A volcanic island near the Tropic of Capricorn

Version fran�aise


Reunion Island is in the southern hemisphere, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, 800 Km East of Madagascar and 9300 Km from Paris. Its exact position is 55�29 East and 21�5 South.

This small overseas French departement of roughly 2512 Km� in area, is part of the Mascarene Islands, along with Mauritius and Rodrigues.

The islands of Tromelin, Juan de Nova, The Glorieuses, Bassa de India and Europa are dependent on Reunion Island. These islands are only inhabited by scientists, but their economic value is important : they give France access to a wide area of territorial waters (useful for fishing).
Reunion is also a supply base for the Austral and Antartic Territories of France, as well as being a French military base.


Reunion is the perfect model of a shield-volcano as studied in geology courses.

In fact, the island is made up of two volcanos :

The Piton des Neiges, which lies in the north-west part of the island, is 3 to 4 millions years old and stands at 3069m. Around it, three natural cirques have collapsed : Mafate, Cilaos and Salazie.
This volcano has been inactive for several thousands of years.

The Piton de la Fournaise, which is in the south-east part of the island, is only 5000,000 years old. Its relative youth means that it is clear of any vegetation, with an appearance of lunar countrysides.
This volcano is still active. Its eruptions are almost annual but not very violent : the lava is fluid and the flows generally stay in uninhabited areas.
The last big eruption that destroyed forests and a few houses took place in March 1986. This lava flow reached the ocean, and even extended the island by several dozens of hectares.

The geological youth of the island explains its steep relief ; high mountains and deep valleys, that do not leave much room for crops, but offer splendid waterfalls.
This youth can also be detected on the coasts : lagoons in formation on the western coast and steep relief of the Wild South

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