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  Installing Expert Help:

    Expert Help can be installed and run in any directory. The Hypertext
    Databases must be kept in the same directory as the Search Engine.

    For this discussion, we will assume that EH is the destination
    directory for Expert Help and that you are logged on to C:\EH.

    Place floppy disk into drive A and type,

                              COPY A:\*.*

                  followed by pressing the ENTER key.

    We suggest that you place C:\EH in your path statement within the
    autoexec.bat file. This will allow the Search Engine to be loaded
    from any directory.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Welcome to Expert Help What's in the Expert Help Package System Requirements Expert Help Engine - Features and Technical Specifications Hypertext Databases - Technical Specifications Running Expert Help A Quick Start The Text Display Window Summary of the Pull Down Menus Using a Hypertext Database The Expand Menu Related Topics How to Order Expert Help
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson