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  The Expand Menu - Gateway to the Second Level (Detailed Text):
    The second level contains a more detailed description of the item
    displayed in the scrollable list. This more detailed description is
    called a long entry. You can access the second level by pressing the
    ENTER key or press the E for Expand while the menu highlight is
    positioned over the desired item. If the entry is long enough, you can
    scroll through it using the up and down arrow keys. The line indicator,
    in the lower right corner of the display window, shows the relative
    location of the current screen within the long entry text. Any time
    you are viewing a long entry, you can press the gray plus key to move
    immediately to the next entry, or the gray minus to move to the pre-
    vious long entry. The gray keys are located on the numeric pad.

    Press ESC to return to the first level (list of short entries) or
    you can use the F10 or Hot-Key to toggle between the long entry
    and your work. You may wish to leave an image of the long entry on
    the screen when you return to your work. To do this press ALT-I.
    It is best to have the screen in half-screen mode when you do this.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Welcome to Expert Help What's in the Expert Help Package System Requirements Expert Help Engine - Features and Technical Specifications Hypertext Databases - Technical Specifications Installing Expert Help Running Expert Help A Quick Start The Text Display Window Summary of the Pull Down Menus Using a Hypertext Database Related Topics How to Order Expert Help
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson