Ez3d 2.0 Features

Modeling - Simple yet powerful modeling tools that are a pleasure to use.

Choose from basic high-level shapes such as cube, cylinder, etc. Create compact VRML files, and faster ray-traced images.
Powerful, Intuitive sweep/extrude/bend tool lets you make complex NURBS-based 3D models easily. Manipulate sections, profile, axis and twist in a single interface and create holes and caps on objects.
Spline Surfing
Tweak and bend surface control points.
This unique tool lets you "slice" objects interactively and create caps on the sliced surface.
Face Builder
Create polygons by directly creating vertices using "3D interactors". Stitch objects together into a single mesh of faces. Build outlines with any number of vertices - great for stage props.
Unique feature allows you to push or pull an object's surface using "3D molding tools".
Annotate using patterned lines of any thickness!
Create mirrored objects by interactively manipulating a real "mirror" in 3D.
3D Text
Create "flying logos" in a wide variety of PostScript fonts. Change the bevel of the text using an intuitive curve editor.
2D Text
Create 2D text for annotation and titling, in a wide variety of PostScript fonts.
Background Image
Load an image in the background and use it to make your 3-D model creation process even easier.
3D Interactors
Unique, intuitive "3D widgets" allow direct interaction of 3D objects.

Real-time modeling for virtual reality applications!

Level of Detail
Create multiple representations and view ranges for the same object, to optimize browsing speed. Use complexity control and other modeling tools to edit "in place".
Automatic polygon reduction
Mage-power feature! Reduce polygon complexity of any 3-D object. Create optimized VR objects from clip art or scanned data. Use polygon reduction for levels of detail.
Complexity control
Automatic complexity control for all modeling tools.
Object Statistics
Dynamically keeps track of the number of objects, polygon count and other useful scene information.
Optimized, compressed geometry and scene files
Automatic geometry optimization (transform flattening, object fusing, etc), and file compression for VRML

Scene composition has never been easier!

Create object hierarchies by grouping selected objects together.
Hide objects or parts of objects for easier management of your scene.
Object List
Select, rename, and manage objects using an intuitive list gizmo.
Transform editor
Improved transform editor allows precise positioning for all tools (coarse objects, vertices, lights, and so on).
Snap Assembly
Assemble objects with respect to each other by "snapping".
Import objects and scenes in a wide variety of 3-D formats including:
Export objects and scenes in wide variety of 3-D formats including:

VRML - Cruise the information super-highway!

WWW Anchor
Allows creation of WWWlinks from 3-D objects in your scene to other resources (URLs) on the Internet.
WWW Inline
Allows 3-D objects from any remote location on the Internet to be referenced and placed in your 3-D scene. "Auto inline" objects created in Ez3d.
Camera Viewpoints
Create camera viewpoints that automatically appear in the 3D browser.
Preview your virtual world or your Internet links using an Internet browser or a VR viewer from within Ez3d.
"Portable" VRML site creation
Create relative links to local files automatically - inlines, anchors and textures - to create portable a VRML site that you can copy to your Web server as-is.
Automatic link verification
Verify both local and remote links at the time of saving to VRML. Avoid dangling links!

Clothe your objects with color, materials and textures!

Display Style
A wide variety of display style options including smooth/flat shading, wireframe / points, single/double sided lighing
Material Editor
Make your objects shiny or transparent, set their specular and photo-real properties. Load from an elaborate palette of materials. Create or save your own materials. Set materials per face or vertex of an object to create high-performance "lighting" or "textured" effects.
Texture Editor
Wrap your objects with RGB color/ bitmap images. Interactively scale, translate, rotate, or mirror texture maps. Texture Layering - Create upto 20 layers of intensity, bump or transparency maps, to create "bumpy skin" or "multiple decals."

Limelight - The (photo) real show begins... at the touch of a button!

Light Editor
Create and edit different types of lights - Directional, Spot, Point , Ambient and Headlight. Selectively shine light on objects.
Environment Editor
Create stunning effects of fog, mist and other atmospheric effects.
Produce professional quality ray-traced images. Create real shadows, reflections, multiple textures and bump maps, atmospheric effects, anti-aliasing, and so on - all using an intuitive graphical interface. Render images in a variety of image formats -- RGB, TIFF, PICT, GIF, PostScriptTM.
Background Rendering
Render in the background and graphically monitor the progress of your renderings without going into a "shell"!
Remote Rendering
Render on a remote system on your local network and graphically monitor the process of your renderings on the remote system!

Other features you'll love!

100% Graphical Interface - based on standard Motif (for Unix workstations) or Windows MFC (for Windows NT) and OpenInventor 3D interface.
Undo/ Redo - Multiple levels of undo and redo for most operations.
3-D Clipboard - 3D copy/paste with other apps.
Quick Tutorial - no-nonsense half-hour tutorial to get you jump-started
Cue Cards - Context-sensitive on-line help.
On-line Manual - Hypertext (HTML) on-line help. Browse using Netscape or any other HTML browser..

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Radiance Software International
1726 Francisco Street, Berkeley, CA 94703
TEL:    (510) 848-7621    FAX: (510) 848-7613
E-MAIL: Ez3d@radiance.com
WWW:    http://www.radiance.com

Last modified: May 24, 1996