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 Several Host Mode configuration settings are kept in a file called
 'HOST.CNF'. The first time you run the Host Mode script, it
 will not find this file, and automatically run the host Mode
 configuration script 'HCONFIG', which will created the needed
 file and allow you to change the default values. At any time
 in the future, you should run HCONFIG when you need to config-
 ure the Host Mode. HCONFIG will present you with the following

     A: Level One access password. This is the password that
        callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
        Host Mode and have Level One access.

     B: Level two access password. This is the password that
        callers must successfully enter to be admitted to the
        Host Mode and have Level Two (Sysop) access.

     C: DOS shell password. This is the password that users of
        the Host Mode have to enter to use the Remote DOS Shell

     D: Shut down Host Mode password. This is the password that
        callers must enter to shut down the Host Mode, when
        they press Ctrl-Z.

     E: Host Download Directory. Level 1 access callers will
        only be able to download (have Telix send them) files
        that are in this directory. As well, the 'F'iles com-
        mand will show them only the contents of this direc-
        tory. Do not under any circumstances define this direc-
        tory to the same name as the directory you run Telix
        in. If you did that, callers could download the Host
        Mode configuration file, which is stored there, and see
        your passwords. Level 2 access callers may specify any
        download path, but this is the default.

     F: Host Upload Directory. Level 1 access callers will only
        be able to upload (send to Telix) files into this di-
        rectory. Level 2 access callers can specify any path,
        but files will go here by default.

     G: Connection type. This can be either 'Modem' or
        'Direct'. Use 'Modem' if your host system is being ac-
        cessed through a modem, or 'Direct' if two computers
        are hard-wired. This stops Telix from trying to ini-
        tialize a non-existent modem. or trying to determine
        the caller's baud.

 There is one other important parameter which must be properly
 set for Host Mode operation. This is the Auto Answer string,
 which is defined in the 'Modem and dialing' page of the Con-
 figuration Menu. This string is sent to the modem when Telix
 enters Host Mode, and should make the modem able to pick up
 the phone when it rings. The default string is set up for
 Hayes compatible modems. It is:

           'AT X1 S0=1|M'       where

           AT        is the modem attention code.
           X1        tells the modem to reply with extended re-
                     sult codes. This means the modem indicates
                     the caller's baud rate.
           S0=1      tells the modem to answer after one ring.

           M        sends  the   terminating  Carriage  Return

See Also: common modem problems modem and dialing settings
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson