Default Events

Default Events , are some events that TurboIRC recognizes and fires before processing other types of events . These events cause TurboIRC to do special things about the situation . You can create an event that matches a Default Event Mask , but it will be executed after TurboIRC has finished processing the default event .

CTCP VERSION , PING , CLIENTINFO , FINGER , TIME . These CTCPs are enabled or not , depending on your Preferences . See also Special Events for handling CTCP's .

* 004 * TurboIRC needs this event to understand the server name , and the supported options . This event is LOCKED ; you cannot create an event with the same mask .

:* 432 * , * 433 * TurboIRC needs these replies to understand that the nick used is not accepted . Once a nick is invalid , TurboIRC asks you for a new nick , and it will suggest a new nick . If you don't change that nick within 10 seconds , TurboIRC will automatically login with that nick .

All DCC Chat,Voice,Send,TSend,KTP, DCC Accept/Resume requests . TurboIRC automatically handles DCC requests , sends and chats . See DCC Sessions . To give you the chance to handle yourself the event , TurboIRC has Special Events .

All requests for a TurboIRC Secure Message Key TurboIRC automatically accepts secure message keys for private conversations . See Security , and Special Events also for handling the key using scripts .