Resuming a transfer

TurboIRC allows you to resume a broken file transfer ( see DCC Sessions )

Only files previously transferred with DCC or TDCC can be resumed . KTP transfers cannot be resumed .

As the time of this writing , not all IRC clients support the resume DCC protocol . When a file cannot be resumed , it will start from the beginning .

Once TurboIRC accepts an incoming DCC/TDCC request , it will search if the file exists in the directory you try to save it . If it exists , TurboIRC will ask you if you want to resume , overwrite , or return back to change the name of the file . The remote client must support the resume commands for TurboIRC to complete the broken file

It is the responsibility of the remote client , to query DCC transfer . If the remote side sends a RESUME request to TurboIRC , it will handle it correctly and resume the file .

Please note that if a RESUME session is started , the file is transferred with DCC , not TDCC .

See also :

DCC sessions

Sending files

Default Events

Transfer Dialog Box