.  -  The author makes NO warranties, express or implied, oral or written,
  199.  including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness fore
  200.  a particular purpose.  In no event shall the author be liable for
  201.  any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the software.f
  202.  If you find any bugs, anomalies, or have any questions or suggestions,
  203.  please send them to Jim Presley (CIS ID - 73417,2674).  Enjoy!e
  204. HelpAboutCmd_Click
  205. Form_Load
  206.  load any file specified on the command line into memory
  207. File name 
  208.  entered on command line not valid."
  209. ExitProcessing
  210. FileExitCmd_Click
  211. FilePrinterSetupCmd_Click
  212. FileOpenCmd_Click
  213. Open File"
  214.  load the file
  215. FileSaveAsCmd_Click
  216.  save the file and load main form's captioni
  217. LoadFileNew
  218. LoadMainControls
  219. Form_Unload
  220.  if processing returns that means the user cancelled
  221.  the termination
  222. CheckForChange
  223. [Untitled]
  224.  has changed.  Save current changes?
  225. FileNewCmd_Click
  226. FilePrintCmd_Click
  227.  get the print parameterse
  228.  print the document
  229.  make the printer the default"
  230.  restore the default windows printer
  231. FileSaveCmd_Click
  232. SaveFile
  233.  get a file name if untitled
  234. Save File As
  235.  Save the file
  236. Error: "
  237. UsingHelpCmd_Click
  238. AppText_Change
  239. LoadFile
  240.  Load the file
  241. Sorry, file too large"
  242. Error: "
  243. LoadMainTitle
  244.  - [Untitled]"
  245. Form_Resize