Comstock Stock Photography
Free Custom Research from our file of over five million images!



Email  at

Tell me what you need and I'll find it FAST!
Keyword searchingworks bestwhen there's areal, live human beinginvolved....

How it works

For a selection from our files:
Simply call or email your request (see options, below). 

Skilled researchers who know our files inside and out-- and who are trained graphics professionals who understand (as you do) the relationship between subjects and concepts---- will gather a selection of images tailored specifically to your needs.

They can then be delivered to you quickly in three ways (your choice):

  • Transparencies sent via Federal Express
  • Digital files on CD-ROM (our "Custom Digital Selection" feature)
  • As a digital file downloadable from the web
For help finding images on our website
Email or call. 
Let us know what you're looking for, and we will quickly compile specific directions to what you're looking for-- or let you know we don't have it.  (And, if we know who does, we'll let you know that, too.)

How quickly will you get a response?

Usually a lot quicker than you think (often virtually immediately), but it depends on a variety of factors, including the method you use to contact us, the time of day, and the complexity of your request.

But one thing we know for sure:   it will be a lot more effective than struggling with any of the on-line keyword systems currently available from anyone.

In fact, many of our customers use this "custom" facility as a matter of routine, contacting us as their projects develop, letting us provide as creative a roadmap for them as the job calls for.  Try it!  We think you'll be pleased. If you'd like a handy reference chart to print out, click here

Choose any of the following three methods
to order Free Research

1. Email

Email to
You're working on a project and looking for a photo.  Pretend you're sending a note to your assistant.  Tell us as much-- or as little--- as you would like.    The more you tell us about the concept you're trying to convey, the better-- although it's not a requirement.

Some things that experience tells us help:  In addition to any "keywords" relating to the subject, include Headlines or copylines because they tell us about the conceptAnything you would naturally convey to your assistant to help them locate what you're looking for.

If you use this email facility we will, of course, have your return email address to respond to, but you might want to include your phone number (and, if you like, directions on the best time to reach you.)

It's easy, fast and efficient. (Hey, try it!  What have you got to lose?  It's free.) email now

P.S.   If you let us know which version of this disc you have (it's on the homepage, the packaging, and the disc) we'll send you a free upgrade.

2. Call 1-800-225-2722

Phone 1-800-225-2722   9am to 9pm U.S. East Coast Time
Yep, you get to talk to a real, live human being-- and a friendly one, to boot-- someone who knows our files inside and out, with a visual communications background.

Taken together, they're called our "Customer Response Team" because that's what they do: respond.   Smartly, quickly, helpfully.  We're proud of them and we think you'll like them, too.

Tell them what you're looking for-- and you'll be amazed at how easy the process becomes.

P.S.  We're preparing to have this service available 24 hours per day.  Watch our website for announcements...

3. Go to

Go to  24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
At any time,  24 hours a day, 7 days a week you can go to our website and contact us   using our "Feedback" facility.  And look for even easier options soon.  We're developing all kinds of exciting new ways for you to access our products.  It's fun for us and, we hope, useful for you.
Print a handy Chart of these options Go to the Printable Product/Price list
A convenient printed reference chart listing the phone number, email address and website address, with some quick reminders about how to submit a free customer keyword search.

It will open in a "new window".  Simply use your browser's "print" command to print it, then delete the new window and you will be right back here...  Print chart