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Deep fried Camembert with Cranberry Sauce

Fillets of Fish with Lemon and Pepper Sauce
Pasta Herb Salad With Shrimps

Red Leicester And Herb Souffle

Tipsy Melon and Strawberries

Tofu Spring Rolls

  main couses
Bacon & Blue Cheese Pasta Bake

Cheesy Tenderlean Pork Chops with Rice

Chinese Sea Bass Parcels

Creamy Vegetable Bake

Lancashire Hot Pot

Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Garlic Butter

Salmon Steak with Red Pepper Sauce

Smoked Haddock and Apple Puff
Spinach and Potato Pancake with Crispy Crusted Cod

Steak with Mushroom and Red wine sauce

Apple and Cinnamon Scones

Black Forest Pavlova

Chocolate & Pear Cheesecake

Raspberry Syllabub

Lychee and Lime Sorbet
Lychee and Lime Sorbet
ID Overall preparation time: 200 min
Serves: 6
Description: An ideal aperitif, dessert or palate cleanser to be served between courses for a special occasion.
Per serving: 121 calories , 0 (g) of fat
500g (1lb) lychees, peeled and stoned
grated rind and juice of 3 limes
75g (3oz) caster sugar
3 tablespoons clear honey
Place the lime rind and juice in a saucepan with the sugar and honey.  Stir over a moderate heat until the sugar has dissolved. 

Place the lychees and lime syrup in a blender and blend until smooth. 

Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and process following the manufacturers guidelines. Alternatively, pour into a freezer-proof container and freeze for 2-3 hours, stirring every � - 1 hour to break up the ice crystals. 

Remove from the freezer 30 minutes before serving. 
For an exciting twist to the recipe, add 1-2 red chillies with most of the seeds removed to the lychees before blending for a deliciousheatto the sorbet.

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