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Function            FILEREAD()
Action              Lists a text file of unlimited size
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              FILEREAD([expN1],[expN2],[expN3],[expN4],[expC])
Description         Lists a text file [expC] of unlimited size in a user
                    definable window. [expN1..expN4]  (top,left bottom,
                    right) Allows up down right left scrolling. I use this
                    for reports or output sent to a disk file.
Options             If [expN1..expN4] are not passed, a default of
                    window of dimensions 2,2,22,78 is used. If no
                    filename [expC] is passed, a popup picklist is
                    used to get a file name from the current
                    REPORT FORM summary TO summary.txt

Notes               Unlimited file size. Won't bomb like memoedit.
                    However, not nearly as fast as memoedit and
                    no editing capabilities.

                    Fileread uses a 98% Clipper code routine to
                    list text files.
Warning             Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_FILER.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson