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#+-| 14 |----------------------------------+##################################
#| +----+ FORCE has added several commands |##################################
#|        to enhance the dBASE language    |##################################
######| BUILD command creates a database file from a declared alias.   |######
######| BUILD is a more effective method of creating an initial        |######
######| database structure than the COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED command of |######
######| dBASE.  The OPEN command is an alternative to the USE command. |######
######| OPEN associates a database with an alias rather than with a    |######
######| work area, freeing the programmer from managing work areas and |######
######| SELECT status.  SET NWIDTH complements the SET DECIMALS        |######
######| command.  MENU TO is used to read a FORCE menu structure,      |######
######| built with @ PROMPT.                                           |######

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson