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Class aka.snmp.ObjectId


public class ObjectId
extends Type
implements Cloneable
This is the Object Identifier, it is a subclass of Type.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o name

Constructor Index

 o ObjectId()
Default constructor
 o ObjectId(ByteBuffer)
Constucts a ObjectId from a sequence of bytes
 o ObjectId(String)
Constructs a ObjectId from a string

Method Index

 o addInstance(int)
Add a integer to the ID, representing which instance of the SNMP object you are interested in
 o BERSerialize()
SNMP Protocol Conversion.
 o clone()
creates a new copy of the object
 o equals(Object)
 o equals(ObjectId)
 o hashCode()
hash code to store object
 o isUnder(ObjectId)
Is the current ID of an object under the SNMP Object ID topId.
 o isValid()
Is this a valid Object Identifier?
 o main(String[])
Test harness
 o read(String)
Reads a value from the string value
 o removeInstance()
Remove the last value in the ID as an Intance value, and return it as an int.
 o toString()
The ID in dot notation
 o typeName()
Returns the type of the object "ObjectID", when it is referenced as a Type object.


 o name
 public static String name


 o ObjectId
 public ObjectId(String idStr)
Constructs a ObjectId from a string

 o ObjectId
 public ObjectId(ByteBuffer buf) throws SnmpPDUException
Constucts a ObjectId from a sequence of bytes

 o ObjectId
 public ObjectId()
Default constructor


 o equals
 public boolean equals(ObjectId id)

 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)

equals in class Object
 o clone
 protected Object clone()
creates a new copy of the object

clone in class Object
 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
hash code to store object

hashCode in class Object
 o isValid
 public boolean isValid()
Is this a valid Object Identifier?

 o isUnder
 public boolean isUnder(ObjectId topId)
Is the current ID of an object under the SNMP Object ID topId. In otherwords, is the current ID have the same begining as topId.

 o toString
 public String toString()
The ID in dot notation

toString in class Object
 o addInstance
 public void addInstance(int i)
Add a integer to the ID, representing which instance of the SNMP object you are interested in

 o removeInstance
 public int removeInstance()
Remove the last value in the ID as an Intance value, and return it as an int.

 o typeName
 public String typeName()
Returns the type of the object "ObjectID", when it is referenced as a Type object.

typeName in class Type
 o read
 public boolean read(String value)
Reads a value from the string value

read in class Type
 o BERSerialize
 public ByteBuffer BERSerialize()
SNMP Protocol Conversion. Converts this object into a sequence of characters according to the rules of the SNMP protcol.

BERSerialize in class Type
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Test harness

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