
RICHARD METZGER - Creative Director

Tune In:
October 25, 1965 "I was born in a crossfire hurricane and I howled at my ma in the driving rain. But it's alright now, in fact it's a gas...' Double Scorpio with a Lucifer rising...

Turn Ons:
Yoko Ono, Marianne Faithfull, Pizzicato 5 , Burt Bacharach, Kenneth Anger, William Burroughs, Andy Warhol, Oliver Stone, Ann Magnuson, Auntie Mame, Valley of the Dolls, Terence McKenna, Brian Jones, Uncle Al, Jack Parsons and the high priestess of hip, who broke my heart in 23 places.

Freak Out in a Moonage Daydream:
The best place to hide something is right out in the open. No one ever thinks to look there.

Click here, I dare you.


TOM SPONTELLI - Publisher / Producer

Political Stance: Social Anarchist

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable."
-President John F. Kennedy
(Assasinated November 22, 1963)


ALAIN AVAKIAN - Technical Director, C++ Wiz

Alain, otherwise known as the "French Playboy" moved to Los Angeles from France in June '87. He received his B.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Mathematics from California State University Northridge. When he is not programming, he could be found spending that 2% extra time at Venice Beach where he loves to rollerblade, or playing Ice Hockey as a forward for the Lions of Burbank.

Sites of Interest:
CitySearch(Your entire community at one address), Silicon Toad's Hacking Resources, CyberSoft, 2600 Magazine, Anonymous mail through WWW, Official DefCON HomePage, Programming Languages, Java at SUN.

French, German, Italian, Geek, C/C++, ~Java, Lisp, Snobol, Prolog, APL, PLM386, Assembly, Basic, PERL, JavaScript, VBScript, ISAPI, ~NSAPI, blablablablabla....

"It is not enough to succeed, others must fail"
    --Serge Avakian


BRIAN PANG - Rythym Guitar, Vocals, Information Management, and all the other stuff

The Mayor of Bri-Town.
The Mayor of 

LEILA CONNERS - Associate Editor

Tracking political and social tides locally, and globally, for over a decade.

Likes to follow deep trends that manifest themselves, slowly, over time.

Hopes that communication, like the internet, will create new pockets of enlightenment; pockets that will foster more opportunities for peace.

Associate Editor/Syndications. Global Viewpoint, Los Angeles Times Syndicate. 1989-1996.
Associate Editor. New Perspectives Quarterly. 1989 -1996.
Translator. Millennium. By Jacques Attali. 1992.
Creator. Free Wei Jingsheng Website. 1995.
Host. Echo Communications. 1995 -1996.
Term Member. Council on Foreign Relations. 1995.
Member. Pacific Council on International Relations. 1996.

MICHAEL GLASS - Associate Editor

Mike Glass is a wandering eclectic who travels the world over in his capacity as an artist, writer, lecturer, entertainer, horticulturist, libertine and cultural archivist. Mr. Glass seeks out the strange, the interesting and the beautiful and finds inspiration in fancy palaces, swarming marketplaces, deserted streets and lonely fields. He is currently co-starring with Tony Ward and Ron Athey in filmmaker Bruce La Bruce's hit psychosexual thriller Hustler White, now in international release.

KEN FRICKLAS - Chief Technical Officer

A long time internet engineer and web activist, Ken has been involved in trying to save the earth via technical communication and the internet. He is primary developer, artist, engineer, and webmaster for E-Town Online, the avant-garde web magazine Alt-X and is a primary developer and coordinator of Boulder Community Network.

He is a frequent speaker in the Boulder, Colorado area on internet related subjects.

Sites under construction:
PrizeNet and the Christopher Moore Home Page.

Lousy home page:Here

Also available:A look at my desk

JEFF TAPPER - Reviewer, Quality Control

How happy are you?

Disinformation is a member of the Razorfish Subnetwork family of content offerings.

Design, production and hosting of Disinformation by Razorfish, Inc.

Jose Caballer - Designer
Neith C. Preston - HTML Goddess
Peter Mattei - Executive Producer, Razorfish Subnetwork
Chris Neitzert - Systems Administrator

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