
Thank You

First off, we would like to thank the following people. Rogue, Traderjac, CometBaby, Socrates, TerrorByte, Beavis, Darkstarz and Venum. If it wasn't for you guys, none of this would have been possible. Thank you. Our entire site is run off of your donations. This site is entirly self sufficient and no one is making money off of this. We will try to keep it free of Advertisement for as long as possible. Soon we may offer webspace and e-mail accounts to help support the site, look below for more information.


We may be soon be offering e-mail and WWW accounts on 7thSphere.com. We are not 100% sure if we are going to, but these may be some possibilities. Don't bug us asking for accounts right now, we are only giving them to a few people. Also, we will not be offering Telnet accounts EVER so don't even ask. These prices aren't set yet, but are possibilities. All sites will be advertised on the main www.7thsphere.com page. That mean's appoxamately 1000 hits per day (and growing fast) exposure.

Account Description Term Pricing
E-Mail Alias. yourname@7thsphere.com -> your@address.com One Month 5$ US Funds
E-Mail Alias. yourname@7thsphere.com -> your@address.com Three Months 15$ US Funds
E-Mail Alias. yourname@7thsphere.com -> your@address.com One Year 60$ US Funds
POP3 E-Mail account. yourname@7thsphere.com One Month 10$ US Funds
POP3 E-Mail account. yourname@7thsphere.com Three Months 30$ US Funds
POP3 E-Mail account. yourname@7thsphere.com One Year 120$ US Funds
WWW Account. 5 Megs www.7tsphere.com/yourname/ One Month 10$ US Funds
WWW Account. 5 Megs www.7tsphere.com/yourname/ Three Months 30$ US Funds
WWW Account. 5 Megs www.7tsphere.com/yourname/ One Year 120$ US Funds


Many people have been mailing us asking for banners so they can post links to these pages. Here are a few that I made in a matter of a few minutes. Were not artists so if you think you can make a better banner for this site, e-mail webmaster@7thsphere.com We will post them here with the others. Any link to this page is appreciated, but no linking to any of the files on this domain is allowed without our permession, e-mail us first.

7th Sphere Enterprises

Name Position E-Mail
precursor President precursor@7thsphere.com
Venum Vice-President venum@7thsphere.com
Rhad Software Devoloper rhad@7thsphere.com
Magus Web Devolopment magus@7thsphere.com
Lawny Head of Technical Support lawny@7thsphere.com
Darkstarz Legal Advice darkstarz@7thsphere.com

Graphics and HTML © 1997 7th Sphere Enterprises. No portion of this page may be used without expressed written permission.