TCL Scripts

Below, are files that you may find useful in building your eggdrop bots. If you need help, please click on the link to the help section, in the menu below.

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Date Added



Size (K)

Apr 17 '978ball0.3.tcl.gzThe 8ball Game2.2
Apr 17 '97add.tcl.gzAdd a user, give them ops and friends flags all in one command.1.2
Apr 17 '97addop.tcl.gzLets you add a user, and give them op status.0.7
Apr 17 '97addtcl.tcl.gzLets you either add a tcl to the bot config file or just source the tcl if you don't feel like having it forever.1.0
Apr 17 '97addtcl.tcl.fix.gzFix to addtcl.tcl.gz1.0
Apr 17 '97antiflud1.1.tcl.gzYou can use it on any bot of the botnet and it can still add and reject flud bots. It doesnt wait for them to try to flood it disconnects them as soon as they connect, and if it doesnt get them then it gets them later.0.6
Apr 17 '97antiidle.tcl.gzPrevents the bot from being idle0.4
Apr 17 '97autoaway.tcl.gzAutomatically sets the people away in the bot.0.5
Apr 17 '97away.tcl.gzAway Script0.6
Apr 17 '97bitchx.tcl.gzMakes your bot look like a BitchX client.2.4
Apr 17 '97botkick.tcl.gzMade to kick for certain commands.3.1
Apr 17 '97burrito1-0.tcl.gzThis tcl generates a web file from the userlist.2.1
Apr 17 '97calc2.0d.tcl.gzActs as a calculator3.4
Apr 17 '97chansay3.2.11.tcl.gzThis one does something!0.7
Apr 17 '97clone_detect-2.1b.tcl.gzClone Detector1.5