Table of Contents
Why Lose Weight?
What's Stopping You?
Set Your Long-term Goal
Make an Action Plan
Healthy Eating
Exercise and Activity
Stick With It
Getting Support

Getting Started with Weight Management

What's Stopping You?

Chances are, you've thought about losing weight. What's stopping you? If you're like most people, you probably have barriers to losing weight. These can keep you from making changes. Look at the barriers shown here. Have you thought or said any of them yourself? Decide whether losing weight is more important than the things that are stopping you. If it is, then break down your barriers and go for it!

Looking at Your Barriers

You may have many reasons why you're not ready to lose weight. You may not feel you have the time or the skills. You may be afraid of losing weight and gaining it back again. You may want to wait until tomorrow. Well, you can lose weight. You can keep the weight off if you make changes slowly and stick with them. And consider that you may never find the perfect time to lose weight. It may be even harder tomorrow. Decide that the right time to be healthier is now.

Breaking Down Your Barriers

What are your barriers? What will help break them down? Try the steps below to help find out.

1. Get a large piece of paper. Fold it in half lengthwise to make a crease down the center.

2. On the left side of the crease, write down your barriers to losing weight. What are your fears? What's stopping you?

3. On the right side of the crease, write down the benefits of losing weight. What are your hopes? What would you do if you were thinner and healthier? What would you do if you were thinner that you don't (or can't) do now?

4. Compare the lists. Do the benefits outweigh the barriers?

As you read on, you will find information, skills, and other tools. These help you get started breaking down your barriers. Your health care providers, family, and friends can give you encouragement and support.

Ask your DOCTOR

Do you have a health problem? If so, don't use it as an excuse for not losing weight. Ask your doctor, dietitian, or other health care provider about methods to lose weight that are safe for you.

Try this TIP

If you've tried to lose weight before, make a list of what did and didn't work for you. Use what you've learned to help yourself be successful this time.

Know this FACT

The more TV you watch, the more likely you are to be overweight. How about borrowing a half-hour out of your TV time each day to use for exercise or learning a low-fat recipe?

Why Lose Weight?Set Your Long-term Goal