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Class aka.snmp.SnmpObject


public class SnmpObject
extends Object
implements BERSerializable, Serializable

Constructor Index

 o SnmpObject(String, ObjectId)
Constructor, creates SNMP Object with name, and an id.
 o SnmpObject(String, ObjectId, String, Access, Status)
Creates Snmp Object with name, ID (in the form of ObjectId), type, SNMP ACCESS, and SNMP Status.
 o SnmpObject(String, String)
Constructor, creates SNMP Object with name, and an id (in the form of a string).

Method Index

 o access()
 o BERSerialize()
 o id()
 o isNode()
 o name()
 o status()
 o toString()
 o type()


 o SnmpObject
 public SnmpObject(String name,
                   String id)
Constructor, creates SNMP Object with name, and an id (in the form of a string).

 o SnmpObject
 public SnmpObject(String name,
                   ObjectId id)
Constructor, creates SNMP Object with name, and an id.

 o SnmpObject
 public SnmpObject(String name,
                   ObjectId id,
                   String typeName,
                   Access access,
                   Status status)
Creates Snmp Object with name, ID (in the form of ObjectId), type, SNMP ACCESS, and SNMP Status. This creates a complete Snmp Object.


 o BERSerialize
 public ByteBuffer BERSerialize()

 o name
 public String name()
 o id
 public ObjectId id()
 o access
 public Access access()
 o status
 public Status status()
 o type
 public Type type()
 o isNode
 public boolean isNode()
 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object

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