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Function            FORMLETR()
Action              Interactive formletter and mailmerge utility
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              FORMLETTER([array],[array])
Description         Provides a menu driven interface to the
                    creation, modification and merging of form
                    letters with DBFs.
Options             Two arrays may be passed - array 1 is an array
                    of allowable field names. Array two is an array
                    of field descriptions. All fields are used as
                    a default, with field names being the default
                    field descriptions.
                    USE CUSTOMER
                    private flds[3],fdes[3]
                    flds[1] = "fname"
                    flds[2] = "lname"
                    flds[3] = "mi"
                    fdes[1] = "First Name"
                    fdes[2] = "Last Name"
                    fdes[3] = "Middle Initial"
                    USE CUSTOMER

Warnings            Key -9 is unset on exit (F10)
                    Key -1 is unset on exit (F2)
                    Key 23 is unset on exit (F1)
                    Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_FORML.PRG

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