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All views and opinions expressed throughout the Hackers Toolkit are those of us web hackers and the Underground Inc. Staff,  do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of anyone else.
Underground Inc. may, at times, contains information on activities or topics which are considered illegal. This information is provided for an informational and educational purpose only, and it is not intended to actually be used to commit the crimes that could be attributed to the provided information.
We, the staff of Underground Inc., do not promote illegal activities - we provide the information and resources from a "this is what's being done - and YOU should NOT involve yourself" point-of-view to advise and educate readers of inherent information technologies and possible crime related activity.
Everything within Underground Inc. is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Furthermore, no fraud or conspiracy is to be assumed.
Underground Inc. strongly supports the Freedom of Speech Act, and will display any articles or information which it feels are of sufficient quality and content. The information provided will often contain material offensive to certain people. If you cannot handle this, please do not peruse the CD. This information includes, but is not limited to: information on the computer underground; anti-government material and material related to hacking, phreaking and other similar interests. Again, if this sort of thing offends you, do not peruse the site, or at least avoid the material which you find offensive.
Our purpose is not to offend, but to educate and inform.
Users (of Hackers Toolkit ) use the information and resources at their Own Risk , and are solely responsible for their actions regarding the available information and resources.
If you suspect that information obtained through this CDROM may be in violation of any laws or statutes of your country or nation: Please Eject  This CDROM Immediately!
All trademarks will be recognized and are the property of their respective owners. All copyrights will be acknowledged where appropriate.
It is not the intention of Underground Inc. to host, distribute, or link to sources of warez (defined as illegally copied and distributed commercial software). The files located on this CDROM, are either public domain, freeware and/or shareware utilities, and we will not be held responsible if the software that is not clearly or inherently identified as such.
Any cryptographic information obtainable through Underground Inc. is subject to export controls under the Export Administration Act, and anyone receiving such a transfer cannot export or re-export the software without a license.
Please remember that all cryptographic software is classified as export-controlled by the U.S. Department of Commerce. If you are a citizen of the USA or Canada, or have permanent alien resident status in the U.S., you may legally download any cryptographic related material from this CD.. Users  are responsible for their actions concerning the downloading of encryption technologies over the Internet.
When in doubt, Dont do It......
 H A C K E R S  T O O L K I T
Copyright ⌐ 1998 Underground Inc.