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 Return calendar, fiscal or accounting day data


      FT_DAYOFYR( [ <dGivenDate> ], [ <nDayNum> ], [ <lIsAcct> ] )
             -> aDateInfo


     <dGivenDate> is any valid date in any valid format.  Defaults
     to current system date if not supplied.

     <nDayNum> is a number from 1 to 371, signifying a day of a year.
     Defaults to current day if not supplied.

     <lIsAcct> is a logical which specifies the type of year to base
     the return value on:  .F. = calendar or fiscal year,
     .T. = accounting year.


     A three element array containing the following data:

        If <nDayNum> is specified:

        aDateInfo[1] - The date of the specified day number
        aDateInfo[2] - The beginning date of the year
        aDateInfo[3] - The ending date of the year

        If <nDayNum> is not specified:

        aDateInfo[1] - The year and day as a character string "YYYYDDD"
        aDateInfo[2] - The beginning date of the year
        aDateInfo[3] - The ending date of the year


     FT_DAYOFYR() returns an array containing data about a day in the
     calendar or fiscal year containing the given date.

     The beginning of year date defaults to January 1st but may be
     changed with FT_DATECNFG().


     aDateInfo := FT_DAYOFYR( CTOD("03/31/91") )
     ? aDateInfo[1]        // 1991090    (90th day of year 1991)
     ? aDateInfo[2]        // 01/01/91
     ? aDateInfo[3]        // 12/31/91

     aDateInfo := FT_DAYOFYR( , 90 )    // assume current date is 3/31/91
     ? aDateInfo[1]        // 03/31/91    (90th day of year)
     ? aDateInfo[2]        // 01/01/91
     ? aDateInfo[3]        // 12/31/91

     aDateInfo := FT_DAYOFYR( , 90, .T. )
     ? aDateInfo[1]        // 03/29/91    (90th day of accounting year)
     ? aDateInfo[2]        // 12/30/90    (1st day of accounting year)
     ? aDateInfo[3]        // 12/28/91    (last day of accounting year)


 Author: Jo W. French dba Practical Computing

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