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The ultimate games CD for RISCOS. Over 140 games suitable for use with both the StrongARM and RISCOS 4. Includes the following:
  • 16 Adventure games including Elite, IronLord and Shuggy.
  • 23 Arcade games including versions of Frogger, PacMan and many more.
  • 29 Desktop games including Chess, Monoploy, Solitaire, Othello plus puzzle games.
  • Educational games such as Spelling and Hangman.
  • 5 Complete flight simulators including StarWars X-Wing.
  • 15 Multiplayer arcade games including MarsQuake and BombaMan.
  • 9 Great Platform games inclusing Jet Set Willy, Manic Miner, Terramex & TwinWorld
  • 16 great puzzle games including BubbleImpact, Pushy2 and Super Foul Egg.
  • 13 Shoot em-ups, including BotKiller, Spheres of Chaos, Tanks & Xenon2.
  • Sports games such as Golf and Cricket.
  • 6 Strategy games including Risk and Cretacious Park.
  • View a screen shot of each game on screen before playing it.
  • Requires Risc OS 3.7 or later, CD-ROM drive and a hard disk.
  • Over 140 superb games for StrongARM and RISCOS4.
  • StrongGames pricing

  • Single user version �10.00 (plus carriage)

  • This Web site was hand coded by iSV products.
    All contents are � iSV products 1999
    Graphics constructed using DrawWorks Millennium