[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
1  ............. FORCE is block-oriented rather than line-oriented.
2  ............. FORCE is a single-pass compiler.
3  ............. FORCE requires declaration of all variables ... in a program.
4  ............. FORCE database files require a declaration within source code.
5  ............. String literals, such as literal file names, must be quoted.
6  ............. The scope of FORCE variables is determined ... declaration.
7  ............. FORCE allows symbols of up to 32 characters - dBASE 10.
8  ............. Variable names do not take up memory at runtime.
9  ............. FORCE uses key word methodology to parse source code.
10 ............. FORCE does not allow runtime assignment of macros.
11 ............. FORCE does not allow mathematical operations on DATE variables.
12 ............. The numeric precession of an expression is determined ...
13 ............. Because FORCE is a compiler of programs not a DBMS, dBASE ...
13.a ...........  COMMAND NON-SUPPORT TABLE. 
14 ............. FORCE has added several commands to enhance the dBASE lang.
15 ............. FORCE implements a menu system similar to other systems.
16 ............. The FORCE library is comprised of standard intel object modules ...
17 ............. The FORCE compiler supports conditional and indirect compilation.
18 ............. dBASE compatible .dbf files are used and created by FORCE.
19 ............. FORCE index expressions are declared within an INDEXDEF block ...
20 ............. Alias override makes all FORCE database commands work on an alias ...
21 ............. FORCE directly implements most dBASE commands.
22 ............. When using the ? or ?? command, a column width may be specified.
23 ............. All standard database functions have an alias counterpart.
24 ............. Several dBASE functions are renamed in the FORCE library ...
25 ............. dBASE functions not implemented in the FORCE library are listed ...
26 ............. The FORCE error handler does not save the machine state.
27 ............. FORCE supports global, local and private variables.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson