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 FT_DBFHAND()     Obtain the handle associated with an open .DBF file.
 FT_DBTHAND()     Obtain the handle associated with an open .DBT file.
 FT_FDEC()        Return the number of decimals in a numeric (type "N") field.
 FT_FEMPTY()      Determine if a field is empty, i.e., contains no value.
 FT_FEXIST()      Check for the existence of a field.
 FT_FLEN()        Return a field's length.
 FT_FNUM()        Return a field's ordinal position given the field name.
 FT_FPLACE()      Write a new value to a field.
 FT_FTYPE()       Return a field's type, given field name or ordinal position
 FT_FVAL()        Return the value of a field.
 FT_FVALLEN()     Return the length of the value in a field.
 FT_NTXHAND()     Obtain the handle associated with an open .NTX file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson