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 While in terminal mode, pressing the Alt-Z sequence will
 switch you to a help screen showing you a summary of all the
 available commands. If the key for a command is pressed while
 the help screen is still on, the screen will be turned off and
 the command will be executed.

 On the bottom of the help/status screen is some information
 regarding some current settings and the status of the current
 connection, as follows (in slightly compressed form).

 | Time..10:39:00   Online .... No      | Capture...Off       |
 | Date..06-29-88                       | Printer...Off       |
 | Baud..2400       Terminal .. VT102   | Script....None      |
 | Comm..N,8,1      Port ...... COM1    | Reg. Key..TELIX.KEY |
 | Echo..Off        Add LF .... Off     | Dial Dir..TELIX.FON |

 Items included are: the current time and date, the connect
 status, the elapsed time for the call in progress, the current
 communications parameters, the state of the capture file and
 printer, the currently executing script file (if there is
 one),  the current dialing directory, the current keyboard
 macro definition file, and a few other items.

 Telix has an optional status line which may be displayed at
 the bottom or top of the screen (it may be controlled via the
 Telix Configuration Menu, or toggled on/off by pressing Alt-8
 in terminal mode). The status lines displays the current
 communications setting such as baud rate and parity, the
 state of the Capture file, whether or not the printer is on,
 the currently executing script file (scripts are explained
 elsewhere), and whether Telix is On-line or Off-line.

See Also: terminal mode
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson