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 Obtain the handle associated with an open .NTX file.


     FT_NTXHand( <nOrderNum> ) -> nHandle


    <nOrderNum> is a numeric value indicating the active index for which
    the handle is to be obtained.


   The file handle, or zero if no .NTX is open in the specified
   work area or if <nOrderNum> does not represent an open index.


   For your own twisted reasons you may need make direct use of the
   file handle associated with an index.  This function gives you
   that capability, but use it with care and don't blame me if you
   botch something up.

   By default this function works on the current work area, but can be
   made to work on any work area through the use of the standard Clipper
   alias operator.

   Be aware that this function makes use of Clipper's internal work
   area information which is subject to change in future versions of
   Clipper.  If this makes you uncomfortable then don't use this function,
   you gutless weasel.

   This function is written to adhere to Turbo Assembler's IDEAL mode.
   To use another assembler, rearrange the SEGMENT and PROC directives
   and make any other necessary changes to the source code.


     // Get the handle for the second index

     QOut( FT_NTXHand( 2 ) )

     // Try a non-current work area

     nHandle := THISFILE->( FT_NTXHand( 1 ) )

     // This will return zero because only 15 indexes can be active

     nHandle := THATFILE->( FT_NTXHand( 22 ) )


 Author: Ted Means

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson