
Last Updated: April 10, 1996

Welcome to the 7th Sphere. This is the home of the 7th Sphere mIRC Script, the HPVAC shop, Grimreapa's IRC War Page and the Elite AOL Hacker Tribune. We will be hosting more related sites in the near future and will be using this domain to experiment with new ideas and subjects. The entire domain is under heavy construction so watch for frequent changes.

Featured Sites Site Description
7th Sphere mIRC Script This is the 7th Sphere mIRC Script Homepage. Download it and find out the lastest info on the Ultimate mIRC Script.
The HPVAC shop is a growing collection of Hacking, Phreaking, Virus, Anarchy, Cracking programs and text files. Check it out.
War Programs
The Ultimate IRC War Programs homepage is the #1 place to look for IRC War applications. Site maintained by GrimReapa.
Elite Hackers
ThE EliTe AoL UsEr TrIBuNe. LeRn HoW tO HaCK aNd hoW tO ReBooT tHe HoLe InTeRnEt!
The latest information about 7thSphere.com and 7th Sphere Enterprises
Coming Soon to 7thSphere.com!
Links to other cool sites on the WWW.

Graphics and HTML © 1997 7th Sphere Enterprises. No portion of this page may be used without expressed written permission.
mIRC © 1997 Khaled Mardem-Bey