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 Pressing Alt-P allows you to change the Communications Parame-
 ters. This is the format in which Telix sends data over the
 modem, and expects to receive it in. After pressing Alt-P a
 window is displayed with the current parameters at the top,
 and the options in the rest of the window. To change a value
 press the letter of the setting you want.

             +-| Comm Parameters -----------------+
             |                                    |
             | Current: 2400,N,8,1,COM1           |
             |                                    |
             |  Speed         Parity         Data |
             |                                    |
             | A: 300         J: None        Q: 7 |
             | B: 1200        K: Even        R: 8 |
             | C: 2400        L: Odd              |
             | D: 4800        M: Mark        Stop |
             | E: 9600        N: Space            |
             | F: 19200                      S: 1 |
             | F: 38400                      T: 2 |
             | F: 57600       O: N-8-1            |
             | F: 115200      P: E-7-1            |
             |                                    |
             | 1: COM1  3: COM3  5: COM5  7: COM7 |
             | 2: COM2  4: COM4  6: COM6  8: COM8 |
             |                                    |
             | Choice, or <Enter> to exit?        |

 There are a number of parameters that can be changed. The baud
 rate is the speed that you want to communicate at (it should
 really be called bps rate, which stands for bits per second.
 1200 baud and 2400 baud are the two most common speeds in use,
 and represent about 120 and 240 characters per second, respec-
 tively. Baud rates all the way up to 115200 are supported by
 Telix, however a fast PC is needed for the higher rates (a
 stock 4.77 MHz XT can handle 9600 and possibly 19200 baud,
 higher rates need an AT class computer). Parity is a form of
 error checking. Allowable parities are None, Even, and Odd.
 Data bits is the number of bits in each character. Allowable
 values are 7 and 8. Finally, the number of stop bits parameter
 can be set to either 1 or 2. The most common format for BBS
 use is a baud rate of 1200 or 2400, 8 data bits, no parity,
 and 1 stop bit. On many large networks such as Compuserve, the
 data format used is E71.

 The communications parameters menu also allows you to select
 the communications port you want to use. Note that by default
 only the first four comm ports are defined (the last four are
 duplicates of COM1).

 Changing any parameters changes them only for the duration of
 the current communications session. If you want a set of pa-
 rameters to be the default when you start Telix, use the Telix
 Configuration Menu.

See Also: parity stop bits terminal options
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson